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‘We are hostages': A Saudi princess reveals her life of hell

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Since King Abdulla has been a loyal friend to Pakistan , I suggest we move this post out of defence forum its a family matter and there is no credible source

I request some respect for King Abdulla in general , and this kind of post do do not suit Pakistan Defence forum

He donated so much aid for floods and earth quake , and the source is not credible for this article
Since King Abdulla has been a loyal friend to Pakistan , I suggest we move this post out of defence forum its a family matter and there is no credible source

i will shoot any family that does that... and was king abdullah a friend of mir murtaza and shahnawaz?? or was it muammar gaddafi and hafiz al-assad?? are you a friend of taliban and qaeda?? are you enemy to the socialist revolution in afghanistan?? could iqbal and faiz and jinnah have been a friend to this king?? do you speak for pakistan or muslims or socialists or humans or the universe??
Damn you Solar.

Trying to get in the pants of an Arab beauty. Damn you.


Judging from the nationality of the users that commented then you are spot on. That article has extremely much nonsense in it. I did not know that you for instance get killed in KSA for exposing your face and hands as the article claims.:lol:

In this case 99,9% of all women would be dead by now.

Anyway I don't know the details of this and don't really care as this is a family matter but what is certain is that those two princesses still have it much better than 90% of all women in this world. This story makes little sense to me and won't change my opinion of King Abdullah who has been an excellent leader so far.

i have never used curse words on this forum... i will not now... but i am angered by some commentors calling this atrocity against humans as bloody family matter... to hell with such family...
The article is too long. Can someone say why they are in such a situation?
a famous vid from 2011... at the height of air bombardments and ground slaughters...
Judging from the nationality of the users that commented then you are spot on. That article has extremely much nonsense in it. I did not know that you for instance get killed in KSA for exposing your face and hands as the article claims.:lol:

In this case 99,9% of all women would be dead by now.

Anyway I don't know the details of this and don't really care as this is a family matter but what is certain is that those two princesses still have it much better than 90% of all women in this world. This story makes little sense to me and won't change my opinion of King Abdullah who has been an excellent leader so far.

I have an advantage that I visited KSA not as a worker but as a traveler. This allowed me to see Saudi families up close when they opened their homes for me.

yes it was unique because KSA doesn't allow tourists (only now they are opening that side up). Let's not get bogged down in my personal details and focus on the topic. Shall we.

1. Saudi Arabians are unique in many ways. Beautiful people. Straight shooters, family oriented.

2. Status of women is defined from tribal perspective.

3. However such status is miles ahead of many many other tribal societies.

------- For example: From day 1, Saudi monarchs made sure that 100% girls and women get free education just like their male kids.
------- As a result: Now we have several generations of Saudi women who are 100% literate.
------- This 100% literacy rate has produced fully educated Saudi society.

4. Apart from Monarchs, Saudi citizens are completely equal. No caste, and no ghetto areas forthe citizens.

----- Some may bring in the plight of migrant workers but that is a separate discussion.

5. KSA is spending billions sending their youth oversease to Western (USA and other) universities by the 10000s.

6. This includes girls and boys, Shias and Sunnis, conservative and liberals. All.

7. Thus we must view KSA as a 100% educated society with full participation of both girls and boys.

And I believe OP does injustice by talking about Royal soap opera.

Women who are super rich but unhappy with their lives. boo hooo.
@al-Hasani, the only reason I watch the video was because of the beautiful woman. Damn your false-advertising!



Well KSA is not and never was a closed-off country as we are the 15th most visited country on the planet and one of the most cosmopolitan due to Makkah and Madinah. Hijaz for instance was the "New York of the East" long before the US came into existence. We are located next to Europe, Africa, the remaining Asia and major world seas being a peninsula. The Arabian Peninsula was always a very cosmopolitan area of the world.

Saudi Arabian women outnumber the men in the universities, are usually more pampered than anywhere else on this planet (goes for all the GCC) and outside of a few moronic laws that were made in the aftermath of the events in 1979 the situation would be quite good and not much to complain about.

In terms of laws that will change too.
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------- For example: From day 1, Saudi monarchs made sure that 100% girls and women get free education just like their male kids.
------- As a result: Now we have several generations of Saudi women who are 100% literate.
------- This 100% literacy rate has produced fully educated Saudi society.

sincerely, if literacy and college degrees were the measure of education and progress, india would be a military super-power and with bases beyond planet pluto... saudia and india are very alike... hope you understand...
The more important thing is why are men treated like men?

Take care of Family
Should make more money than wife
Have at least a MBA or be a Doctor <--:( I don't have.

The fact of the matter is this. You are married, not I with her. Why should I tell you how to conduct your personal affairs? The husband and wife are the ones to create there life-style.

You know what they say about wives and mothers? Mother teaches her son by discipline. Wife by laying him down. :angel::azn:

I wounder if this sheds by anti-saudi street cred.

btw theres no more 'Quote Me' option any more?


Well KSA is not and never was a closed-off country as we are the 15th most visited country on the planet and one of the most cosmopolitan due to Makkah and Madinah. Hijaz for instance was the "New York of the East" long before the US came into existence. We are located next to Europe, Africa, the remaining Asia and major world seas being a peninsula.

Saudi Arabian women outnumber the men in the universities, are usually more pampered than anywhere else on this planet (goes for all the GCC) and outside of a few moronic laws that were made in the aftermath of the events in 1979 the situation would be quite good and not much to complain about.

In terms of laws that will change too.

Yeap. Although number of travelers greatly reduce outside Tri-city Holy-combo of Jeddah, Makkah, and Madina.

Few people know that you can go only 1 and half hour up the mountains from Makkah, and you are in paradise of the Middle East.

The whole mountain range and the cities there are so beautiful.

Weather is great, people are totally hospitable, gardens are overflowing with grapes, flowers and pomegranates and vegetables, and melons / water melons.

sincerely, if literacy and college degrees were the measure of education and progress, india would be a military super-power and with bases beyond planet pluto... saudia and india are very alike... hope you understand...

partly agree.

In addition to literacy, the society must have equality among its citizens. Our two countries are suffering because we divide our citizens across so many different levels that it is almost impossible to understand withtout multiple PhDs and a bit of poetic ability :lol:

I believe KSA is far ahead in the respect compared to many countries in the region.

However such discussion in equality must be considered within specific context.

KSA has gone through sea change even in the last 15 years. Way beyond the imagination of even the seasoned commentators.

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