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we must go for disintegration of Pakistan,break-up into pieces-Swamy on ceasefire violation

To understand that one need to develop some basic skill which you definitely do not have. How many times you have seen older generation talking about breaking Pakistan into pieces? Can't you see the difference?
He has his opinion and many would agree with him. You should respect their opinion, it's the most logical thing to do.
My creation? You brought up the "concrete plan" to make Pakistan "better"
What the heck man, where did you get your internet warrior training?


My creation? You brought up the "concrete plan" to make Pakistan "better"
What the heck man, where did you get your internet warrior training?

Yes, that is me agreeing with Dr. Swamy and endorsing any concrete plan that will help India split pakistan into smaller states.
New Delhi, Oct. 5 (ANI): Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanium Swamy on Sunday reacted sharply to the ceasefire violation along the Line of Control (LoC) and said that India must go for disintegration of Pakistan.

Swamy said India has let off Pakistan on many occasions but the country should retaliate strongly this time.

"We let off Pakistan in Kargil, We let off Pakistan in 1971 Bangladesh war, in 1965 after the great victory in Haji Pir. So, I think we now must go for disintegration of Pakistan, break-up into pieces," he said.

Meanwhile, Congress leader Sanjay Jha criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi for not taking tough stand on the issue.

"This is a grave issue. This has been happening since months. Even Pakistan Prime Nawaz Sharif raised the Kashmir issue at United Nations but there is no reply from us. Here our Prime Minister is busy in election campaigns," said Jha.

Former deputy chief of army staff, Lieutenant General (retired) Raj Kadyan, however, said the violation is very difficult to understand. He added that there are some elements in Pakistan who are not interested in improving relations with India.

"This violation is very difficult to understand what Pakistan is actually looking for. Except the fact that there are some elements in Pakistan, obviously controlled by the army, who are not interested in improving relations with India," he said.

Violating the ceasefire for the 10th time this month, the Pakistani troops on Sunday opened heavy fire on Indian posts along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district. The Indian side effectively responded to the firing. (ANI)
India should act strongly against ceasefire violation: Swamy , AniNews.in
Well if his country is ready to try this stupid move than we would be more than pleased to use our nuclear weapons but India will not try to do it
Well if his country is ready to try this stupid move than we would be more than pleased to use our nuclear weapons but India will not try to do it

So are you now saying Baluchhi separatists are NOT supported by India ? :lol:

Obviously because a smaller weaker paksitan will be in no position to threaten us with terrorism and border shelling and death of India lives. :cheesy:

I though this was rather obvious. Not very smart, are you ?

LOL. He is not part of the Indian govt. so how does it matter what he says ? How does that translate to govt. intent ? :cheesy:

The last time we divided pakistan, everybody know it was us and the world is a better place with BD in it.

If the world points fingers at us AFTER we succeed, we should be damn proud of what we have achieved, and the world will be a lot thankful and will Respect us greatly.

Well sir, Pakistan is already smaller than India in most way but weaker not much. Pakistan is armed to the teeth. So as they say BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.

You already tried disintegrating Pakistan by spreading terrorism in Pakistan using TTP and BLA but u failed miserably . So its better to sort out the core issue and lets live like a good neighbor.

Please dont stop threatening us this thing amuses us. It brings spice in life
So are you now saying Baluchhi separatists are NOT supported by India ? :lol:


and than you blame about taliban blowin up your consulates in afghanistan...

And sadly bla bitches are failing miserably.... even their commanders are laying arms like this:

15 commanders along with 70 peraris surrender arms.. dated 28th september:



You mean for your misplaced sense of self righteousness and delusions of superiority?
All you'll get is a nuclear holocaust.

there will be no nuclear holocaust we are not going to nuke each other we do not seek to destroy you ,you will do that yourself we are just going to endorse it and place our interests we do not want to kill every pakistani we want to break you into small parts (look back at history it is very much possible to b reak a county into small pieces ).and then we want to take over Azad Kashmir that is what we are after now how we will do that?i don't know..but .but yes there is a plan and we are working on it modi's recent us visit suggest that how we can portray you as the evil "guy" and get away with it and soon we wiill bring together all the other world powers together against you and then we will act but don't worry it will take a while untill then enjoy your stay!i'm just being a realist here not even our most secular party congress would want a stable strong pakistan ..
Yes, that is me agreeing with Dr. Swamy and endorsing any concrete plan that will help India split pakistan into smaller states.

Mr Swamy is a true representation of every Indian's creeping desires and delusions, especially that of the toilet and computer owning class.

India's expantionist mindset is going to lead to its downfall. It must give cause for concern to our regional friends who want to live in peace.
Precisely. Well said.

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