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We have Nuclear Weapons to Ward off India's War Threat: Pakistan


Yeah, india mobilized entire army to the border, faced humiliation militarily when Pakistani superior forces outmaneuvered slow and laggy indian forces...inflicted heavy damages (almost 1000 indian soldiers dead!!!), and the india withdraws unilaterally and runs away from stand-off----all because you wanted to hurt Pakistan economically? :lol:

Sure. And Pakistan's economic back is still in tact. Our economic figures in terms of GDP per capita, poverty, middle-class are in same ball park as india's..so stop mental masturbation of your so called 'hidden' planning. Accept your humiliation and move on.

The biggest issue we faced economically were 2005 Earthquakes that actually caused us to cut down on our F-16s purchases and so on. I bet indian planners "planned it"..yeah?

Dumbo, I already took this scenario in account in my op...why your ugly hindu face didn't read that and started to act as if you have a rod in your butt?

You'll hit us with everything you got, and we'll reciprocate. Hence MAD.

In case of mad, the existence of hindus/hinduism will be erased by us forever and next generations will read about hinduism same as we read about greek mythology ;)

While Islam will remain the global gigantic civilization that it is, even if Pakistan is lost.

Umm, I'm not a hindu. I don't smear my face in pig sh!t nor do I drink cow-p!ss for religious purposes---like your hindu family does.:lol:
Reciprocate? Dumb fool....there would nothing left if we attack you....you may hide in a hole like a rat!!
Don't call yourself a muslim!!
You are a bad example!!
You want to know what Islam is....visit India my fellow Muslim brothers would teach you a thing or two!!
You are acting like you peed in your pants lol!!
Lol,you do know what you're talking about,do you!!The moment we test a full fledged thermonuclear test the whole western world will be going to impose complete sanction on us like they did the last time!!We simply don't care what the world thinks about our thermonuclear capabilities.We know what we have in our arsenal and we'll definitely use it in case of a nuclear strike on our forces be it inside Pakistan or within the Indian territory:coffee:!!
There is strong belief in scientific community in India & abroad that we don't posses true thermo nuclear bomb. Why to have this ambiguity, its high time to test our thermonuclear bomb in full yield. And you know even 200kt TNT equivalent yield( what our top brass claimed about our true yield of H bomb,not tested one) is way too less compared to that of us,Russian & even chineese thermonuclear devices which all in megatons range.
I am not telling that we don't posses H bomb,what I want is that we should demonstrate our thermonuclear capabilities to the world again.
Reciprocate? Dumb fool....there would nothing left if we attack you....you may hide in a hole like a rat!!
Don't call yourself a muslim!!
You are a bad example!!
You want to know what Islam is....visit India my fellow Muslim brothers would teach you a thing or two!!
You are acting like you peed in your pants lol!!

Awww...kid got hurt? :lol:

Now trying to play the "you aren't good muslim" card? :rofl:

What an embarrassment.

And child, you are on a defence forum--learn from seniors like me or you'll continue to get absolutely humiliated by your superiors on this forum.

Have a good day.

Withdrawing unilaterally means not running away. When you see neighbour's kids crying for food what you will do? attack them?
Seeing a weak and helpless neighbor whose economy has ruined and don't have money to feed the the country, India just withdrawn...that is it.


Nice way to soothe your humiliated, defeated soul.

india started the confrontration, was humiliated by superior Pakistani forces which inflicted heavy damages on indian forces, indian forces ran away and withdrew unilaterally after losing almost 1000 soliders!!!

Now, you can keep making up stories for your bedtime comfort. Won't change history that much.
what, india will launch strategic nukes in response to pakistan using nukes on its own territory? in that case india might want to ask the UN to remove its name plate too, as india does not have nuclear superiority vs pakistan..
Every country has its own Nuclear doctrine, Pakistan has one, and they declared that, so does India. If the threshold of Pakistan doctrine is breached they can use there so is the case with India, which states if there people and or solders are attacked with nuclear weapons inside or outside India's territory they will act with strategic weapons.

Nuclear superiority does't matter, It is the will to use it according to doctrine that matters. And as per my knowledge Pakistan has no capabilities to stop an incoming missile conventional or nuclear.
Well Pakistanis ate grass to build their nukes, so it makes sense that they keep blabbering about it all the time. Still, it cracks me up every time I watch a Pakistani news program. It is very rare to find a program on Pakistani tv where they don't remind the viewers that they are an "atmi quwwat". :lol:
Awww...kid got hurt? :lol:

Now trying to play the "you aren't good muslim" card? :rofl:

What an embarrassment.

And child, you are on a defence forum--learn from seniors like me or you'll continue to get absolutely humiliated by your superiors on this forum.

Have a good day.


Nice way to soothe your humiliated, defeated soul.

india started the confrontration, was humiliated by superior Pakistani forces which inflicted heavy damages on indian forces, indian forces ran away and withdrew unilaterally after losing almost 1000 soliders!!!

