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We are losing the battle in Kashmir: Indian Army Commander.....!!!!

WHAT do you hope to gain with these pointless posts? You are not going to go down and fight in Kashmir, and I am not waiting there to shoot you dead. There are others whom you and those with like minds deceive into doing this dirty work, and there are appointed officers of law and order, and their military support, to take care of those working the dirty works. Neither side will stop because you make a passionate post. They will none of them even know, forget about care, that you are interested! However....

1947 Revolt was a glorious victory and armed struggle is the only mean to get freedom. We avenged the massacre of 1830 right after 117 years at least we didn't give up and gain our freedom. Our first enemy was Maharaja of Kashmir and his name has been erased from this world, confess his defeat even you became his successor and didn't achieve to bring back his monarch.

Again, you are deluded.

There were 562 Maharajas, Nawabs and the Nizam. They all lost power, not just your little lordship. And they lost it because the Government of India willed it. Nothing to do with you, nothing to do with their former subjects.

I admit that we initiated full fledged war to take occupied territory at least we tried against a superior military.

You call the Dogra troops 'superior military'? There were more ex-troopers among the Sudhans than there were Dogras.

When you are going to wage such expedition every time when we send mujahideen to attack your forces stationed at Kashmir you can only protest and cry in front of the world not more than it even your fire power is stronger but haven't guts to cross border and get AJK back or destroy dozen training camps hosted there.

In Kerala, they say that lizards on the roof, sticking on upside down, think that they are keeping up the roof. It is like that with you. You think that it is fear of you that keeps our military from crossing the border and getting AJK back. Why should we? We have enough land, enough resources, enough brave soldiers and hard working labourers, what have you got that should tempt us?

What we have, we hold. We want nothing. When we need to whip you, we do. We took back the Haji Pir Pass, for instance; it was returned because of a political decision, and in our country, unlike yours, the military follows the orders that they are given. That is what democracy is about, and contrary to what military rule is about, as you have experienced it.

Volunteers came from entire world but currently they are focused to another war and will return to other front soon.

The kill rate remained exactly the same. A Chechen dies as quickly as a Mirpuri.

A question is can you face more violence in J&K currently local militants are out of your control, they attack your installations every day and you have nothing to cry and make propaganda from it.

We can face ten times more violence. That is what we faced down in 1989/90. This is minor, compared to that.

Show me a single evidence regarding attack on soft targets e.g women and children.

And what will you do, die of shame? Commit seppuku? Drown yourself in a handful of your own spit?

You will do nothing, in spite of having this cowardice shown to you in public. Read for yourself.


You have to admit that our nature is softer than Taliban and other Islamist militant groups, i think this is the only weakness we have and you will realize my claims regarding ISIS empowerment in this region on day.

We have to admit nothing except that you are long and boring talkers, who do nothing but posture in front of mirrors and convince yourselves that you are great warriors.

The real soldiers in your Army have no time for such fanfarronade.:disagree:

Fact check the movement for liberation of Kashmir is as old as partition it just took a militant turn in the 80,s


The elements that were for alignment of Kashmir with Pakistan were largely concentrated outside the Vale, in Mirpur and in G-B.

Read this (below); it's a cracking good read, and as good a potted history as I've come across anywhere. A bit wounding for the Pakistani psyche, but hey! don't blame us, it's a Pakistani writing it, albeit a blunt, straight-talking one.

WHAT do you hope to gain with these pointless posts? You are not going to go down and fight in Kashmir, and I am not waiting there to shoot you dead. There are others whom you and those with like minds deceive into doing this dirty work, and there are appointed officers of law and order, and their military support, to take care of those working the dirty works. Neither side will stop because you make a passionate post. They will none of them even know, forget about care, that you are interested! However....

Again, you are deluded.

There were 562 Maharajas, Nawabs and the Nizam. They all lost power, not just your little lordship. And they lost it because the Government of India willed it. Nothing to do with you, nothing to do with their former subjects.

