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We are with Kashmiris in their struggle for independence: DG ISPR

heard everything.it is clear to me that army wants to fight but there are already lots of problems like economy,internal matters.problem is same.lack of strategy is the biggest problem.there is absolutely no strategy to deal with surprising indian decisions.balakot was surprising,370 was surprising.they intruded 60 to 80km in our territory which means we can't defend our vital installations.whatever we did on 27 was great but balakot provides them courage which they were lacking.we know from the last 70 years that they have numerical superiority but we clearly have no strategy.we still say kashmir is bilateral and china is still a friend.friend can be asked to fight alongside with you.they are also facing ladakh situation which means almost common interest.no strategy means more problems in near future because india can surprise us again.80km is deep intrusion.joint training with chinese are good but joint attack on india can be desired strategy.
And, so was 02-27 a “surprise” for India too, so they couldn’t do anything in 02-28!!! It means “surprises” are not a one sided affair....
heard everything.it is clear to me that army wants to fight but

i am a civillian as a civillian can possibly be in Pakistan.

i am of the opinion the army is holding back pakistanis from war.

honest observation bro
As expected a professional, composed and subtle presser from Our DGISPR.

A brilliant display of MilitaryDiplomacy (a PakArmy innovation) and art of saying everything without saying .... the message is loud and clear.

PakState Speak:
Dear world, if you don't move your lazy behind and do you work... then PakState is NOT responsible for the Winter....

If listened to carefully, DGISPR has clearly underlined Our HybridStruggle until the FreedomOfKashmir from GanguDaesh....

By not war mongering promoting peaceful settlement... once again PakState has made FacistModiTerrorist that he is.

It is also refreshing that PakState has clearly adopted the FacistRSSNazi GanguRegime.... we now need to keep it going.. expose the FacistAgenda of GanguDaesh.

It is quite reassuring that we have now reached a stage where we can effectively utilise HybridStruggle against the filthy enemies..

What I personally find most encouraging that PakState has finally understood the essence of Comprehensive National Strength ... and is now trying to apply it accordingly!

Exactly this and the last thing he mentioned " Prophet Muhammad SAW Sula Hadabia".What a marvellous message.
In Treaty of Hudaybiyyah muslims were very sad and disheartened.No Hajj that year , all muslims that came to medina to take refuge were to be handed back to Quresh etc.Muslims in makkah were tortured in ways unimaginable and nobody could help them.But Allah's Prophet promised the muslims that Hikmat is necessary , at this time it may seem this treaty is not beneficial for us but in the long term it will be.And that is what exactly happened.
Honestly there is no better example that could have been given right now.
I think he came today to speak for the very reason to assure the nation that things are being done & he explained it.But he couldnt actually say outright what will be the long term benefits for these actions been taken now.Secondly he tried telling the situation with Afghanistan which gave many many hints.Also his mention of trump.If you add all things together it makes perfect sense.

General Ghafoor also stated that war is fought not by institutions but as a nation.The people have to stand with the govt in the measures they are taking no matter how foolish & useless it looks.Like standing for an hour or whatever.Dont bring politics into it.This is for Pakistan.

I actually clapped at the end.
so finally they have given to a shut up call to all the war mongers . yesterday IK said this and today the military.

india made a very calculated move. they knew our weaknesses and played their cards. pakistanis should forget kashmir.
Hahaha I think you forgot what dg ispr said
Akri goli akri sepahi akri sanse tak hum laray gay
i am a civillian as a civillian can possibly be in Pakistan.

i am of the opinion the army is holding back pakistanis from war.

honest observation bro

No sir , I think they are asking for sometime.If you remember his words from the last time.We will fight on the place & time of our choosing not India's.
He tried to explain it today , with half our forces at the western border & Afghanistan peace process in motion,India thought there was no better time to do it.On the other hand they have again become active through BLA & TTP to keep our army engage there as well.Recent terrorist act the example.
There is a larger game at play here.I believe Pakistan is waiting for the Afghan peace process to be finalized.And this actually scares India.In the mean time govt is to keep the international community engaged.
Khalilzad aka amerika on the behesyof India was trying to stall the this process.
Excellent address. The downward spiral for India since 27 February 2019. and two important messages delivered to the public. one point he discussed supposed to be delivered by our foreign Minister. Overall Excellent Balanced speech.
i am a civillian as a civillian can possibly be in Pakistan.

i am of the opinion the army is holding back pakistanis from war.

honest observation bro

That is true but there are reasons.first reason is our financial situation.second reason is our army on afghan border.i know what India will do next.after next bomb blast,India will attack and we are basically preparing and training to defend.i can say that we lack strategy.there is no strategy.india has done unimaginable things.
There is a way of escalation restricted to LOC only. Artillery, Mortar, ATGM's, RR's, SPG's have all been used. MLRS has not been used and it can cause havoc to fixed positions and entrenched troops.
As QRF, AH-1's 70mm Hydras can do a lot of damage at enemy posts where chopper entry is least expected, this will draw in enemy AD forces with tube launched SAM's and AAA weapons which can target to shoot the gunship only when the chances of debris falling on enemy side is 100%, makes things very tricky due to Gunship's hovering ability.

Still that wouldn't reduce the misery of people of occupied Kashmir. The response is coming just wait for the right time . . . . .
No sir , I think they are asking for sometime.If you remember his words from the last time.We will fight on the place & time of our choosing not India's.
He tried to explain it today , with half our forces at the western border & Afghanistan peace process in motion,India thought there was no better time to do it.On the other hand they have again become active through BLA & TTP to keep our army engage there as well.Recent terrorist act the example.
There is a larger game at play here.I believe Pakistan is waiting for the Afghan peace process to be finalized.And this actually scares India.In the mean time govt is to keep the international community engaged.
Khalilzad aka amerika on the behesyof India was trying to stall the this process.

Average Pakistani in the streets know this as general knowledge.

Everyone is underestimating the sheer anger, Frustration and dedication pakistanis have for Kashmir

That is true but there are reasons.first reason is our financial situation.second reason is our army on afghan border.i know what India will do next.after next bomb blast,India will attack and we are basically preparing and training to defend.i can say that we lack strategy.there is no strategy.india has done unimaginable things.

Its all going to plan. If only the government stop from bending over for foreign interests
Still that wouldn't reduce the misery of people of occupied Kashmir. The response is coming just wait for the right time . . . . .
PA has tried time and again ti reduce their misery. In these testing times for Pakistan, PA should look after its own borders.
And, so was 02-27 a “surprise” for India too, so they couldn’t do anything in 02-28!!! It means “surprises” are not a one sided affair....
From the looks of it, India's response to that came much later. Late as in last month. That was surprise for Pakistan.
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