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We can't match India militarily: Pak def min

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This was true back in old days of the Cold War. But if we talk about now, man the Indians are getting some pretty serious toys. Me think you'll need more than F-16s to match them :D

The guys in Rawalpindi know what they are doing and believe me they are doing their best with the resources they have in their hand. More F-16 may be no because of the recent events and relation between Pakistan and USA. They have necessary tools and weapons to give a hot end to any cold start.;)
I'm sorry but Pakistan simply doesn't have an edge in qunaity or quality. Where AF? IAF has more 4th gen fighters and of higher standard (4.5+ gen) and is to get 5th gen. IAF is to get its own dedicated satellite this year and C4I cability by 2012. Same goes for IN with ACCs, stealth frigates and destroyers etc and IA with missiles, F-INSAS etc all services are to have dedicated satellites by 2014.

Qualitative edge? I can't see it.

In term of the successful rate of the ballistic missile, then it is yes.
Pakistan will have to settle for minimum deterrence as the Indian economy is around 8 times the size of Pakistan and the gap is only getting wider.
This is like the 100th time this article has been posted by indians on here.

I know you people cannot resist taking cheap shots but there is a thing called the search button
I think Pakistan does have the superior strategic weapons, but India does maintain a significant advantage in term of the conventional weapons.

How so buddy?We have already inducted the Agni 3 with a range of 3600 km,cep of 30 meter and a payload of 2.8 ton.Till now pakistan has nothing that can match it.Beside we also have developed silo launch capable hybrid missile significantly increasing the 2nd strike capability.Does pakistan have something like this?
In term of the successful rate of the ballistic missile, then it is yes.

You are looking at such a minuscule facet of the convention military gap between India and Pakistan. The reason this is the ONLY area Pakistan can boast about. Even then in a few years this minor advantage will be eliminated.
Guys,only pakistan army among the armed forces does have an edge.It's in the number of 155 mm artillery guns where indian army is in a serious disadvantage.Hopefully ARDE will develop the guns for IA by 2013.
How many F-16s does India currently have?
How many F-16s does India currently have?

Hello. You need to do some research before posting on air Craft. F-16 is what Pakistan has. India has different sets of Air Craft.

U.S. offered F-35, But we are less interested due to immediate need. Also, We will have 5th generation Air Craft After 2017. So no requirement also.

We are Buying Rafale/Typhoon. We have Sukhoi 30MKI which is better than F-16. Tejas. Mig29UPG, Mirage 2000. Then 5th Generation (PAK FA, FGFA) will come after 2017
For all members and trolls... The main motive behind this thread was not to compare Indian or Pakistani might. I just wanted to show the attitude of Pakistan Government and its people over Indo-Pak relationship. - How??

There are hardliners and religious leaders which try revoke innocent and poor people of Pakistan to declare war against India while showing them distorted history. A couple of days PM Gilaani was quoted saying that Pakistan will continue to support the AZAD KASMIR movement in J&K. Headly has revealed the ISI link in Mumbai Attacks. And now this Defense minister.

All this shows that either Pakistan is trying to be over smart and as result it is proved a fool. Or in realty they are just a bunch of crazy people...
How many F-16s does India currently have?

150+ SU 30MKI.

Most of Pakistan's weapons and defence budgets are from America , China and Arab countries. They are actually defending of Pakistan.

US alone paid $ 20 billion in last 10 years.
China helped with FC-1, MBT-2000 and other projects without or little investments.
F-22P also financed by China.

What more any country needs?
There is a thread "IAF accepts that PAF has edge over it" and that thread is still active since very very long without any reason and facts. Let this thread Continue as the title meaning is correct. :mps:
150+ SU 30MKI.

Most of Pakistan's weapons and defence budgets are from America , China and Arab countries. They are actually defending of Pakistan.

US alone paid $ 20 billion in last 10 years.
China helped with FC-1, MBT-2000 and other projects without or little investments.
F-22P also financed by China.

What more any country needs?

Ur absolutely ryt :cheers:
That's what we have been trying to explain them since 47.

thats what u r trying to explain us sincr 1947 but we cant understand ur point because we dont stick to numbers we prefer quality and capability of our forces which u can never and thats why our missiles test dont fail.................... as yours!!!!!!!!!!!:pakistan:
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