You call the Dogra troops 'superior military'? There were more ex-troopers among the Sudhans than there were Dogras.

In Kerala, they say that lizards on the roof, sticking on upside down, think that they are keeping up the roof. It is like that with you. You think that it is fear of you that keeps our military from crossing the border and getting AJK back. Why should we? We have enough land, enough resources, enough brave soldiers and hard working labourers, what have you got that should tempt us?

What we have, we hold. We want nothing. When we need to whip you, we do. We took back the Haji Pir Pass, for instance; it was returned because of a political decision, and in our country, unlike yours, the military follows the orders that they are given. That is what democracy is about, and contrary to what military rule is about, as you have experienced it.

The kill rate remained exactly the same. A Chechen dies as quickly as a Mirpuri.

We can face ten times more violence. That is what we faced down in 1989/90. This is minor, compared to that.

And what will you do, die of shame? Commit seppuku? Drown yourself in a handful of your own spit?

You will do nothing, in spite of having this cowardice shown to you in public. Read for yourself.


We have to admit nothing except that you are long and boring talkers, who do nothing but posture in front of mirrors and convince yourselves that you are great warriors.

The real soldiers in your Army have no time for such fanfarronade.:disagree:


The elements that were for alignment of Kashmir with Pakistan were largely concentrated outside the Vale, in Mirpur and in G-B.

Read this (below); it's a cracking good read, and as good a potted history as I've come across anywhere. A bit wounding for the Pakistani psyche, but hey! don't blame us, it's a Pakistani writing it, albeit a blunt, straight-talking one.


I am talking about Maharaja of Kashmir you have not valid answer to hide his crimes thatswhy you are turning red and writing rubbish here. Why you are comparing other Maharajas and Nawabs with dogra regime aren't we talking talking about Kashmir then from where other monarchs came from.
Sudhans are born soldiers and i am proud to be a part of it's lineage. We have a huge military background and achievements, we fought in 1830 against intruders and your Maharaja skinned dozens sudhan sardars alive and killed women and burn children. You and your country are thinking yourself a leader of human rights just open history books and check the crimes of your state and leaders.

We raised Azad Kasmir regiment with our own resources, we participated in WW1 and WW2 and came with IOBM,MC and VC medals on our chest. When dogra forces were thrown out, your most elite Gurkhas came as a reinforcement ,were also crushed by our men.
First you were saying that we can get AJK back know you are saying why we need a place which is unworthy and we have huge lands. You are cowards who can make plan, sit inside your home and cry about dozen training camps hosted by us. LOC crossings will remain as it is and we will launch more attacks in near future do what you can do.
I know 1989- 2001 were the golden era of Kashmir armed struggle currently many of us are engaged in others fronts thatwhy you are facing local opposition. Just imagine your own bullets and guns are using against you, cops flee with rifles and join militant ranks, youngsters are snatching rifles by using knives shameful situation for you.

Indian hired militants such as Ikhwans are involved in these attacks to create game and anger. We don't accept responsibility of these attacks because if we do this then there will be no difference between you and us.

It was your country who allow your forces to enter in our country and kill innocent civilians. By the grace of Almighty we avenged those lives very quickly and heads of your soldiers were displayed publicly.

I am talking about Maharaja of Kashmir you have not valid answer to hide his crimes thatswhy you are turning red and writing rubbish here. Why you are comparing other Maharajas and Nawabs with dogra regime aren't we talking talking about Kashmir then from where other monarchs came from.

LOL. Beginning to hurt, is it?

I have nothing to do with his crimes, nor does India have anything to do with his crimes. None of the princely states, including the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, was ruled by free India before 1947. We couldn't care less about what he did before that; we care a lot about what we did after that.

So when you brag about making it impossible for him to come back, it is necessary to point out to you, since you know nothing except what you have been taught by your own self-glorifying folk-lore, that he was asked to leave by India, and we replaced him with his heir as Rajpramukh, and that was the same pattern as we adopted in every other case. As I wrote clearly, and as you failed to read clearly or otherwise, your actions had nothing to do with it. You had no effect on the situation, just as the Kerala lizard does not really hold up the roof; it only thinks it does.

