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We are a nuclear power, and know how to defend ourselves: Sartaj Aziz

Totally idiotic. When did we say that we shall attack you. Why are you unnecessarily saying that we know how to protect ourselves?

Its more telling themselves rather than telling us.
A consolation really, to sate the Pakistani public and provide an alibi for cancelling the talks.
It would have been really hard for them to face us during the talks had it not been cancelled. I mean there were 2 crucial terrorist events just before the talks and we have evidences both living and not, and they had measly dossiers. Imagine how that would look.:fie:
You know as they say, “Fear of ridicule begets the worst cowardice.”
Hope you know what Groot is famous for....

India Pakistan Meetings

Groot Pakistan.jpg
indians only understand nuclear language so let it speak -
we have nuclear weapons aimed at you india what you gona do about it?- send modi to saudi arabia next time see if that works- :lol:-

Gen Musharaff had that misconception when he misadventured in Karggil. Indian Airforce bombed pakistan without any resistance. More than one and half decade have passed and Pakistanis are full of misconception once again.
I simply cannot put myself to your disgusting level. Even your mighty Naval forces, your security of strategic asset like Mumbai high oil field never got a single clue of bunch of cowards who played havoc in your city of Mumbai...taking lives of innocents....should i say that despite your mighty security you guys failed to provide security to the citizens of the financial capital....tell me how would you feel ? There are some lines, visible or invisible...which shouldn't be crossed...even in trolling too...!!:tdown:

Well once some people starts trolling they just don't know where to stop. Anyways nice reply and don't lose your cool over such people.:tup:
I live in beautiful a mountain state of India. My open windows gives a sight of mighty Himalayas.

But I can smell the stench of burning asses from our neighbouring country. Your country is like a dehati aurat who has a husband like your loser PM. You watch neighbouring dabang Modi and wet your panties thinking "kaash mera shohar bhi aisa hota..." :devil:

:omghaha: I hope you didn't mistake your toilet for Himalayas region. The cool breeze you felt was probably stench of your shhit that you forgot to flush down the toilet.

I would take a burnt up asss over your indian *** any day. Only importance we have for Modi is that mass murderer scum bag can eat our sshit if he ever sets foot in Pakistan.

In reference to bolded part of your rant.

Don’t kid us by saying that Muslims don’t have caste system. It is the biggest lie perpetrated by Muslims.

Their caste system differs from Hindus in the way that it does not have 4 caste system as per Manu Samhita.

The Caste System in Pakistan (as well as subcontinent Muslims) is according to their work or their lineage. They mostly do not do inter-marriage among these groups.

Racism & colour discrimination is also prevalent in Pakistan.

The "high castes" is as follows:

- Jat: Landowners; they add with their first name the name of "Chaudry", "Shima",''Raja''

- Rajput: Princes, but landowners in great majority. One finds this caste among Hindus as well as converted Muslims

- Arian: The oral tradition said that they are descendants of the army of Ibn Qasim, whose troops had been created in Perse. They are originating in Perse and became with time landowners. One finds this caste only in Punjab. They add with their first name the name of "Chaudry", "Mian", "Mair", sometimes "Khan."

- Shaikhs: Tradesmen, they are downward Arabic; they add with their first name the name of "Malik."

- Kashmiri: Of origin of Kashmir, they form a caste in Panjab, make various trades as tradesmen, butchers, foremen... They add with their first name the name of "Goal."

- Kakayzai: Tradesmen. They add with their first name of name of "Malik."

- Qazi: The oral tradition said that they would go down from the Afghan soldiers. They would have since the beginning exerted the function of monk. Currently it is a caste land great landowners; it is very largely represented in the administration and the bureaucracy. They add with their first name the name of "Qureshi".

- Pathan: Descendants of pathans, they form a caste in Panjab, they make various trades as civils servant, tradesmen.

- Gujar: Herdsmen, and often landowners.

The "small castes" is as follows:

- Tarhan: Carpenters.
- Qamyar: Potters.
- Lowar: Will forge.
- Kassaï: Butchers.
- Mirassi: Travelling musicians, troubadours.
- Mautchi: Shoe-makers.
- Tobi: Launderers.
- Darzi: Dressmakers.
- Jalaye: Tisserands.
- Lahari: Dyers.
- Mashqi: Water carriers.
- Teli: Oilcans.
- Balwalai: Messengers.
- Naï: Hairdressers; they are also able to make small operations, they circoncisent the new born ones and are cooks during the festivals and the marriages...
- Fakir: They are nourished by people of the districts where they live, in exchange of all kinds of odd jobs (to wash the crockery, to prepare the narghile...).