Now, you can keep making up stories for your bedtime comfort. Won't change history that much.
Lol that's the best you can do?
Senior? Lol you are just old!!
@Oscar @MilSpec : I believe you Sirs would agree we both sides have become utter stupid on this N word chapter rant by one nation and another saying short swift war as replies... Holocaust is least of the concern... its more like now peanuts talks when officials drunk in corridors of power uses it for every purpose... As everyday goes by, slowly and slowly its losing its relevance..... more from the N word usage...
I'm sorry bro but can you point to a single occasion where a senior GoI or military officer (the latter will never do so of course) has made any such statements? India has an established NFU policy and its arsenal is 100% for defensive needs- this is the official line, no one in India seems to have such a raging ***** for these horrific weapons.

I honestly can't think of a time when any serving Indian official has made reference to India's nuclear weapons and yet every few weeks/days some official from the Pakistani side seems feel the urge to remind India/the world that they have them though.

And then some Pakistanis will been unable to understand why their nation is one of the most loathed on the planet.
I'm sorry bro but can you point to a single occasion where a senior GoI or military officer (the latter will never do so of course) has made any such statements? India has an established NFU policy and its arsenal is 100% for defensive needs- this is the official line, no one in India seems to have such a raging ***** for these horrific weapons.

I honestly can't think of a time when any serving Indian official has made reference to India's nuclear weapons and yet every few weeks/days some official from the Pakistani side seems feel the urge to remind India/the world that they have them though.

And then some Pakistanis will been unable to understand why their nation is one of the most loathed on the planet.

Lol i said this bro
"both sides have become utter stupid on this N word chapter rant by one nation and another saying short swift war as replies"

I never said GOI said nor GOI will utter the N word so casually.. Rest assured i meant about India saying short swift wars only..
Every country has its own Nuclear doctrine, Pakistan has one, and they declared that, so does India. If the threshold of Pakistan doctrine is breached they can use there so is the case with India, which states if there people and or solders are attacked with nuclear weapons inside or outside India's territory they will act with strategic weapons.

Nuclear superiority does't matter, It is the will to use it according to doctrine that matters. And as per my knowledge Pakistan has no capabilities to stop an incoming missile conventional or nuclear.

of course every nuclear power has its nuclear policies, i never said any different. nor did i ever said that india wouldn't respond to a pakistan nuclear attack.

what i said was if i wasn't clear before, by making it clear that a large scale attack on pakistan will lead to it using nuclear arms in defense of itself, it will make indian planners more reluctant to launch an attack in the first place. for instance, cold start calls for large and quick land grabs, and it must be done below the pakistani nuclear threshold(so india isnt going after for instance, the nuclear C&C), then negotiating for peace with the upper hand because it physically occupies a lot of pakistani land. this is a non starter now that it's likely that such a large and quick force would be countered by tactical nukes. so basically the ball is in india's court of whether it want nuclear annihilation for both countries. now obviously india would act in defence of itself. if pakistan starts a war, india isn't going to just stand by and let pakistan do all the shooting. however where this does come into play is for instance, another 2008-like attack, or some other spark that is overall fairly minor compared to a full scale war.

and im not sure where anyone said anything about stopping missiles, because neither country could prevent the incoming from the other side. and what i meant by nuclear superiority is that neither side has it, so its death for both if it gets going.

additionally, credibility comes into play here too. a glaring example is obama and his red line, with promptly got crossed and he did nothing. so you gotta ask yourself, if pakistan uses a nuclear device, on its own territory, and no indian civilians were harmed, then would india really start to shoot off its strategic nukes? i personally don't think it would.

Now from your comment I understand little more about what pakistan FO is saying ..

you clearly dont.

As a deterrence to cold start...you will first nuke your own territory and let india to nuke you as a part of retaliation. Whoa.great ..now got it.....

Man you are a real pushtoon...

you first nuke the indian army on pakistani soil to stop them dead in their tracks then if india "nuke you as a part of retaliation" then its full on nuclear war and both dies.

its simple really, pakistan knows that the indian armed forces are larger and would find it difficult to stop a full on assault on short notice. nuclear arms equalizes the equation. the reason its only used on their own soil is to prevent a generally nuclear war. afterall this the scenario, no indian cities or any civilians would be harmed, could india justified ending both countries in that case?

Irrespective of tactical or strategic nuclear bomb is a nuclear bomb...when it's used on Indian soil or Indian troops....response will full outright nuclear reply with everything we've got!!
Lol you should exist to remove our plate...
You won't survive our first wave....look at the map and see how puny your country...Lol

puny? lol you sure you're talking to the right person? both my countries- my currently home and my ancestral home is 3/4 largest nations on earth, one is the reigning superpower, the other is the rising superpower, both have a seat pretty much all world gatherings. and you call my country puny? lol. sure, indian super-powa! right?

