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We are with Kashmiris in their struggle for independence: DG ISPR

I am listening to the actual press conference - he says a lot of stuff that isn't printed in the article. This article is pure spin from Dawn.

For example;

- He says PK has 200,000 soldiers deployed on Afghan border, peace in Afghanistan will mean they are redeployed away from there. He says Afghan peace process is important for that. He says India is trying to take advantage of that deployment thinking it is a weak point for us that we are unable to respond fully.

- He says India thinks we are stuck, but any misadventure will be met by the same fate as they got on 27th Feb.

He talks about this diagram;


He says India has launched sub conventional war on us for 20 years.

He talks about a spectrum of responses. He states;


Military, intelligence, diplomacy, information, finance, law etc. He says Pakistan is responding on all of these fronts.

Talks about false flags and potential for loc violations - says they're ready to respond.

Denies any deal over Kashmir - "over our dead bodies".

Asked if war is not an option. Said it is the role of FM to resolve things via diplomacy, says PM has a similar role. Says if other options don't succeed, war becomes an option, sometimes by compulsion. We will go to any extent.

Asked about nuclear red lines, including cold start. He said it is a detterence, but won't say anything specific, it is state policy. He says such policies aren't made or changed in press conferences.

Asked about redeployment away from Afghan border. He said once there is peace, focus will be 100% on eastern border. He said no plans of decisions will be announced in press conferences. He said every scenario is planned for. He said we don't take the first step until we've prepared the last step.

Asked about recognition with Israel - He said Pakistan has been under a hybrid war and propaganda is a component on that. Such talk is to sow division. Any such conversation is propaganda. He said it is a decision of the state and a question to put to the foreign office, but as far as he knows nothing has changed from our historical stance.

Talks about Iran - he says cooperation on fencing carrying on, increasing cooperation.
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There's NOTHING LIKE first use policy of ours.
resources are to be utilized and we will fight till last bullet.
War is compulsion if World sleeps, it's not an option now.
Pakistani DG ISPR has said that "we are trying to solve
the Kashmir Issue in diplomatic ways & if diplomacy fails to solve the Kashmir Issue then military response will be the only option left ,we will fight til the last soldier & last bullet for Kashmir."

Clearly you guys didn't hear the PC

There's NOTHING LIKE first use policy of ours.
resources are to be utilized and we will fight till last bullet.
War is compulsion if World sleeps, it's not an option now.

Did he actually say that?
Kashmir situation has became a joke
Pakistan from start new this doesn't actually change the status quo,
Everybody knows that IOK and Azad Kashmir position remain no matter how you wanna Express that.

1 It just kinda sound idiotic when you say Kashmir is jugular vein but we actually wont do anything.
2 Army themselves (Higher brass) & PTI
dont want to escalate that, thanks to economic situation and the news coming from Western front ( Uncle Sam ready to leave )
3 I find steps taken by PTI strange if you dont want escalation and everything is happy why did Chief is given 3 Year Extension ? So he can support PTI govt in any case ?
4th No concrete steps taken by GoP & Pakistani Army in this whole situation without some statements
5th This will bite back Pakistani army in coming years, Pakistani had the moral higher ground to take force the issue on international stage via limited calculated Escalation.

6th If Army isnt ready or dont want to which i understand in cade because of the western borders the Military budget should be cut in half and used that for Civilians development projects e.g Schools and Healthcare
Perhaps, this press conference had had the inverse impact on common people, than it was intended for.
Something is wrong.... if Kashmir is Pakistan's jugular vein and it is under the enemy's control then how come he can say "War is no option"....then what happens if tomorrow the enemy attack AJK and GB... will war still be a no option..and what if the enemy attacks the Lahore.. will the war still be no option?
Something is wrong..

However one good thing, after his statement of "war no option", we should stop blaming PM or FM of being peaceful / coward.
what if pakistan potrays war is no option n starts war... did anyone noticed army movement in local transport these days no army convoyt
what if pakistan potrays war is no option n starts war... did anyone noticed army movement in local transport these days no army convoyt
Naaah they don't want war.
from last 72 years we provided morale support to kashmiris but on ground mujhadiens were sent
Major Gen Asif Ghafoor warns India against misadventure


RAWALPINDI: India should keep in mind February 27 before becoming involved in any aggression against Pakistan, warned DG ISPR Major General Asif Ghafoor on Wednesday, referring to a standoff between both the countries that saw an Indian aircraft downed by PAF .

Addressing a press conference, the military spokesman said India sent fighter jets in response to Prime Minister Imran Khan's offer for peace.

"India has intensified human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir," he said and assured people of the region that they would always find Pakistan standing with them.

He also rejected claims about any secret deal on Kashmir. Major General Ghafoor said no Indian step which negates Kashmiris' right to self- determination would be acceptable to Pakistan.

The DG ISPR said India is sowing seeds of new conflict with its actions in Occupied Kashmir.

"Kashmir is our jugular vein, and we will go to any extent for it," said he.

He said as soon as Pakistan consolidates its gains on western front, it will shift its complete focus to eastern border because it sees India as a perpetual threat.

Responding to a question regarding Army Chief's extension in service, he said it was the prime minister's prerogative. He, however, added that General Bajwa never wanted it.

Asked to comment on reports about possibility that Pakistan might review its policy towards Israel, he said the status of Islamabad's relations with the Jewish state remains unchanged.

He said reports that Pakistan plans to establish diplomatic ties with Israel is propaganda.


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