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We(Israel) are not enemies of Pakistan and Pak should not be our enemy either - Netanyahu

Pak is to Israel what Israel is to Pak....

Pak can open the doors from Islamabad to Jakarta..

Israel can open the doors from Tel Aviv to DC...

Both are regional powers of global consequence... Both are idealogical states... Both can hit each other with nuclear weapons...

It is sheer madness that these two states are not openly in communication....

All GCC are aligned with Israel....why Pak wants to be odd one out...

If Turks, Jordanians, Egytians and others can have formal relationships with them then why not Pak?

In the new emerging global order..these two states are critical in their respective regions. Time for rethink on both sides.

Jews are as humans as any other on this planet.

Who killed most muslims and in most horrible manner in in Pak? Those are the enemies of Pak.
With what Palestinians govt did i wouldnt mind if someone reciprocates the feeling
Yes, I am proud that I am a true non-believer in stone gods - Sorry to disappoint you Mr Hindu. You continue praying to your dozen gods. Now go take a dip and Puja yourself to Lord Shiva in the Ganga ....
Shiva is mixture of IVC god (statue/linga) and Vedic god Rudra and Indra.

I dont get it why u pakistanis mock Shiva when its your own Ancestors who used to worship Shiva Linga as IVC god. While Vedic Brahmins like me were forbidden from even worshipping it.

We only adopted Liga worship in later stage to Aryanise and hindufy Chandals of Southern Asia.

Vedic | ब्राह्मण
I dont get it why u pakistanis mock
We used to have a tail but that is a prospect we laugh at now. Meaning the past is past. Today is today. Although it actually does not bother me one bit - I was only using that to taunt the other poster because his type start burning with any such suggestion. You know veneer thin identity and all that.

Who killed most muslims and in most horrible manner in in Pak? Those are the enemies of Pak.
Not one Pakistani has been killed by Israel. Then count how many Pakistani's have been killed by our neighbour on the east. Yet you would imagine from the croaking against Israel from Pakistani's that Israel was Pakistan's number one enemy.

And we know Palestinians love supprting Pakistan don't we?
We used to have a tail but that is a prospect we laugh at now. Meaning the past is past. Today is today. Although it actually does not bother me one bit - I was only using that to taunt the other poster because his type start burning with any such suggestion. You know veneer thin identity and all that.
Those who have their whole identity shaped by only Religion tend to have that kind of Passive aggressive behavior.

It seems you are one of those "Elites" who have ancestry from West of Indus who define their identity based on their blood over Religion.

We have such people in india as well.

For me and "my people" our identity is based on 3 differentbut closely associated things.

(Purity of) Blood, (Ancestral) Faith and Land.

Vedic | ब्राह्मण
Self-admitted agnostic (multiple times on forum) makes you a non-believer! Hence my earlier post.

And it's not surprising that a non-believer like you is calling a muslim a hindu!

Get back to your drink!
Are u a maulwi or what ? :lol:

And i agree, kaptaan the Iranic shouldn't call you a Hindu. only Hindus are "Vedics", he should call you Indics.

As for Drink, nothing wrong with that, Aryans used to love Alcohole as mas as they love to Conquer and explore new lands. As a Vedic-Brahmin my ancestors used to drink a type of Alcohole called "Soma". We used to call Soma a Divide Drink and Worship it by literally putting it in our yagna kund (my avatara) during Vedic Civilization Period.

@Kaptaan have you ever tasted Soma ? Its divine Drink Indeed. For me alas...

Vedic | ब्राह्मण
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Are u a maulwi or what ? :lol:

And i agree, kaptaan the Iranic shouldn't call you a Hindu. only Hindus are "Vedics", he should call you Indics.

As for Drink, nothing wrong with that, Aryans used to love Alcohole as mas as they loved to Live. As a Vedic-Brahmin my ancestors used to drink a type of Alcohole "Soma". We used to call Soma a Divide Drink and Worship it by literally putting it in our yagna kund (my avatara) during Vedic Civilization Period.

@Kaptaan have you ever tasted Soma ? Its divine Drink Indeed. For me alas...

Vedic | ब्राह्मण

Read in sequence and properly before asking questions that you laugh at yourself!

He said Israel wouldn't have allowed Pakistan to achieve nuclear status .. hence the comment re non-believer. Those with belief in Allah wouldn't have made such a comment.

Hope that's made some sense now.
Wonder what Indian Muslims opinion is, on this matter. On one side they have a regular job to shout abusive degrading anti Pakistani slogans and on the other, like many Muslims across the world are anti Israeli. Does this put them in a dilemma? Support your enemy against your rival? translates to Support Israels stance towards Pakistan which has proven to be everything agaisnt the land and people of Pakistan.
This is well known. Could Pakistan have acquired the "bomb" if Israel had really be opposed to Pakistan. Not a fcukin chance. The Israeli's know and our establishment has by action and profile made it known Pak nukes only have one targewt on their crosshairs.

Its an Islamic bomb, remember.

what I dont understand then is why Hazrat Ali r.a chose to work for a Jewish employer? he worked in a farm of a Jew no? how does that reconcile? one can work for a jew, have trade with the jew , consult in legal matters and enter in legal issues as well but then be an enemy too?
"Husn e Muamlat" is allowed within certain parameters while "Mawalat" with any non Muslim is strictly prohibited. These are Fiqahi terms and rules of engagement with non Muslims are defined in detail. One just have to study Fiqh. Which obviously is not readily accessible to common Muslim. Therefore, the need to consult Ahl e Zikr.
Its an Islamic bomb, remember.
No, idiot. It's a Pakistani bomb. Payed by Pakistani taxpayers, serviced by Pakistani crews, with the finger on the trigger resting on the Pakistani chain of command and the international community regarding and holding Pakistan to account. Now if it was Islamic in the sense of being property of Muslims as a community then it would be at the service of -

and others too many to name including minority Muslims like in India.

But is not. It is at the service of the Pakistan state exclusively. And it remains as such. If you mean religion of the "bomb" then I must wake you up that bombs are inanimate objects and have no religions more then piece of rock has.

Just to refresh. Looking at this nuclear missile. It has Pakistani flag on it and no other flag of any other Muslim nation is visible. You are more then welcome to test this principle of proprietorship. Try go to Saudia Arabia or UAE and tell the Arabs that their "oil" is Islamic. Watch how fast they gonna slap you and then kick you out like a dog. That should disabuse you of any notions of "Islamic".

Its an Islamic bomb, remember.

a weapon has no religion. I am not aware of communist bomb or Jewish or Hindu bomb. these weapons are purely for the protection of the respective states.

Only extemely religious jews or muslims believe that greater Israel idea.
Most of the Israeli people know it's no sense

good to know.
if I ever got a chance I would have brought some souvenirs or photos to former Pakistani Jews who have settled in Israel.

on the other note I hope
the common Israelis will also reject the Neocon Christian evangelist idea of encouraging Israeli atrocities to help bring the end of times which I find really depraved way or cheating the god. but that's a separate discussion altogether.
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