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we must go for disintegration of Pakistan,break-up into pieces-Swamy on ceasefire violation

Its easier than you think. There is plenty of guns in pakistan and all they need is a good cause. I am sure we can give them than and some more.

As for your plans for India. ... You know what this is ? :coffee:

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ok...... :coffee:

Are you Indians really this dumb? All gun owners in Pakistan are gonna want independence? And since when did guns stop a independence movement from being crushed?
Its easier than you think. There is plenty of guns in pakistan and all they need is a good cause. I am sure we can give them than and some more.

As for your plans for India. ... You know what this is ? :coffee:

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ok...... :coffee:

There will be all kinds of asymmetric attacks on pakistan in the near future. Of that I am certain.

Economic is just one kind. There are others.
We have done it once before, we can certainly do it again. :disagree: That is a certainty. This time Afghanistan too stands with us. Not to mention the US.

You have been trying your best. It has got you nowhere except made you into a terrorist state.

Now its our turn. I don't see why you are sobbing about it.

I really don't care BD is better than pak or pak is better. I only care about repeating that experiment for the betterment of India.

We have done it once before, we can certainly do it again. :disagree: That is a certainty. This time Afghanistan too stands with us. Not to mention the US.
What can you do again? Bangladesh was never meant to be part of Pakistan, different culture, different everything. I do agree that the incompetence and mistakes of some of Pakistan's leaders were also a cause of the Bangladesh separation.
Now, what can you do again? Separate Balochistan? Not as easy as you think. Pakistan learns from its mistakes.

And look at your allies.
Afghanistan? Hahahaha.
The US? They'll use you and then discard you like a piece of toilet paper.

You have been trying your best. It has got you nowhere except made you into a terrorist state.
Now its our turn. I don't see why you are sobbing about it.
Terrorist state, yeah right. "Failed state, Terrorist state" oh bhai, state teri koi begam hai? People who use those 'terms' usually don't know what they mean.
And Pakistan hasn't tried anything yet. Siding with the US during the Soviet and US invasion of Afghanistan is what brought terrorism to Pakistan. And we're pushing it out. By the next decade, terrorism will be a thing of the past in Pakistan.
India has been having it's turn ever since Pakistan was created. You keep creating hostility then asking for peace, helping terrorism then crying when it bites you back. You people learned well from Israel but such methods don't work forever.

I really don't care BD is better than pak or pak is better. I only care about repeating that experiment for the betterment of India.
I sure hope no one else wants to repeat that 'experiment'. Such shenanigans will be the downfall of India.
i'm aware of that , which is why we must prepare for a war against you guys once isis takes control over your nuclear weapons we would be left with no option but to eradicate you from the face of earth

And once the Doxsians from Jupiter come for revenge against Modi for stealing their precious mineral OpenDefecamite, we will have to nuke India.
Are you Indians really this dumb? All gun owners in Pakistan are gonna want independence? And since when did guns stop a independence movement from being crushed?

Kills and counter killings and vendettas have a life of their own :disagree: .... all it requires is for critical mass to be reached before the society degenerates. Are you there yet ? .... if not, how much help do you need ?
Kills and counter killings and vendettas have a life of their own :disagree: .... all it requires is for critical mass to be reached before the society degenerates. Are you there yet ? .... if not, how much help do you need ?

Isn't there already a vendetta culture in Khalistan and Kashmir ? You're there yet. Hehe
What can you do again? Bangladesh was never meant to be part of Pakistan, different culture, different everything. I do agree that the incompetence and mistakes of some of Pakistan's leaders were also a cause of the Bangladesh separation.
Now, what can you do again? Separate Balochistan? Not as easy as you think. Pakistan learns from its mistakes.
And look at your allies.
Afghanistan? Hahahaha.
The US? They'll use you and then discard you like a piece of toilet paper.

Our best allies are the people of pakistan themselves :lol: Other are just bonus.

Terrorist state, yeah right. "Failed state, Terrorist state" oh bhai, state teri koi begam hai? People who use those 'terms' usually don't know what they mean.
And Pakistan hasn't tried anything yet. Siding with the US during the Soviet and US invasion of Afghanistan is what brought terrorism to Pakistan. And we're pushing it out. By the next decade, terrorism will be a thing of the past in Pakistan.
India has been having it's turn ever since Pakistan was created. You keep creating hostility then asking for peace, helping terrorism then crying when it bites you back. You people learned well from Israel but such methods don't work forever.

You can spin it anyway you want. Reality is that the world sees you as a terrorist state. We are certain these methods will work with pakistan, if not, there are other methods.

I sure hope no one else wants to repeat that 'experiment'. Such shenanigans will be the downfall of India.

We don't think so. We think its a great idea that will bring stability to pakistan and peace to India.
So which one are you ?

Online Nationalist or online desh drohi ? :woot:
Dumb statements do not make one on line patriot. Look at the argument of another online Stallone who took a shot at me and never came back. Yesterday another one was stuck in the past claiming to be all know guy about Savarkar. So at least its better to keep mouth shut rather speaking out such idiotic statements to prove yourself a true desh bhakt.
Dumb statements do not make one on line patriot. Look at the argument of another online Stallone who took a shot at me and never came back. Yesterday another one was stuck in the past claiming to be all know guy about Savarkar. So at least its better to keep mouth shut rather speaking out such idiotic statements to prove yourself a true desh bhakt.

I did not use the term, you did :coffee: ...... are you withdrawing your own comments ?
@levina Apa @Ayush @Indischer @Ravi Nair @SarthakGanguly - You really want to disintegrate Pakistan ? :cry:

My nieces and nephews will never forgive you ! :angry:

Imagine being awake at 4 in the morning with your child & him or her shrieking back at you 'Why did you hurt Uncle Armstrong's Heart....why did you try to hurt Pakistan' ! :unsure:

Ahhh well its not as if its gonna happen; both Levina Apa & Ayush squeal like girls whenever Pakistan flexes her muscles whereas Ravi Nair & Indischer have already been bought over with the promise of a Dravidnadu which leaves Sarthak Ganguly. :undecided:

Hes a Kashmiri (or so he says :coffee: ) & what are Kashmiris above everything else ? Bloody cowards....so he'd be easier to handle ! :agree:

And don't you dare bring '71 into the picture; I lost it on purpose so that @DarkPrince can have his own prime real-estate ! :ashamed: :angel:
Swamy has trolled again. I wonder if he keeps a tab on these forums. :D

Btw - @levina how is your cross border...er...re-construction work in Afghanistan's Kandahar consulate? :P
Our best allies are the people of pakistan themselves Other are just bonus.
Yes, yes, you must know better since you have spent most of your life in Pakistan.

Reality is that the world sees you as a terrorist state.
And the world sees you as a rapist, poverty state with no toilets. Stereotypes don't mean anything. Now let me go and look for my grenades, I must've dropped them on my way home.

We are certain these methods will work with pakistan, if not, there are other methods.
"We"? Who's this we, Mr.Swamy and his army of Holy Cows? And other methods? You mean like crying in a corner?

We don't think so. We think its a great idea that will bring peace to India.
Well then your thinking is wrong. Stop smoking that Afghani stuff, it's bad for the brain.
your days of exporting terrorists are over .. no more blood shed Modi know's what he is doing so does swamy sir who's also a a part of the government...we are already working on it ,we will not attack you first you will attack us and we will finish you !!for the sake of our own people and global peace !!

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