Sudhans are born soldiers and i am proud to be a part of it's lineage. We have a huge military background and achievements, we fought in 1830 against intruders and your Maharaja skinned dozens sudhan sardars alive and killed women and burn children. You and your country are thinking yourself a leader of human rights just open history books and check the crimes of your state and leaders.

That's the point. You didn't take on a superior military. You took on a much smaller force. It was still a much smaller force in 1830, but, crimes or no crimes, they beat you into submission. You won in 1947 against the Dogra state troops because of your much larger numbers, and because you had an entire nation in addition to your much larger numbers arming you, not to mention that the state forces were fighting in western Jammu, in Gilgit-Baltistan and finally, on the outskirts of Srinagar, between Srinagar and Baramula . Read for yourself (you do read, don't you?)

The Pakistan army made available arms, ammuniton and supplies to the rebel forces who were dubbed the `Azad Army'. Pakistani army officers `conveniently' on leave and the former officers of the Indian National Armywere recruited to command the forces.

What was so great about it? Against the regular Army, you had nothing to say or to do; you had to give up Rajouri, you had to give up Poonch, and you were on the point of losing more when the cease-fire came into force. That is why many Indians blame Nehru for not having left the Army to complete its job before going to the UN.

[quote}We raised Azad Kasmir regiment with our own resources, we participated in WW1 and WW2 and came with IOBM,MC and VC medals on our chest. When dogra forces were thrown out, your most elite Gurkhas came as a reinforcement ,were also crushed by our men.[/quote]

Oh? The Gorkhas came in? Are you sure? It was Sher Jung Thapa defending Skardu with 250 State forces men for several months against much larger forces. Again, read for yourself:

Thereafter, the Skardu Garrison was subjected to continuous attacks by the Pakistan Army for the next three months and each time, their attack was repulsed by the Colonel Sher Jung Thapa and his men. Thapa held the Skardu with hardly 250 men for whole six long months without any reinforcement and replenishment. On 14th August Indian* General Sher Jung Thapa had to surrender Skardu to the Pakistani Army. and raiders after a year long siege.

* This is wrong; Sher Jung Thapa was a soldier for the Kashmir state forces, and never a member of the Indian Army. A pity, because he was one of the best soldiers in the war.

First you were saying that we can get AJK back know you are saying why we need a place which is unworthy and we have huge lands.

This is what I said, exactly, not what an addled brain has reproduced :enjoy:

It is up to us to maintain law and order in the parts that we administer, and to take over the tiny little fringe that is Azad Kashmir when the time comes. It is to be hoped that it will be a violence-free take over, but in either case, it will be a take over.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/we-are-l...an-army-commander.433680/page-7#ixzz4B0oMcnhu

When we are ready, at our convenience, not when some little child jumps up and down in its father's safe arms and says to us that now is the time :D

You are cowards who can make plan, sit inside your home and cry about dozen training camps hosted by us. LOC crossings will remain as it is and we will launch more attacks in near future do what you can do.

Doesn't it hurt to be beaten by cowards, time and again?

As for what we can do, I already told you in one of my earliest posts: we will shoot the infiltrators. Keep training them; we will keep shooting them.

What can you do, except look on helplessly as each batch fails to return?

I know 1989- 2001 were the golden era of Kashmir armed struggle currently many of us are engaged in others fronts thatwhy you are facing local opposition.

Oh, really?

And where are you engaged, on which other front, my hero?

And what difference does it make whether we kill you or any other? The same number die.

Just imagine your own bullets and guns are using against you, cops flee with rifles and join militant ranks, youngsters are snatching rifles by using knives shameful situation for you.

Yes, just imagine, because there is nothing beyond the imagine.

Indian hired militants such as Ikhwans are involved in these attacks to create game and anger. We don't accept responsibility of these attacks because if we do this then there will be no difference between you and us.

