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We are with Kashmiris in their struggle for independence: DG ISPR

I don't believe PA are fools that they will attack, it requires 1:8 advantage to attack and conquer. Pakistan will very well lose territory if they attack and India gets an excuse to counter attack. Only fanboys on PDF want to attack. Let's make LOC/Ceasefire line as border, with some exchange of population and India pays Pakistan for rehabilitation of Kashmiris who want to shift to Pakistan.
I don't believe PA are fools that they will attack, it requires 1:8 advantage to attack and conquer. Pakistan will very well lose territory if they attack and India gets an excuse to counter attack. Only fanboys on PDF want to attack. Let's make LOC/Ceasefire line as border, with some exchange of population and India pays Pakistan for rehabilitation of Kashmiris who want to shift to Pakistan.
Give up the Valley before it becomes a pain in the *** for you.
Pakistani DG ISPR has said that "we are trying to solve
the Kashmir Issue in diplomatic ways & if diplomacy fails to solve the Kashmir Issue then military response will be the only option left ,we will fight til the last soldier & last bullet for Kashmir."

Clearly you guys didn't hear the PC
Yes.. that's true.. I didn't watch it but now I listening with head phones but I will be interrupted as I'm in office.
..and I am expecting to be banned after this post, I have 17 accounts on this forum.

8 pakistani accounts, 3 indian,

3uk/pak(I would count as 2 as this going to be banned) 3 us accounts. Dont worry, I will pop up with some messages as you go down under further.
@WebMaster what are you doing?
For the few of posters, having no idea as what DG ISPR said, needs to understand that you don't act immature by drum beating of war openly like our neighbor. Pay attention to the statement...

  • DG ISPR Major General Asif Ghafoor has said that Pakistan will go to any extent in support of the Kashmiri brethren in their struggle for right to self-determination.

  • He said we'll continue standing by the people of occupied Kashmir till the last bullet,last solider & last breath.

  • "Kashmir is our jugular vein and we will go to any lengths to protect it."
What makes you all think that it can be done without what is necessary to be done - even if it is achieved by force. Stop your usual diarrhea & meltdown being emotional without any idea of matters at hand. We don't need to arrange Jalsa to tell that what we can do or will do.

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