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We(Israel) are not enemies of Pakistan and Pak should not be our enemy either - Netanyahu

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said his country and India "have some understanding" should India decide to unilaterally carry out combative action across the Line of Control against UN-designated terrorists, a statement that is indicative of an endorsement of India's right to defend itself.
In an exclusive interview with Times Now, when specifically asked if Israel would back such an action, Netanyahu said, "Well, let's say this, we have some understanding and I don't think I have to add beyond that," before adding that the Indo-Israeli partnership is not directed against any specific country.

"We (Israel) are not enemies of Pakistan and Pakistan should not be our enemy either," he said.
Asked about the Palestine issue, he said, "Israel does not claim to be a perfect country. I don't know any country which is without problems. But, we extend our hands in peace to our neighbhours. It is unfortunate that at least on the Palestinian side, we haven't seen a reciprocal response." He also claimed, "Israel is no longer viewed by most Arab countries as an enemy, but as an indispensible ally in their battle against radicalism."

He also described India-Israel ties as a 'partnership of civilizations and of democracies.' Netanyahu said, "I was in one of the centres of excellence in Gujarat, where Israeli agricultural know-how is being transmitted to Indian farmers. Five farmers told me growing vegetables had helped increase their income four-five-fold. I said, 'this is tremendous'. If we can have that multiplied for all, it means we just raised the living standard of a massive number of Indians."


Yeah yeah, "In the way of deception"; we still remember Mr Netanyahu. You started it in 1965. We just retaliated in 1967. You again tried to do in 1983. Then you again did it in 1998. And we will believe you. Only fools believe you.
Pakistan should not behave like an enemy towards Israel: Israeli PM Netanyahu
By News Desk
Published: January 19, 2018

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. PHOTO: REUTERS

Israeli Prime Minister Benjanmin Netanyahu has stressed that his country is not an enemy of Pakistan, and the South Asian nation should adapt its attitude to that effect, Express News reports.

The Israeli PM is currently on a visit to India, where he has been busy signing bilateral military and trade agreements with the Hindu-majority country.

People in India have been protesting against the visit of the Israeli PM in Mumbai, New Delhi and a number of other cities, according to news reports.

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Netanyahu has also backed Indian double-speak over the situation on the Line of Control (LoC) along the border with Pakistan, as part of his diplomatic efforts to woe the Modi government.

“Pakistan should not behave like an enemy towards us because we do not view them that way,” he added.

Netanyahu met Bollywood superstars in Mumbai as part of his visit to India as well.

“I love the film industry of India and want it to collaborate with the Israeli actors and directors too,” he said.

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The Israeli PM also made a visit to Indian PM Modi’s hometown of Gujarat, and went to the burial place Mahatama Gandhi in Ahmadabad.

During his visit to India, Netanyahu has signed bilateral agreement with India on cyber-security, science and technology, air transport, film production, oil and gas, solar and thermal energy and space technology.

Talks for a free-trade deal and the purchase of anti-tank missiles are currently underway.
This guy is just an attention seeker.
No bibi we do not recognize you so how can you be an enemy.
Now go back and face the corruption charges.
When you support our enemy and endorse their actions, that automatically puts you at odds with us. If Pakistan should not behave like an enemy towards Israel, by the same token Israel should too not behave like an enemy towards Pakistan. But you already are.
The friend of my enemy ( India ) is my enemy and the enemy of my friend ( Palestine ) is my enemy.

Israel is the illegal occupant of Islam's third most holiest site. Untill Pakistan is stripped off of its Islamic identity, Pakistan and Israel will be enemies. Simple logic and simple geopolitics.
Palestine just recently humiliated Pakistan over Kashmir and that too with full pomp and show by withdrawing its embassidor for standing with Haifz saeed. Even i hate extra state elements like Hafiz saeed But palestine created a full drama on international stage reiterating Indian point on Kashmir.
I dont know what Pakistanis are made of. Humiliation after humiliation, Afghanistan, Arabs, Iran and so forth still not learning the lesson.
Pakistan just needs to maintain distance from Israel. It is a well known fact that there is an agreement between Israel and Pakistan, not to interfere with each others matter at any level. This will continue for years to come. Israel has not shown any concerned publicly after Pakistan decided to take its relations with Iran to a new level. Pakistan should reciprocate the same with Indo/Isreal nexus.
a jew trying to be smart. he knows what will happen to Israel if it attacked us. remember when we found their aircraft offshore. a clear message was sent.
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