Of course. What else? We hired the Ikhwans to kill our own soldiers' wives and children. How ridiculous can you get? Do you realise that you are making yourself a laughing stock?

Each claim, each brag that you made has been exploded, and you have had to retreat to statements like it wasn't your doing, it was a false flag operation. How often will you use that moth-eaten excuse? Even your own people have started laughing at this.

It was your country who allow your forces to enter in our country and kill innocent civilians. By the grace of Almighty we avenged those lives very quickly and heads of your soldiers were displayed publicly.


I'm an atheist, thankfully so. But just look at it from the point of view of a believer. If the Almighty had been on your side, you would have been sitting in Srinagar, not huffing and puffing in PDF. QED (you might like to ask for help to understand what that means; it is unlikely, judging by your posts, that you have a clue).
Only a hater can deny strength of newly raised Azad Forces where only 11 .303 rifles were used to liberate two districts and dozens dogra soldiers were chopped into pieces by axes and swords.
GB area were liberated by Mirza Hassan on Sardar Ibrahim's advise and i am talking about Poonch front where Gorkhas came as a reinforcement and defeated badly. Your condition is just like an illiterate person who don't know ground realities and claiming himself a think tank. Take your Kerala lizard in your pocket and answer my questions clearly.

We have strategical depth in Kashmir were we rule at night and Almighty provide us ways to infiltrate the occupied territory. You kill your own soldiers to create greater game and create propaganda in front of world.
You claims are baseless and you know very well where we are engaged know and when our guns will turn towards you don't act like a child and cry over Pathankot attack and your so called dominated areas.LOL

More deadly attacks are waiting for you and a miserable death is waiting for your forces.
Only a hater can deny strength of newly raised Azad Forces where only 11 .303 rifles were used to liberate two districts and dozens dogra soldiers were chopped into pieces by axes and swords.

Oh, really? Read for yourself - or are you saying that the Pakistan Army only had 11 .303 rifles to spare? :D

The Pakistan army made available arms, ammuniton and supplies to the rebel forces who were dubbed the `Azad Army'. Pakistani army officers `conveniently' on leave and the former officers of the Indian National Armywere recruited to command the forces.

GB area were liberated by Mirza Hassan on Sardar Ibrahim's advise

What a surprise that not he, but Major Brown got the Sitara-e-Pakistan (as well as British honours). Maybe Major Brown and Mirza Hassan were one and the same,something like Zorro at night and Don Diego de la Vega during the day? I am sure you will come out with something bizarre like that sooner or later, the way your arguments are running.

According to British Major W.A Brown, one-time commanding officer, there was a secret plan among the Gilgit Scouts to set up a "Republic of Gilgit-Astor(e)" when they ousted the armed forces of the Maharajah of Kashmir on November 1, 1947, but on November 2, the Pakistani flag was raised in Gilgit, on the advice and guidance of Major Brown.

and i am talking about Poonch front where Gorkhas came as a reinforcement and defeated badly. Your condition is just like an illiterate person who don't know ground realities and claiming himself a think tank. Take your Kerala lizard in your pocket and answer my questions clearly.

Any citations? I have a pocketful, next to the lizard who is urgently looking for you. Or is it all from personal knowledge, which you got fighting shoulder to shoulder with the heroes of your independence struggle?

We have strategical depth in Kashmir were we rule at night and Almighty provide us ways to infiltrate the occupied territory.

Are you seriously saying that the Almighty feeds 200 infiltrators at a time into a meat-grinding machine?

You kill your own soldiers to create greater game and create propaganda in front of world.

Of course. With nothing left to say, this is your inevitable answer. Can't you find something less ridiculous?

You claims are baseless and you know very well where we are engaged know and when our guns will turn towards you don't act like a child and cry over Pathankot attack and your so called dominated areas.LOL

What claims? And where are you engaged? Other than with your school books?
Does your government know you are claiming responsibility for the Pathankot attack? They might get irritated enough to hand you over. What a fun, hero-ji!

