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We Like Them Dumb And Ignorant

We like them dumb and Ignorant - Amen to that - But thast does not apply in all places, it applies in places like Pakistan and Somalia because these places produce foot soldiers - if you look at the Arab leadership of Islamists groups like Al-Qaida, primarily Sauid and Egyptian, you will note that these were among the best of the best in their society, were generally University trained professionals, who spoke at least three languages -- but for Pakistanis, since their position in the world of Islamism is as either foot soldiers or domestic servants in the Wahabi tyrannies, there is no other aspiration beyond dumb and ignorant, just look at the religious tests and spelling tests and Sexism that are now criteria for deciding Muslims of good character -
We Like Them Dumb And Ignorant

April 2, 2013: There are some common patterns among Islamic terrorists. They tend to be the least educated (often illiterate), least employable, and the least intelligent members of their community (either in the old country or within immigrant communities in the West). While university educated terrorists get a lot of media attention, most ideologically motivated terrorists are poor and illiterate. These deficiencies provide a great motivator to do something desperate, in the off chance it might improve your lot. Thus, most of the violence in the world occurs in countries with low literacy rates. While the planetary literacy rate is 87 percent, it’s only 29 percent in Afghanistan. It's even worse in the Pushtun tribal territories (about 15 percent on the Afghan side, 23 percent on the Pakistan side). The Taliban are a Pushtun movement and the Islamic radicals are determined to keep literacy low. They also believe in prohibitions on women working outside the home and the use of entertainment technology (music and videos, in particular, and don't even try to dance). Modern weapons and vehicles are another matter, as long as women are not operating these devices.

This illiteracy is a key factor in keeping radical Islam going in places like Afghanistan, Somalia (24 percent literacy rate), Yemen (55 percent), and Mali (26 percent). Islamic radicals believe in education but a special kind of education, which is taught in a madrassa (Islamic school) and stresses memorizing scripture and learning how to hate non-Muslims more effectively.

The majority of the Islamic terrorists (gunmen, suicide bombers, and helpers of all sorts) come from madrassas. Such schools are found all over the Islamic world, but the ones that produce the most terrorists are those that teach a conservative form of Islam, usually one that justifies militant Islam, hatred of non-Muslims and a favorable attitude towards Islamic radicalism. There are probably fewer than five million kids attending these conservative madrassas. But these schools turn out thousands of potential terrorists each year.

An extensive study of the madrassas in Pakistan found that only about ten percent of all schoolchildren were attending the religious schools, and less than twenty percent of these schools taught militancy and hatred against non-Muslims. Most of these Islamic schools were concentrated in the Pushtun (tribal) areas. The most dangerous madrasses teach a conservative version of Islam and stress the need to fight infidels (non-Muslims), but they also teach basic literacy and some math. Since most Islamic states have terrible educations systems, parents see madrassas as a viable option.

Even with the 20,000 or so madrassas in a place like Pakistan, you still have over a third of the children not in school. The national literacy rate is 56 percent in Pakistan. The Gulf States only developed high literacy rates in the last few generations, courtesy of all that oil money. Saudi Arabia and Iraq have achieved literacy rates close to 80 percent. But Pakistan and Afghanistan don't have that wealth. Then again, neither does China, which has a literacy rate of 90 percent (as do most of the East Asian nations). It's a culture thing, which is not politically correct to even mention.

Even children going to state schools in Islamic nations will get a lot of religious instruction. Parents who can afford it send their kids to "Western" schools that teach subjects that will help the children get ahead in life. For Moslem nations students are encouraged to study religion, even in college. While many Moslem kids realize that studying technical subjects will do them more good, at least economically, the Islamic nations turn out fewer technically trained graduates, per capita, than in the West.

This attitude towards secular education has left most Islamic nations illiterate, poor, and incubators of terrorism. Trying to change that brings out the wrath of the Islamic clergy, who insist that the best education is a religious one and no education at all is best for girls.

A lot of Western economic aid to places like Afghanistan and Pakistan is for education. Most parents favor this. It's no secret that better educated kids grow up to be wealthier adults. And with an education, you can make it big in the West. But these "Western schools" are anathema to Islamic militants and in some parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan, attending such schools, or teaching in them, can get you killed or maimed.

Article showing lack of knowledge and facts and is full of lies those who commit suicide bombing are often very young and most haven't been never to Madrassah Madrassahs are those education centers in which Drase Nizami is taught Darse Nizami is 8 year long course and to study that you should have at least education up to 8th grade but mostly who do have done matric that is 10th grade and now these many engineers and Doctors are also going to Madrassahs and even those who do Hifz from these Madrassahs have often took first 3 positions in Pakistan Matric examination and Intermediate so **** by some Liberal Jerk and nothing else

Madrassah should be ordered to teach international maths & sciences.

