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We don’t have cricket in America


Feb 16, 2010
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We don

My first day in Karachi coincided with the biggest cricket match that Pakistan has experienced in decades.

Picture this: The Express Tribune web room awash with young, energetic staff wearing emerald jerseys over jeans and shalwar kameez, hurriedly filing stories so they can rush off to their government-sanctioned cricket holiday.

They’ve all got one eye on the tiny TV mounted at the ceiling, not wanting to miss the toss when the bumbling, jet-lagged American, slips behind a desk and says in a deep-fried drawl:

“Yey y’all, what’s this cricket thing about?”

A marvelous way to endear myself to my brand new co-workers, isn’t it?

The truth is, despite growing up in Mississippi, I’ve never had a southern drawl, and I did have a vague concept that this match—which strained celebrity marriages, stalled two nations worth of workforce and fueled media soliloquies of peace on earth—meant a lot, to a lot of people. But I know this only because I’ve been following Pakistani media.

We don’t have cricket in America. In fact, a year ago in a Sri Lankan neighbourhood of Queens, New York, I remember seeing signs of “live cricket” in restaurant windows and assumed they were advertising some sort of insect cuisine. It seemed logical. The Dutch eat grasshoppers, don’t they?

Cricket in the cafeteria

With the match underway, I joined the co-workers who had snuck out to the cafeteria and tried to make sense of the drama on the huge screen before me. It’s like baseball, but the diamond is much smaller, the swing is much lower and the “three strikes” part goes on for eight hours.

In the hour before I grew bored and went home to sleep off jet-lag, I don’t think I gained an appreciation for cricket. What I can appreciate is that cricket seemed to unite everyone in the room.

In our cafeteria, flatware met metal trays in surprisingly rhythmic drumming. People hugged, blasted whistles and danced on benches in a group display of optimism and anticipation. Everyone seemed happy and, despite the fact that they were stuck at work, happy to be together.

Cheer together, mourn together

Professional sports seem ridiculous when considered as a celebration of brute force, a massive national distraction and a breeding ground for greed, corruption and wasted resources. But despite the behind-the-scenes politics, sports can be an easy, unburdened unifier, offering everyone a chance to identify with something bigger and more celebrated than oneself.

In sports fandom, your socio-economic status doesn’t matter. The only qualifier is that you profess an affinity for a particular geography. If we perceive our sports teams in superhero terms, then by extension, we get to perceive ourselves as superheroes. And we get that warm fuzzy feeling that comes from living in harmony with others, even if that harmony is illusionary or temporary.

Religion, politics and the military hold this kind of power, but often these entities are as divisive as they are unifying.

So Pakistan didn’t win the big cricket match, and many of my coworkers are upset. But the entire nation gets to mourn together, which is somewhat comforting. And that momentary bond forged by cheering together at a cricket match may help two strangers view each other more compassionately.

The Cornered Tigers didn’t win but as I watched my coworkers cheer together and dance on benches I think I understood a little about why cricket matters.
I felt much the same when I went to my first baseball game in the United States. I have to admit, however, that I have learned to love the game! One of my grandsons wants to be a third baseman!

American football, on the other hand...
It’s like baseball, but the diamond is much smaller, the swing is much lower and the “three strikes” part goes on for eight hours.

Asking some about rules and looking at field with open eyes, would have had helped!! :hitwall:

base ball is kids play as compare to batting in cricket... a professional cricket batsman, can keep hiting the ball for home run all day long.
There is a big difference between Cricket and Baseball

Baseball has a short short short interest span , the teams switch over in matter of 10-20 minutes , and often it could be simple as just 3 deliveries, and really there are just two ways to score in Baseball , a hit (which could go anywhere) or a bunt a decoy shot. The best player may score juts 1 run/point ... in cricket 100 runs are achieved by best players at times...so the difference lies right there you get to see talented players for longer duration on field.

Cricket on other hand can keep you captivated for 6 hours , the cricketer is always in control of where he will place his shot he control how fast the shot will be and also who slow it can be at times. Also the statistics in Cricket , offer alot for the average stats enthusiast.

Baseball fan only get a 10 run scoring game , meaning 10 runs were scored but in cricket the run chase can reach 300 runs , so with every delivery , odds of winning can change drastically.

Baseball , the players are mostly unfit just focus on their arms strength at times, cricket has higher demand , a player has to be athletic be agile he has to chase a ball down numerous times. Also while making runs (points) he has to run 20 meters to score 1 point , normally in cricket there are 300 runs/ points

In baseball the best player in team may come in game 3-4 times in rotation play a total of 7 deliveries , pretty low stuff for his fan, but in cricket a player can face 200 deliveries by himself , depending on how skilled he is of course and that is where you tell legends apart from normal hitters

In baseball you have the pitches (called balling in cricket) , who of course can offer various variations , but cricket is more sophisticated as it has concept of not on the super fast speed bowling style but also offers , another type of bowler spinner who plays mind tricks with his opponents to try to confuse him

Fast bowlers - match in speed with Baseball pitches , they focus on speed and swerve
Medium bowlers - are serve specific depending on field conditions
Spinners - they are 3-4 types who can throw a slow ball but the ball changes direction rapidly

In cricket the biggest asset of course is ... till the last ball sometimes you don't know who will win ...

Base ball fielders use gloves .... which makes it extremely easy to make a catch ... cricketers have no gloves , and they are also catching a ball similar in weight to a baseball , which often results in injures to the inexperienced.

Baseball pitches are also present in cricket they are called "Full toss" and in cricket such pitches are routinely scored on with ease doe to the wider blade of the bat for crickters.