More deadly attacks are waiting for you and a miserable death is waiting for your forces.

The miserable death is already on us. Reading your posts is miserable, and anyone reading them would wish to die instead. :lol:
Oh, really? Read for yourself - or are you saying that the Pakistan Army only had 11 .303 rifles to spare? :D

The Pakistan army made available arms, ammuniton and supplies to the rebel forces who were dubbed the `Azad Army'. Pakistani army officers `conveniently' on leave and the former officers of the Indian National Armywere recruited to command the forces.

What a surprise that not he, but Major Brown got the Sitara-e-Pakistan (as well as British honours). Maybe Major Brown and Mirza Hassan were one and the same,something like Zorro at night and Don Diego de la Vega during the day? I am sure you will come out with something bizarre like that sooner or later, the way your arguments are running.

According to British Major W.A Brown, one-time commanding officer, there was a secret plan among the Gilgit Scouts to set up a "Republic of Gilgit-Astor(e)" when they ousted the armed forces of the Maharajah of Kashmir on November 1, 1947, but on November 2, the Pakistani flag was raised in Gilgit, on the advice and guidance of Major Brown.

Any citations? I have a pocketful, next to the lizard who is urgently looking for you. Or is it all from personal knowledge, which you got fighting shoulder to shoulder with the heroes of your independence struggle?

Are you seriously saying that the Almighty feeds 200 infiltrators at a time into a meat-grinding machine?

Of course. With nothing left to say, this is your inevitable answer. Can't you find something less ridiculous?

What claims? And where are you engaged? Other than with your school books?
Does your government know you are claiming responsibility for the Pathankot attack? They might get irritated enough to hand you over. What a fun, hero-ji!

The miserable death is already on us. Reading your posts is miserable, and anyone reading them would wish to die instead. :lol:
You are famous to ruin and alter the historical record. In 1971 your own forces in Pakistan army uniform raped Bangal women to create propaganda and hate between us. Now you are shamefully changing and laughing on AKRF achievements.
Initially 5 and 3 AK regiment had only 11 .303 rifles other arms were local 12 bore and locally built topi dhars. Two districts of current Azad Kashmir were liberated by these units and without external support. When Azad Kashmir government paid Punjab to acquire 500 battled hardened (Original British enfield) .303 rifles Punjab government changed the order and replaced the original rifles by Khyber pass copies. Those rifles who were ordered by Azad Kashmir were later given to Punjab Police.
There are more historical facts who are not available in books and media but we knows because we fought the war and those 11 .303 rifles who were the only strength of 3, 5 AK regiment, were provided by Captain Hussain Khan.
Captain Hussain Khan was O.B.E, IOBM and MC from British army and he fought WW2 in many fronts.In year 1947 Captain Hussain sold his entire house hold items to purchase 11 .303 rifles.
Mirza Hassan and Sardar Ibrahim were at Rajori front when Ibrahim advised Mirza to go back to native village and start rebellion with local help.

To the point your military expedition against Azad Kashmir will be a disaster for you country and the war will be fought in Dehli insted of LOC. Mark my words.

Don't hide the shameful defeat of Mahraja and his allies (All reinforcements). Accept it open heartedly and also accept that you cannot remove training camps hosted by us and you can only protest and cry in front of the world. :enjoy:
You are famous to ruin and alter the historical record. In 1971 your own forces in Pakistan army uniform raped Bangal women to create propaganda and hate between us. Now you are shamefully changing and laughing on AKRF achievements.

Who am I to oppose what the whole world thinks? Including the American diplomat who lived in Dhaka through those days?

Initially 5 and 3 AK regiment had only 11 .303 rifles other arms were local 12 bore and locally built topi dhars. Two districts of current Azad Kashmir were liberated by these units and without external support.

That is not what the historians say. Including Snedden, who is sympathetic to Azad Kashmir. Go and tell them that they are wrong, and get them to change their books. It is in the highest degree unlikely that you will get people to listen to your account, no matter how strongly you believe it, and no matter how strongly you wish others would believe it.