Unfortunately, the govt of Pakistan is not doing anything to curb these so called "terror industries"

They are not terror industries they teach Darse Nizami which is an 8 years course Sir a really difficult course to do
@Pakistanisage... we should focus on increasing and expanding the curriculum of these Madrassas to include Math and Sciences and othe secular subjects so these student can get jobs after graduation.


but how would that work? Isn't that like mixing religion with education because obviously at the mudrassas, a religious explanation of anything woulf be favored over a scientific one?

Instead of that, wouldn't it be better to invest that money and energy into making more schools? :)

And what is wrong with mixing religion with education, have we forgotten the great inventors of the yesteryear's, we they not religious and also educated in science and other subjects at the same time.
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You know, it is so easy to show any society as the most depraved society in the World.

I can go to a weekly social meetings of Witches or Devil worshippers here in New York and show their activities and then write an article in a Pakistani Newspaper that Americans get together once a week to worship devil. Would that be a fair depiction of American People ? Using an anomaly and projecting on the whole population would mean that I have an AGENDA to show Americans in a bad light, wouldn't it ?

You could write about those people worshiping the devil. There is however one minor difference - they are not blowing up on the streets or wielding AK-47 to try and kill those who donot believe in the devil.

See the difference? While Islamic extremism is all about killing the others and holds sway in Pakistan, other forms of extremism donot result in such activities in the US.
The US does demonize Iran a lot, but that is expected since Iran is their rival. They demonize us too, because we are also their rivals. That's all expected.

But why does the US demonize their allies in the Muslim world like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia too?

Dear friend what alot of people fail to understand is that the US in the Muslim world considers no one her allies. They will sell us, and kill us in a heart beat and will also have a reason ready for it. Now that is not the problem, many of us know that. It is very evident, but then there is a certain section of our own communities who will still blindly sit in uncle sams lap and hope against all odds that he will not have an erection. And then u have the by product of a failed zionist experiment who opened this thread, the all mighty delusional one who thinks he knows it all.
You could write about those people worshiping the devil. There is however one minor difference - they are not blowing up on the streets or wielding AK-47 to try and kill those who donot believe in the devil.

See the difference? While Islamic extremism is all about killing the others and holds sway in Pakistan, other forms of extremism donot result in such activities in the US.

Sri Lankan Tamils are HINDUS supported by Indian HINDUS. they were all for blowing themself up and it was LTTE Tamil Hindu terrorists who invested Suicide bombing.

when its militancy its all about killing or getting killed even in an international battle field as well. war is war and has nothing to do with religion.

if the same game was going on Hindu backyard we would have seen Hindus blowing themself up.

During 84 riots in India Sikh Genocide was done by majority Hindus in India.

so better not religioused the issue

and oh last but not the least as you mentioned US then its all about the availbility of the material and facilitators if that was easy you would have seen the same level of extremists' activities.

they do have their share of extremists its only that there the monitoring system is strong after all US is a super power we are not.
And what is wrong with mixing religion with education, have we forgotten the great inventors of the yesteryear's, we they not religious and also educated in science and other subjects at the same time.

This is a great question -- Most certainly Madraress were the only education available then - but where are the scientist and inventors today, which madaress are producing men and women that are scientist and inventors??

OK, so we are left to ask, if the Madaress of old valued science, valued innovation, Do the the Madaress of the present also have the same values?? Obviously not, right?? Because if they did, we would have seen evidence of it, right?? Instead what do we have evidence of? Madaress that produce terrorists, Madaress that produce sectarian fanatics, Madaress that inculcate exclusivist ideas, that inculcate intolerance, is this not so ??

So we must ask what is the CONTENT, the values, that are being imparted? isn't this so?
This is a great question -- Most certainly Madraress were the only education available then - but where are the scientist and inventors today, which madaress are producing men and women that are scientist and inventors??

OK, so we are left to ask, if the Madaress of old valued science, valued innovation, Do the the Madaress of the present also have the same values?? Obviously not, right?? Because if they did, we would have seen evidence of it, right?? Instead what do we have evidence of? Madaress that produce terrorists, Madaress that produce sectarian fanatics, Madaress that inculcate exclusivist ideas, that inculcate intolerance, is this not so ??

So we must ask what is the CONTENT, the values, that are being imparted? isn't this so?

