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we must go for disintegration of Pakistan,break-up into pieces-Swamy on ceasefire violation

Whatever our differences we hate you dot-heads more. :rofl:
not true... I have met afghan Pakistanis and they hate Pakistan hardcore.. Punjabi Pakistani many of them the real Punjabi ones hate Pakistanis and regret the mistake their ancestors did.. I aint talking bhaiya production Urdu speaking ones .. you can have them in your Urdu desh
when we are already evil why not show them how the evil baniya brahmin martian budhi works like. We are already labelled evil why refrain.
not true... I have met afghan Pakistanis and they hate Pakistan hardcore.. Punjabi Pakistani many of them the real Punjabi ones hate Pakistanis and regret the mistake their ancestors did.. I aint talking bhaiya production Urdu speaking ones .. you can have them in your Urdu desh
urdudesh :omghaha:

urduistan is also good :lol:
If it is for disintegration of Pakistan it cannot be done militarily.

But i was to disintegrate it
  • Make the world reduce the FDI
  • Purchase pakistani products and rebrand them as indian (oh yeah we can do that)
  • Finish off small traders of pakistani exports by reducing pofit margins
  • Give a clear message to world either you have your market or pakistani market.
  • Alienation on the basis of terrorism policies
  • Give a clear statement to regions in Pakistan that we will deal with them not pakistani government if they are independent and will open doors for market and will aid and support them once they are independent.
Wars are no longer fought in battlefields they are fought in market. Example USSR was disintegrated because of economy not because of military. You can force a person for resolution but you have to show them a better life.

:lol: Indian geography combine with tough survival cycle(1.3 billion to sustain in cramped geography), energy hungry with energy routes in other nations etc doesnt allow it any hegemonic leverage heck no country in the region has that including china, It was only USA that was so influential because of it was isolated from sipllovers and had excellent resource to population ratio, but Indian urban class dont think that way they need self confidence to get out of some historical baggage.
not true... I have met afghan Pakistanis and they hate Pakistan hardcore.. Punjabi Pakistani many of them the real Punjabi ones hate Pakistanis and regret the mistake their ancestors did.. I aint talking bhaiya production Urdu speaking ones .. you can have them in your Urdu desh


Pashtuns hate Sikhs. Punjabis hate Sikhs. And both hate hindus even more. If anything we try to teach you about Golden Temple, but you Sikhs are used to being beghairats.


Pajamay paun wali kaum.

Pakistan is already in the breaking up process......India need not go for the disintegration of Pakistan


ban this false flag.. Thanks.
not true... I have met afghan Pakistanis and they hate Pakistan hardcore.. Punjabi Pakistani many of them the real Punjabi ones hate Pakistanis and regret the mistake their ancestors did.. I aint talking bhaiya production Urdu speaking ones .. you can have them in your Urdu desh
Lolzz so whoz gonna teach them about nationalism teri chachi aye ge :p:p i am pakhtoon and i love my country more then anything else 1st i am Pakistani then i am pakhtun. Pehle hindu qom se apni maa beti ka badla lo golden temple wala then come and talk about disintegration of Pakistan. :D:D
Lolzz so whoz gonna teach them about nationalism teri chachi aye ge :p:p i am pakhtoon and i love my country more then anything else 1st i am Pakistani then i am pakhtun. Pehle hindu qom se apni maa beti ka badla lo golden temple wala then come and talk about disintegration of Pakistan. :D:D
then you aint pashtoon.. from hindus we already did took badla in whole decades of 80s. you aint a pashtoon if you were you would have some ghairat as real pashtoons afghanis not fake pakistanis
  • After disintegrating Pakistan I hope India gets along with all 50+ terrorist organizations which are active in Pakistan and I'm yet to mention the tons terrorists organization which are operating in Afghanistan and in Mid East.
  • And I hope they endure the 30 million armed Pakistani civilians. And millions of armed weapons which will comes into the hands of terrorists after disintegration of Pakistan.
  • And I hope they live happily with all the intelligence organizations of different countries which are active in the region (Afghanistan and Pakistan) and doing their proxy wars.
  • And I hope that they survive the disastrous catastrophe of a nuclear warfare which is likely to happen if any misadventure happens in Pakistan or if any regional instability occurs.
  • I hope they are well prepared of the thousands of other terrorists organizations which will arrive in region after disintegration of Pakistan.
  • I hope they will tackle CIA and all other intelligence organizations which will look towards india for their proxies after disintegration of Pakistan.
  • I hope India will bear all the frightening situation which will be created after the regional instability followed by disintegration of Pakistan.
  • I hope they survive after Pakistan's disintegration coz the region will automatically going to be converted into war zone for different terrorists organization and different countries.
  • I hope, they over comes the hunger, poverty, malnutrition, growing rapes incidence and toilet deficiency and other major problems in india. Which will gonna be impossible to handle after regional instability.
  • I hope that they control several separatist movements which are active in india. And which will increase further after the Giants like CIA and China comes into act.
  • And at last before ending my comment I pray for the mental stability of this swamy and I hope all indians comes out of fantasy world and starts to accept the ground reality which is quite different from what they are perceiving.

Pashtuns hate Sikhs. Punjabis hate Sikhs. And both hate hindus even more. If anything we try to teach you about Golden Temple, but you Sikhs are used to being beghairats.

Pajamay paun wali kaum.


ban this false flag.. Thanks.

pashtoons don't hate Sikh.. I meet many in Canada daily majority are pro indian. I mean the real ones not fake half breeds. posting propaganda pictures prove nothing as Punjab police is majority Sikhs. and Sikhs themselves killed more than 25000 hindus those years of insurgency. pajama is much better than shlawar kamig anyday... which my ancestors made you wear it and you very proudly wear it to this day
then you aint pashtoon.. from hindus we already did took badla in whole decades of 80s. you aint a pashtoon if you were you would have some ghairat as real pashtoons afghanis not fake pakistanis
who are you to claim that Pakthuns are not patriotic Pakistanis. Dude use your brain, the Pakistanis who hate india most are pakthuns and balochis. Even afghanis like Pakistan , just look how many afghanis are living in Pakistan. There is about 1/3 rd of total afghan population of world are currently living in Pakistan.
then you aint pashtoon.. from hindus we already did took badla in whole decades of 80s. you aint a pashtoon if you were you would have some ghairat as real pashtoons afghanis not fake pakistanis
Oyeee terii khair pakistan gave us respect and we reciprocate. And What did hindus done to you was extremely humiliating and here you are teaching me ghairat :p:p:p pehle golden temple da badla lay lay kakay wat ghairat de gal karin
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