When Azad Kashmir government paid Punjab to acquire 500 battled hardened (Original British enfield) .303 rifles Punjab government changed the order and replaced the original rifles by Khyber pass copies. Those rifles who were ordered by Azad Kashmir were later given to Punjab Police.

Sources? Citations?

There are more historical facts who are not available in books and media but we knows because we fought the war and those 11 .303 rifles who were the only strength of 3, 5 AK regiment, were provided by Captain Hussain Khan.
Captain Hussain Khan was O.B.E, IOBM and MC from British army and he fought WW2 in many fronts.In year 1947 Captain Hussain sold his entire house hold items to purchase 11 .303 rifles.

Historical facts that are not available in books and in media are called fairy tales, and it does not matters whos knows and whos doesn't knows.

Did you fight the war personally? If not, how do you know that your sources were not lying to make themselves look good in the eyes of credulous people like you?

I know of Captain Hussian Khan as a gallant soldier and a leader of the Mirpur revolt. As far as the rest is concerned, whatever is recorded is authentic, what is not, is not.

Mirza Hassan and Sardar Ibrahim were at Rajori front when Ibrahim advised Mirza to go back to native village and start rebellion with local help.

Dates? When were they at Rajouri and when did they return? Can you give any dates, or is it to remain at this level of folk tales?

To the point your military expedition against Azad Kashmir will be a disaster for you country and the war will be fought in Dehli insted of LOC. Mark my words.

As you have fought it in Delhi all these years? Really? And I am vastly interested to know why your words should hold some special value for all of us who are reading this.

Don't hide the shameful defeat of Mahraja and his allies (All reinforcements).

Oh dear. How much can you dodge the fact that 60,000 ex-Indian Army soldiers were armed by Pakistan and slaughtered the few hundred Dogra troops who were around, before being thrown out of Poonch and Rajouri by the regular Indian Army?

Accept it open heartedly and also accept that you cannot remove training camps hosted by us and you can only protest and cry in front of the world. :enjoy:

As I said before, when it suits us, that little thread of territory will be cleaned up. Nehru made a terrible mistake in 1947-48; Shastri gave back the Haji Pir Pass in 1965, so have no fear, these mistakes will not be repeated. Your bombast notwithstanding.

Happy dreams.

Who am I to oppose what the whole world thinks? Including the American diplomat who lived in Dhaka through those days?

That is not what the historians say. Including Snedden, who is sympathetic to Azad Kashmir. Go and tell them that they are wrong, and get them to change their books. It is in the highest degree unlikely that you will get people to listen to your account, no matter how strongly you believe it, and no matter how strongly you wish others would believe it.

Sources? Citations?

Historical facts that are not available in books and in media are called fairy tales, and it does not matters whos knows and whos doesn't knows.

Did you fight the war personally? If not, how do you know that your sources were not lying to make themselves look good in the eyes of credulous people like you?

I know of Captain Hussian Khan as a gallant soldier and a leader of the Mirpur revolt. As far as the rest is concerned, whatever is recorded is authentic, what is not, is not.

Dates? When were they at Rajouri and when did they return? Can you give any dates, or is it to remain at this level of folk tales?

As you have fought it in Delhi all these years? Really? And I am vastly interested to know why your words should hold some special value for all of us who are reading this.

Oh dear. How much can you dodge the fact that 60,000 ex-Indian Army soldiers were armed by Pakistan and slaughtered the few hundred Dogra troops who were around, before being thrown out of Poonch and Rajouri by the regular Indian Army?

As I said before, when it suits us, that little thread of territory will be cleaned up. Nehru made a terrible mistake in 1947-48; Shastri gave back the Haji Pir Pass in 1965, so have no fear, these mistakes will not be repeated. Your bombast notwithstanding.

Happy dreams.

