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we must go for disintegration of Pakistan,break-up into pieces-Swamy on ceasefire violation

This is not a good idea...If Pakistan gets disintegrated, then India will be exposed to the Jihadi people from Afganistan and further West...The best thing for India is to leave Pakistan alone...Because Pakistan acts as a buffer state for India to stop all these entremist people to get access to India....And again, we need a stable and successful Pakistan, it is good for us in long run...

That does not even make sense. If pakistan becomes smaller nation states there will be at least 2 separate nations between India and Afghanistan :cheesy: .......Not to mention the HUGE fence at the Indian border. How on earth will it affect India ?
Guys there are lot of indians out here on this forum

who try to act balanced secular and modern and earn priases from pakistanis
though that is not a problem the problem is they dont call spade a spade

they should form a new party


Not as big as the hole she left in your map........

if not the People of Bangladesh wanted themselves to be seperated?was it even possible under any possible force from india?

we had our own mistake incase of Bangladesh and with those mistakes,the seperation of bangladesh was inevitable
Guys there are lot of indians out here on this forum

who try to act balanced secular and modern and earn priases from pakistanis
though that is not a problem the problem is they dont call spade a spade

they should form a new party

Whether India acts as a catalyst (highly unlikely) or it happens by itself, further balkanization of India's North West is a formidable threat to India's very own national security. One does not need to be a secular or a praiseworthy to the Pakistanis to understand this simple fact; common sense is enough. If one lacks it one may refer to the pre-partition British documents about the region and their assessment which is critically relevant and more apt today. There is no reason to take shot at something which most of the Indians here have no idea at all and act like key board bouncers.
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And got so many holes in her body. In addition to the one she had naturally.

Many great leaders do die a violent death..may that be M.K Gandhi or JFK...but it is what they do in their life time, that makes them immortal.

Unfortunately for you, what makes her immortal, is what will haunt you forever.

Offcourse Pakistanis could not hurt her in her life time..but now and then some of them like to shovel shit on her to her grave to massage their severely bruised egos.

if not the People of Bangladesh wanted themselves to be seperated?was it even possible under any possible force from india?

we had our own mistake incase of Bangladesh and with those mistakes,the seperation of bangladesh was inevitable

Every one has a 20/20 hindsight.

If West Pakistanis already knew ..creation of Bangladesh was inevitable, why kill and rape so many East Pakistanis and then declare war on India to prevent it?
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