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We are with Kashmiris in their struggle for independence: DG ISPR

I don't believe PA are fools that they will attack, it requires 1:8 advantage to attack and conquer. Pakistan will very well lose territory if they attack and India gets an excuse to counter attack. Only fanboys on PDF want to attack. Let's make LOC/Ceasefire line as border, with some exchange of population and India pays Pakistan for rehabilitation of Kashmiris who want to shift to Pakistan.

3:1 advantage, attacker against defender.

Pakistan will not lose territory in any case, however PA will not attack inside IOK because the trap is being set by India to lure Pakistan somehow some way to show Pakistan as the aggressor. India has been trying to trap Pakistan since early 2000's. First in 2001/2, then in 2008, then 2016 onwards. Can you see the trend occurring after every 8 years? and now the frustration has gone to such a level that from 2016 to 2019, it occurred almost every year especially on LOC and some incidents in Kashmir like Uri and Pulwama. Then a could-be master stroke went into disaster by IAF due to downing of Mig-21. After may, the strategy was changed and now kashmir is paying the price again along with LOC.

Due to US/NATO presence in Afghanistan, to control the mujahideen/freedom fighters from with-in Pakistan, the strategy was clear that india will damage and disintegrate Pakistan before US/NATO leaves the region. The destructive incidents heightened in Pakistan between 2007 till 2016 for almost 8-9 years. Post 2016, things started to get controlled as incidents of destruction decreased inside Pakistan. So the LOC was lit up and incidents started happening in kashmir.

This is just Indian frustration. The Grand Plan sought by India through US/NATO presence next door to Pakistan has failed. India knows as soon as USA leaves, Pakistan gets an upper hand in Afghanistan which India will not be able to cope up with again. Failure in Afghanistan has prompted a rise of incidents in kashmir. India is also showing Kashmiris that Pakistan will not come for their help now. This could back fire also, coz when Kashmiris see that no one is there to assist them, they will actually start to do something for themselves.
For the few of posters, having no idea as what DG ISPR said, needs to understand that you don't act immature by drum beating of war openly like our neighbor. Pay attention to the statement...

Most, unfortunately. Count on this and other related threads.
جنگ تم کرنا نہیں چاہتے انڈیا جنگ کے بغیر کشمیر دے گا نہیں ٹھمکا لگاؤ پھر جنرل صاحب۔ اب تمہاری ٹویٹ اور ویڈیو گانے سے کشمیر آزاد ہونے سے رہا

its mean nukes are bad if we have nukes in 1948 we have no azad kashmir today :lol:
MissCourt must must watch his press
I do not understand this multi ID thing on PDF at all!
I mean how hard is to ask the forum script to tell you about an IP when approving a new account? do a simple search and the forum will tell you as to how many account belong to that IP adress already
VPN....causes confusion...I will let admits deal with it!
Most, unfortunately. Count on this and other related threads.
But who cares about the opinions of PDF posters
Pakistani awam is more than 200 million and I've never seen anyone listening such type of speeches except some dukandars
Everyone is busy who cares what DGispr says or what Modi says
3:1 advantage, attacker against defender.

Pakistan will not lose territory in any case, however PA will not attack inside IOK because the trap is being set by India to lure Pakistan somehow some way to show Pakistan as the aggressor. India has been trying to trap Pakistan since early 2000's. First in 2001/2, then in 2008, then 2016 onwards. Can you see the trend occurring after every 8 years? and now the frustration has gone to such a level that from 2016 to 2019, it occurred almost every year especially on LOC and some incidents in Kashmir like Uri and Pulwama. Then a could-be master stroke went into disaster by IAF due to downing of Mig-21. After may, the strategy was changed and now kashmir is paying the price again along with LOC.

Due to US/NATO presence in Afghanistan, to control the mujahideen/freedom fighters from with-in Pakistan, the strategy was clear that india will damage and disintegrate Pakistan before US/NATO leaves the region. The destructive incidents heightened in Pakistan between 2007 till 2016 for almost 8-9 years. Post 2016, things started to get controlled as incidents of destruction decreased inside Pakistan. So the LOC was lit up and incidents started happening in kashmir.

This is just Indian frustration. The Grand Plan sought by India through US/NATO presence next door to Pakistan has failed. India knows as soon as USA leaves, Pakistan gets an upper hand in Afghanistan which India will not be able to cope up with again. Failure in Afghanistan has prompted a rise of incidents in kashmir. India is also showing Kashmiris that Pakistan will not come for their help now. This could back fire also, coz when Kashmiris see that no one is there to assist them, they will actually start to do something for themselves.
Well articulated, they've been desperately searching for a pretext.
What some dudes were wanting DG ISPR was when he starts his speech he says :

" We will not be patient anymore . India see our response by yourself"

And suddenly live footage of launching of Ghauris and Shaheens towards India was played and war starts .
Finally... India you can continue killing Kashmiris, raping women and abducting children, we will continue with the diplomatic assault and kill your conscience.. save yourselves Indians.. we are ruthless.

I watched DG ISPR press conference.. he said nothing like what is being reported

Infact he said tht war becomes a compulsion, not choice, if diplomacy fails.. he said war will be a compulsion then... its upto India and the world to decide now
these pro war PDF chicken chits will be the first one to hide behind there amma in case of war.
they all wanna see 50 su 30 getting shot down to satisfy there egos.
Our online PDF comrade @Imad.Khan is one such example.
On topic:
Guys to be honest today it was a very satisfying press conference and DG ISPR said what every Pakistani wanted to hear by making a statement " if all other options fail including diplomacy fighting a war becomes a duty". He again repeated what appeared on a posters in IOK " we will fight till last bullet and soldier for Kashmir".So use your mind to assess we are heading towards a war because modi cannot and will not reverse the decision he took on 5th of August even after all the pressures from international community.
And to all fan boys and desperate people online have a look at the two diagrams presented during press conference .It's a process and state does not think like a common man and don't decisions in hurry and emotions.Next 2 months are very critical.

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