How can American diplomat recognize the man in uniform, a person who don't know the local language and demography. Same for Snedden, was he fought the war or met any veteran to record the interview.?
I will provide you sources and dates from authentic book shortly. For now please check rare interviews of Dogra war Mujahideen.

https://defence.pk/threads/int erviews-of-dogra-war-mujahideen.394949/

Captain Hussain Khan was not involved in Mirpur revolt. Another Sudhan Captain Khan Muhammad Khan of Mong liberated Mirpur from Dogras.
I accept that Pakistan were involved to provide support to local opposition but the support came late and for other areas such as Muzafarrabad and connected areas.
District Poonch and Sudhnoti were liberated by AKRF and local volunteers.
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How can American diplomat recognize the man in uniform, a person who don't know the local language and demography.

You must have a lot of difficulties in day to day life.

The American diplomat reported to his president, in an official mail through the State Department, what he saw LONG before there was any Indian on the horizon. There was only the Pakistan Army.

Same for Snedden, was he fought the war or met any veteran to record the interview.?

No, he merely wrote the best-researched and most internationally acclaimed book. He didn't know that without your license, his getting the warm praise that he has got so far, throughout the world, meant nothing. Poor misguided fool.

I will provide you sources and dates from authentic book shortly. For now please check rare interviews of Dogra war Mujahideen.

https://defence.pk/threads/int erviews-of-dogra-war-mujahideen.394949/

Captain Hussain Khan was not involved in Mirpur revolt. Another Sudhan Captain Khan Muhammad Khan of Mong liberated Mirpur from Dogras.
I accept that Pakista

LOL. It might help if you got someone to help you write the book. Maybe Snedden?
You must have a lot of difficulties in day to day life.

The American diplomat reported to his president, in an official mail through the State Department, what he saw LONG before there was any Indian on the horizon. There was only thee inter Pakistan Army.

No, he merely wrote the best-researched and most internationally acclaimed book. He didn't know that without your license, his getting the warm praise that he has got so far, throughout the world, meant nothing. Poor misguided fool.

LOL. It might help if you got someone to help you write the book. Maybe Snedden?
If we have interviews of volunteers and veterans than why should we consider a foreign biased literature?
We have our own historical books in safe hands and we can provide you if required.
These propaganda books are for fool like you, read it and believe in it. Who cares.
Dear Pakistanis, the Army fears that it is losing the 'narrative' in Kashmir. Not the battle against Islamism.
The narrative is Operation Sadbhavna, in which the Army rebuilt destroyed homes in the earthquakes, rescued people in floods, built schools, cleared roads so food enters the valley, provided health benefits to remote places and so on.

If after all this, Sadbhavna fails - the Rashtriya Rifles (now in barracks) will be forced into the open again. Even the most hardened Islamist shivers at that thought. They don't fight with tear gas shells either.

What you are cheering for is our massacre - the mass disappearance of Kashmiris.

+ This also, IMHO, further emphasises the need to revoke Article 370 so that JK can be connected to the rest of India and all the subsequent investment/employment opportunties this will bring.
BJP has also proved to be a hypocrite in this matter. The Indian people should unite cutting across political persuasions and help integrate JnK with the rest of the country.

As if we give a hoot about this fictious propaganda feeded by Indian army and media.
Many of the Kashmiri youth believe in it and are proud of it. Who are you to discourage them?
Are the Indians looking for an excuse/bahana to flee J&K?
If we have interviews of volunteers and veterans than why should we consider a foreign biased literature?
We have our own historical books in safe hands and we can provide you if required.
These propaganda books are for fool like you, read it and believe in it. Who cares.

The rest of the world, that's who. But then you don't need books, faith is enough.

Are the Indians looking for an excuse/bahana to flee J&K?

Were you asleep all this while?
Not me; it's you who is fast asleep. Indian Occupation Forces are looking for an exit strategy.

There are no Indian Occupation Forces, and you are asleep. While you were dozing and dribbling into your egg-nog, you stopped being a Pakistani and became a Bangladeshi. You don't have to repeat the official line to get your promotions any longer.
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