Who has the moral responsibility when nukes are used in India or in Pakistan ?

The ones who helped them!

Pakistan is the only country who is openly talking about nuking .. Like its sort of apple sauce :D

making a nuclear policy known is normal, just as russia has said it will allow it self the option of nuclear arms in conventional combat when faced with an existential threat with powerful conventional capabilities ie: nato. just as the US refuses to limit itself to a no first use policy. so go learn some more before you spew more nonsense like "Pakistan is the only country who is openly talking about nuking".
Awww...kid got hurt? :lol:

Now trying to play the "you aren't good muslim" card? :rofl:

What an embarrassment.

And child, you are on a defence forum--learn from seniors like me or you'll continue to get absolutely humiliated by your superiors on this forum.

Have a good day.


Nice way to soothe your humiliated, defeated soul.

india started the confrontration, was humiliated by superior Pakistani forces which inflicted heavy damages on indian forces, indian forces ran away and withdrew unilaterally after losing almost 1000 soliders!!!

Now, you can keep making up stories for your bedtime comfort. Won't change history that much.

You just needed another surrender ceremony, isnt it? Otherwise u dont realise your dictator's propaganda.

BTW pakistan thinks only they have nukes, they dont know there is something called Thermonuclear weapons which brings sun to earth. lol
of course every nuclear power has its nuclear policies, i never said any different. nor did i ever said that india wouldn't respond to a pakistan nuclear attack.

what i said was if i wasn't clear before, by making it clear that a large scale attack on pakistan will lead to it using nuclear arms in defense of itself, it will make indian planners more reluctant to launch an attack in the first place. for instance, cold start calls for large and quick land grabs, and it must be done below the pakistani nuclear threshold(so india isnt going after for instance, the nuclear C&C), then negotiating for peace with the upper hand because it physically occupies a lot of pakistani land. this is a non starter now that it's likely that such a large and quick force would be countered by tactical nukes. so basically the ball is in india's court of whether it want nuclear annihilation for both countries. now obviously india would act in defence of itself. if pakistan starts a war, india isn't going to just stand by and let pakistan do all the shooting. however where this does come into play is for instance, another 2008-like attack, or some other spark that is overall fairly minor compared to a full scale war.

and im not sure where anyone said anything about stopping missiles, because neither country could prevent the incoming from the other side. and what i meant by nuclear superiority is that neither side has it, so its death for both if it gets going.

additionally, credibility comes into play here too. a glaring example is obama and his red line, with promptly got crossed and he did nothing. so you gotta ask yourself, if pakistan uses a nuclear device, on its own territory, and no indian civilians were harmed, then would india really start to shoot off its strategic nukes? i personally don't think it would.

you clearly dont.

you first nuke the indian army on pakistani soil to stop them dead in their tracks then if india "nuke you as a part of retaliation" then its full on nuclear war and both dies.

You need to grow up. Every Inch indian army moves into Pakistan is indian territory. In case of a full scale war your ancestral home will be a memory and our nation Mighty India survive.

It seems like now you reside in home country Nigeria?
You need to grow up. Every Inch indian army moves into Pakistan is indian territory. In case of a full scale war your ancestral home will be a memory and our nation Mighty India survive.

It seems like now you reside in home country Nigeria?

surre, mighty india lololololololol

superpower india needs to invest more in education i see, since you seem to be unable to recognize two of the UNSC permanent member flags.
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pakistani people be like
1.our navy can counter your navy
2.our airforce can stop your af
3.our tanks and artillery are batter then yours
4.our soldiers are more skilled and brave
but if u attack,we will start by using our nuclear weapons.
now think how shallow other statements looks like.
it also shows how much confidence they have in their forces.

I have found no decent Pakistani analyst who believes this. They think that Pakistan will not be able to win a conventional war with India.

Yet, India will also, let's be clear about it, not be able to hold any Pakistani territory for long. Winning and holding a territory are entirely different things. Pakistan today is a land mass, that has easy internal mobility, and huge population, which for better or worse, have anti-India opinions through and through. A war will only cement them, and people will indeed come to fight, and their will be long protracted war and insurgency which India can't hold.

As for Nuclear threat, that is what a conventionally weak army has to always do to hold ground.

surre, mighty india lololololololol

superpower india needs to invest more in education i see, since you seem to be unable recognize two of the UNSC permanent member flags.

Language please.

You need to grow up. Every Inch indian army moves into Pakistan is indian territory. In case of a full scale war your ancestral home will be a memory and our nation Mighty India survive.

It seems like now you reside in home country Nigeria?

I agree with Apple Sauce in the sense, that if an invading and advancing Indian army were to receive tactical Pakistani nukes on Pakistani territory, that wouldn't call for a strategic nuclear response from India.
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