To be honest I hate Mush, really hate him as a matter of fact I hate all that is represented in Pakistani politics today, but the only good thing that came in his time was the suggestion to regulate the Madrassas, to have them under observation and to increase the curriculum that is being though there. That was a brilliant idea that stayed just that an idea.
Dear friend what alot of people fail to understand is that the US in the Muslim world considers no one her allies. They will sell us, and kill us in a heart beat and will also have a reason ready for it. Now that is not the problem, many of us know that. It is very evident, but then there is a certain section of our own communities who will still blindly sit in uncle sams lap and hope against all odds that he will not have an erection. And then u have the by product of a failed zionist experiment who opened this thread, the all mighty delusional one who thinks he knows it all.

So why stay as their allies?
money and religion, the two best tools to brainwash people.
most of the christians and jews live in developed countries, leaving minute chance for extremism.
most of the hindus live in india, I.e. on about 5500 $ per annum, , leaving little scope for extremism.
a majority of Muslims are living in less developed and poor regions like afghanistan and north Africa, thus leaving a high chance for extremist ideas to grow and flourish.
Sri Lankan Tamils are HINDUS supported by Indian HINDUS. they were all for blowing themself up and it was LTTE Tamil Hindu terrorists who invested Suicide bombing.

During 84 riots in India Sikh Genocide was done by majority Hindus in India.

so better not religioused the issue

LTTE was a mix of all - Hindu's, Muslims and Christians - more Christians than Hindus I think.

As for 84 riots that was not communal - that was done by the Congress party for killing Indira Gandhi, Hindu's consider Sikhs as an off shoot.

Islam khatre mein hai!
Look, lets be a little more careful - Why do ideas we call "extremism" exist?? They exist out of desperation, out of the need to find a way out from indignity and poverty -- See, we are too focused on one side of the coin, what we should be paying more attention to is the failure of Elites in Muslim majority countries to create lives of dignity for their countrymen - our elites are all about Liberty, capitalism and the distribution of wealth amongst themselves, and socialism and the distribution of poverty is for the unwashed Awaam - Just think how absurd and radical and sacrilegious an idea this Islam-ism is, but it captured the imagination of many, after all drowning men clutch at straws.

So while we are all united in opposing the dumb and ignorant, lets also be united in getting rid of the kleptocracies that enabled the creation of these dumb and ignorant
They are being paid huge sums of money and that is covered in my book Badal. Make sure you read this article:

Pakistan police losing terrorism fight - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan | NBC News
A Pakistani constable makes about $80 a month, compared with about $170 for a Taliban foot soldier, Khan said.

Even in death, militants do better than the Pakistani police. Militant groups pay more than $20,000 to the families of suicide bombers, compared with $6,000 given to a policeman's survivor, Khan said.

So what we need to do is cut of the funding source. We blame America for funding them but we don't dare to block supplies to them. Pakistan has failed to fight terrorists while we have also failed to say no to America and as a result we have been treated as a *****.
So why stay as their allies?

Dragon, because you have asked a very basic and honest question and because your question has not been answered, I will answer it, it deserves to be answered -- See, the Pakistani establishment, that is to say the Army, the bureaucrats and the politicians, all know which side their bread is buttered - for the Army, they are thrilled to get scraps the US throws at them, it's free weapons and that mean that the Pakistan army can continue to be an Army, be relevant in politics and further the careers and interests of it's officer corps, for the politicians and for the bureaucrats, the US and the IFI it controls are a source of free money ---- That's why Pakistan is allied to US, not because there is a confluence of interests, not because there is a civilizational awareness and interest between them - And this indignity, this helplessness of the people of Pakistan fuels rage against against the state and of course against the US. It is an evil, and I choose that word, because "evil" best describes the depravity that is at the heart of this so called "alliance".

If you value Pakistan and Pakistanis as friends, NEVER give them free money or anything for free, you will lose a friend and gain an enemy
Sri Lankan Tamils are HINDUS supported by Indian HINDUS. they were all for blowing themself up and it was LTTE Tamil Hindu terrorists who invested Suicide bombing.

when its militancy its all about killing or getting killed even in an international battle field as well. war is war and has nothing to do with religion.

if the same game was going on Hindu backyard we would have seen Hindus blowing themself up.

During 84 riots in India Sikh Genocide was done by majority Hindus in India.

so better not religioused the issue

and oh last but not the least as you mentioned US then its all about the availbility of the material and facilitators if that was easy you would have seen the same level of extremists' activities.

they do have their share of extremists its only that there the monitoring system is strong after all US is a super power we are not.

So if the Hindus did it then its all justified right? Awesome.
One thing you fail to realize that LTTE don't exist anymore (the mistakes made were identified and corrected) and the genocide you mentioned happened 30 years ago and also ignoring the fact that India is ruled by a Sikh for the last 10 while madarsa educated terrorists are blowing themselves up and others with them every other day in your country.

Typical defensive apologists technique. But then its wrong to even expect anything other than a comment like this.

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