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We can't match India militarily: Pak def min

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There is a thread "IAF accepts that PAF has edge over it" and that thread is still active since very very long without any reason and facts. Let this thread Continue as the title meaning is correct. :mps:
grow up kid!!! u guys need to improve ur missiles alot!!!!
thats what u r trying to explain us sincr 1947 but we cant understand ur point because we dont stick to numbers we prefer quality and capability of our forces which u can never and thats why our missiles test dont fail.................... as yours!!!!!!!!!!!:pakistan:

For all who did not read my earlier post I repeat...

For all members and trolls... The main motive behind this thread was not to compare Indian or Pakistani might. I just wanted to show the attitude of Pakistan Government and its people over Indo-Pak relationship. - How??

There are hardliners and religious leaders which try revoke innocent and poor people of Pakistan to declare war against India while showing them distorted history. A couple of days PM Gilaani was quoted saying that Pakistan will continue to support the AZAD KASMIR movement in J&K. Headly has revealed the ISI link in Mumbai Attacks. And now this Defense minister.

All this shows that either Pakistan is trying to be over smart and as result it is proved a fool. Or in realty they are just a bunch of crazy people..
grow up kid!!! u guys need to improve ur missiles alot!!!!

Long back already done. Have you heard Brahmos ?? Agni-3 ? Akash ? That is more than enough for Pakistan. :cheers:

I am not talking about Future Missiles like Brahmos-2, Agni-5, Nirbhay, etc.
Back in the days when you were getting the American tech this might be true. But things are changing pretty fast.

Absolutely true instead one thing.The situation is not changing,it has changed a lot.Now the sole advantage they have is in the medium artillery sector which too soon will be neutralised.
thats what u r trying to explain us sincr 1947 but we cant understand ur point because we dont stick to numbers we prefer quality and capability of our forces which u can never and thats why our missiles test dont fail.................... as yours!!!!!!!!!!!:pakistan:

Obviously you know nothing about missile tests then :lol:

Every test is perfect right?
In quantity, India is far superior. However, Pakistan has a slight edge over India in quality.

you based this on the what SAT tests results or what? where do you come up with such intangible statements?
Yeah... you don't stick to numbers... You just stick your penis in your sister's vagina... Great country... Bacche ko samajh nai aata ki bande ko abu bualun ya mamujaan.. :pakistan:

please dont post again......shame on u.....
dont hamper the discussion.:tdown:
In quantity, India is far superior. However, Pakistan has a slight edge over India in quality.

Joke of the day.

:rofl: How? Tell us single weapons than you have better. :rofl:

su 30mki , aircraft carrier , nuclear submarine , agni-3 , Phalcon , Arjun , Akash , Barak , Arudhra AESA and many. name one you have better.

Indian Navy vs Pakistan Navy
Indian air force vs Pakistan air force
Indian army vs Pakistan Army

he will never reply to this post i know.
The only resource in their hand is their short penis... that too will be used to your own sisters and mothers... And about F-16s that you are begging from America.. shove them in your fat useless ...

Welcome to defense.pk. Minding your language would be a start.
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