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We really need to legalize marijuana...

Anything that hurts a human being is haram. When the Mehdi or the end of the world is near, even smoking will be haram. My advice, don't spoil your life with charas, cocaine, heroin, coke, shrooms or maurijauna. Maurijauna is widely consumed in Canada by the way.
listen my Punjabi is not great but seriously I understand it quite well... What are you saying?
Either I have lost my brains or ur speaking some new dialect :P

You are not a Punjabi yourself ? :o:

I thought Gufi was Punjabi and Daffy Duck was a Kashmiri ! :(

I can understand Punjabi quite well too but I wasn't brought up to speak it so mine's pretty darn atrocious ! :ashamed:
You are not a Punjabi yourself ? :o:
Kashmiri in Lahore...
I can understand Punjabi quite well too but I wasn't brought up to speak it so mine's pretty darn atrocious ! :ashamed:
lol pretty much the same case read what you wrote and tell me what you understand :pop: if i can understand Nusrat and his Punjabi songs I think i should get what you are saying :cray:
Kashmiri in Lahore...

My Kinsman !


Butt, Mir, Dar, Khawja, Sheikh, Wanchoo - What ? :azn:

lol pretty much the same case read what you wrote and tell me what you understand :pop: if i can understand Nusrat and his Punjabi songs I think i should get what you are saying :cray:

I wrote that Arains can't do a dhamal anyhow ! :ashamed:

@XenoEnsi-14 - Hows life treating you my Brother ? :cheers:
I can't remember ever hearing of marijuana being illegal, let alone any such law being enforced. Besides, the more pressing problem in Pakistan is heroin. That's a problem we'll only come to realise the horrors of even more as Pakistan develops.

The economics of it are a very distant consideration; we are a dry country after all when perhaps we could make some good money through the production and sale of alcohol. But we consider drugs and alcohol to be social evils that rip apart the very fabric of a society so we don't allow their production or consumption in Pakistan.

If marijuana really has veritable medical benefits then perhaps we can think about legalizing it the way certain drugs are controlled but their sales are legalized.

If on the other hand its just an intoxicant with little medical benefits to show for - I'm all for a ban and its diligent enforcement.

Rastaman ! :enjoy:

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As far as UK laws are concerned, I'm an advocate of legalization of marijuana. It would do an immense amount of good.
Right now, in the UK, main problem with weed is that it's sold by and dealt by gangs and petty criminals, all illicit. Which is why it's so exceedingly easy for kids to get their hands on it, and it's also easy for those same kids to be pressured or introduced to far worse drugs which they did not intend to use, it's the whole effect of the environment weed is dealt in, it's filled with the entire market for drugs including worse drugs.

An idea might be to treat weed like we treat cigarettes. Tax them, regulate the supply, by regulate I mean; the actual chemical content and that it's only sold to adults who are responsible for their own health. It would also benefit by taking the gang/criminal element out of the equation, it would starve a lot of the informal market's funds, you'd also have less policing and costs associated with it.

Last of all, kids and adults alike will be smoking this drug no matter what kind of laws are in place to prevent it. The laws have failed. At least with legalization you get a lot of side benefits, and if you want to limit consumption, you do it in a conventional manner; tax, plain packaging, restrict supply, apply stringent regulation... and you go some way in keeping it away from kids.
In the UK they just introduced a new law in my area about driving and cannabis. It won't be legalized anytime soon here.

In the UK they just introduced a new law in my area about driving and cannabis. It won't be legalized anytime soon here.

Yaara seriously one gora benchod runs over a little girl and they blame it on cannabis.
Thousands of black and brown people smoke weed and drive all the time including myself and we never crash.
As far as UK laws are concerned, I'm an advocate of legalization of marijuana. It would do an immense amount of good.
Right now, in the UK, main problem with weed is that it's sold by and dealt by gangs and petty criminals, all illicit. Which is why it's so exceedingly easy for kids to get their hands on it, and it's also easy for those same kids to be pressured or introduced to far worse drugs which they did not intend to use, it's the whole effect of the environment weed is dealt in, it's filled with the entire market for drugs including worse drugs.

An idea might be to treat weed like we treat cigarettes. Tax them, regulate the supply, by regulate I mean; the actual chemical content and that it's only sold to adults who are responsible for their own health. It would also benefit by taking the gang/criminal element out of the equation, it would starve a lot of the informal market's funds, you'd also have less policing and costs associated with it.

Last of all, kids and adults alike will be smoking this drug no matter what kind of laws are in place to prevent it. The laws have failed. At least with legalization you get a lot of side benefits, and if you want to limit consumption, you do it in a conventional manner; tax, plain packaging, restrict supply, apply stringent regulation... and you go some way in keeping it away from kids.

I see where you're coming from but I think that such would apply to every drug or in fact to any method of regulation out there - People find a way as they always have. For even as far as legalization with high taxes is concerned you've got an alternative like the black marketing of the item. So I think we shouldn't accommodate expediency as much as we try to come up with a well-oiled system to curb the supply in the society of all those items we've chosen to restrict the supply of.

Now If marijuana is a drug and I don't really know whether it is or it isn't because frankly it hasn't really figured into my area of interests till now to know more about it, then it ought to be banned and the ban rigorously imposed.

If on the other hand its not a drug and its just a weed then a proper cost-to-benefit analysis ought to be carried out whether smoking it poses any harmful health effects or not ? If it does; I'd rather another cigarette-esque thing not be made available in the society but if it isn't then fine sell it at roadside kiosks.
Since when did drugs become part of our culture ? Charsis are considered low lives even today... It's called a "G...u Nasha" ..

Also it isn't halal .. some fake qalanderi faqirs who claim its makruh is total BS!

In Islam any sort of substance than has an intoxicating effect is haram.. And yes the laws are strict.. Try snuggling half a kilo of hashish .. Even from Peshawar to Lahore ? Yes cops usually take bribes when you guys get caught with a few cigs.. But you are pretty much f..me if you are caught with more shit.

Totally agree with you, just look at charsis sitting in a circle and doing their ritual tells a lot about their condition.

And the fun part is give them some sugary material to eat afterwards and wait for it to click in and then enjoy their company and laughing :D

And legally in Pakistan you cannot carry "chars" but you can smoke it. Anyone who is keen on becoming a "charsi" needs to make sure he is not caught with "chars" on him.

To pro charsi fellows here have a nice 120km chars / garda to become a :crazy_pilot:.:agree:
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Legalize it it for medicinal purposes, then okay, as long as it's difficult to acquire and can only be acquired through doctors permission. But honestly, lowlifes do it and kids who don't even have a dime in their pocket. In Bangladesh folk singers buy mohini (type of weed in BD), but they way they make their roach is complicated.

It makes you lazy and dumb.
Legalize it it for medicinal purposes, then okay, as long as it's difficult to acquire and can only be acquired through doctors permission. But honestly, lowlifes do it and kids who don't even have a dime in their pocket. In Bangladesh folk singers buy mohini (type of weed in BD), but they way they make their roach is complicated.

It makes you lazy and dumb.

I've heard about this mohini thing from Syheti friends in East London. I think you smoke in a cigarette like in Pakistan.

Skunk is genetically modified indoor grown cannabis and that makes you lazy and dumb and may cause psychosis. Skunk should be illegal while natural marijuana should be allowed for medical use.

This is what I smoke. Its imported from Thailand.


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