Base ball has double plays, cricket has double run out too (rare) , but we don't have tripple play (a rare item in baseball)

The test matches last 5 days .... these gruesome matches , test skill of a player to extreme .. One days offer a shorter format

In cricket the batsmen has defense / offensive shots (which is ideal for test games, and One day games)

In baseball there is no such thing as defense ... its all offense based.

In baseball , the best player on average comes 4 times, and he may face total of just 12 deliveries ....

In cricket ... your best player can stay whole game on field , and face 150-170 deliveries (a winning knock)

Comparatively you can why the stars in cricket , actually do a lot more

Fastest delivery of cricket is 160 km/hr
Baseball its around 169 km / hr

- Comparatively same - except in cricket , the bowler can confuse you in various means

This is relation to fast bowler only -
a ) He can throw the ball right at your feet (yorker)
b) He can do a baseball style full toss
c) He can choose a delivery which bounces on the ground and gathers "turn" in / away from batsmen
d) He can chose a delivery which might bounce and go target head of a batsmen (bouncer)
there is a reason why cricketers wear construction type helmets. Hit on face can break your jaw , or teeth
e) A bowler can also target your body occasionally a inexperienced player would not be able to defend and that
results in easy catches.
f) A bowlers can also move the ball (traditional style expected style) or (reverse swing it an unexpected turn)
unnatural turn induced by the wear and tear and polish on ball.
g) A bowler can also play the intentional wide hoping to get a player confused.
h) A bowler can also choose variation in speed at his will he can go from 169 km /hr ball to just 99 km/hr delivery to
alter some batsman's timing
i) There are also specific zones , where he can deliver a ball (with perfect bounce and distance from batsmen) these
deliveries become unplayable .. its difficult for baller to achive this (this term is called line and length).

A bowler also sets his field according to any of the above balls he is about to deliver

Mean while a baseball hitter only has to face

a) Sliders (either moves in to batsmen or away)
b) Fast ball (similar to full toss right in middle)
c) grounders (just an illegal delivery but could get you a strike if batsmen swings bat)
d) Slow ball

Alot of baseball (pitches/ballers) can only do well 1-2 of the above

A batsmen in cricket has to account for more possibilities coming at him in almost same amount of time as baseball player

In cricket you can have on average (20-40 home runs alone ) by both teams (4 run/points hits or 6 runs hit/points)

In baseball the most entertaining games once a month yield you 10 home runs.. and people go nuts.

In cricket - you can score alot of single runs , double runs ... (which is same as base hit or double base hit)

But you score 100-200 runs (base hits) while in baseball , obviously there is small figure ....

In baseball if you are out you can come back latter in innings, in cricket once you go you are done (one day game format) so you lose your wicket you go home ...in larger format (test games you get 2 chances due to format of game)

In cricket you can be losing 75% of the game, and statistically dead , but in last 25% with 1 player's effort you can change the game turn it on its head and win the game... which makes cricket more enticing , that a 1 man can change the whole game , based on his attitude and desire to win.

Final biggest point about Cricket vs Baseball debate is ...

All cricket grounds - have their own characteristics..... in all countries no two cricket ground are same.

Grounds in Australia , are made for bounce and speed
Grounds in England are made for seeming (moving ball upon bounce on ground) with grass
Grounds in Pakistan / India are made for spinners (low bounce) but the spinners can make balls turn easily
Grounds in South Africa are made for speed and sometimes in balance.

Also , a ground's keeper can make his own modifications on the field any given day to make the field more favourable
to team that has great ballers (pitchers) and sometimes he might have pitches that help scoring points (batsmen friendly) ideally ppl strive to make fields that help both baller(pitchers) and batsmen ...

A batsmen can play cricketing shots (these are calculated - intentional strikes of ball) unlike in baseball where you just swing the ball and hope for the best ... those are called slogs in cricket world (un calculated shots anyone can make these) - but cricket shots are .. time specific , that is .. your timeing has to be perfect for you to able to make the shot correctly


The ball can only go in these specific zone of field if a particular "technique" of hitting has been mastered ..

Yes you can slog it there (lucky shot) but generally , in cricket you need to master shots ...think of it like mastering

Tennis shots (backhand/forehands) to execute a hit there are specific body motion and positioning of bat you must master...

This is an area where Pakistan lacks becasue we have street cricket culture vs academy based teaching

Our players only know 2-3 shot technique so they get exposed vs international teams
sometimes back we heard US was coming up with a cricket team.

btw you guys can outsource it :P
how can some one not play or know cricket , are there any known reasons to mankind why cricket havent flourished in us :unsure:
Sometimes in US in areas where a sizeable Pakistani community lives, Pakistani-Americans will play Cricket games in parks or fields. That's probably the most up-close or personal interaction some Americans get with Cricket in US...
how can some one not play or know cricket , are there any known reasons to mankind why cricket havent flourished in us :unsure:

Cricket is played in mostly Common Wealth nations, US isn't one of them. US has it's own sports which seem to counter any development or growth of Cricket here, Baseball is the Cricket substitute here and has a long history here.

Unless a concerted effort is made in organizing Cricket and introducing Americans to the sport in schools and organized clubs especially you won't see Cricket flourishing here.
how can some one not play or know cricket , are there any known reasons to mankind why cricket havent flourished in us :unsure:

After september 11 enough south asians have been issued US passport, so very soon we'll witness a US team.
What about China?

Cricket World, needs a big economy size nation to give cricket a boost.
After september 11 enough south asians have been issued US passport, so very soon we'll witness a US team.

i heard many were deported , are you refering to indians as south asians got us pasports ! why would they do that ?
That's old history, irrelevant in today's America.

So, my post was just about informing people that cricket was once played widely in America.

Got nothing to do with its relevance today.
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