You guys can hug each other on Eid but rarely do marriage among these castes.

You are such an Idiot
Highlighted names are not some racist slangs for poor people but general urdu words commonly used. You wrote meaning of those words right next to them but you are actually indian (idiot) enough to post it still.
Secondly distinction between job standards is even found in Europe. A doctor/engineer will always earn more respect than a nurse/technician not because of their ranks but because they worked their *** off in universities to get to that point.
Abey Idiot, I know how pissed off you feel looking at the shithole your country is in. The number of people killed in regular bomblasts in a week is more than people killed in an entire year in India.

You people cant even save your asses from peadophiles lurking around the nook and corner of your country. Just check world wide google trends for animal sx, donkey sx, boy sx. You perverted people top the list.

Chheee.... Gande log!

:omghaha: I hope you didn't mistake your toilet for Himalayas region. The cool breeze you felt was probably stench of your shhit that you forgot to flush down the toilet.

I would take a burnt up asss over your indian *** any day. Only importance we have for Modi is that mass murderer scum bag can eat our sshit if he ever sets foot in Pakistan.

You are such an Idiot
Highlighted names are not some racist slangs for poor people but general urdu words commonly used. You wrote meaning of those words right next to them but you are actually indian (idiot) enough to post it still.
Secondly distinction between job standards is even found in Europe. A doctor/engineer will always earn more respect than a nurse/technician not because of their ranks but because they worked their *** off in universities to get to that point.
Did anyone watch this old man's interview today. Someone seems to have knocked some sense into him. Parroting Indian stand.
do you sir have the video link for the same :azn: :pop:

Unfortunately no... Amid all usual nonsense that "Can't have dialogue if Kashmir is not on Agenda " , He accepted that Kashmir may not have been discussed in NSA talks, could have been discussed in a separate meeting. He also said " Meeting Hurriyat post talks could have been considered " ... He has also invited Doval for talks in Islamabad and has said that BSF-Ranger's meeting will go on.

In just one day he already conceded these major points.. From no talks with pre-conditions, he is finding ways to get back at table. Someone made a call to Sharifs it seems.. Saari dileri chali gayi..
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Oye Sartaj bhai; its not enough to be a "Nuclear Power", It needs good ol' "Electric Power", to be taken seriously !!

Atmi-Bum par roti-shoti thdi hi pak sakti hain..... pehlay bijlee lao, phir baat karo. :D
Oye Sartaj bhai; its not enough to be a "Nuclear Power", It needs good ol' "Electric Power", to be taken seriously !!

Atmi-Bum par roti-shoti thdi hi pak sakti hain..... pehlay bijlee lao, phir baat karo. :D

Andhere mein bhoot ki tarah candle leke, bomb ka button kahan hai dhoondte phirenge!!:D
Oye Sartaj bhai; its not enough to be a "Nuclear Power", It needs good ol' "Electric Power", to be taken seriously !!

Atmi-Bum par roti-shoti thdi hi pak sakti hain..... pehlay bijlee lao, phir baat karo. :D

India kay to her ghar may bijli say roshan batti jal rahi hai bahi...............................
When you type on cellphones, typos do occur coz of crammed keyboard. Not a big deal.

Stop quoting from BBC. Sample survey of a few men does not count for anything. India is virtually a subcontinent with billion plus population. There are people of different races with varying physical characteristics. We are a nation struggling with the hyper libido of our population.
this inferior inbreedors thinks that they have longest sticks in the world, they should thank their Allah and original father for raping their grand mothers :lol:
@Indians Please don't get so amped up. Have you ever seen a small time guy dose something marginally good and thinks he is the big leagues ? No !! Well then let me help you. Everyone here will know about Mr.K.R.K. And our dear Pakistan is the geographical representation of him. So let them have some fun. And lets enjoy with them.

@On Topic: Why won't Pakistan remind the world every other hour that they are a "Nuclear Power" ?? After all that is the pinnacle of their excellence. They have just one thing to show for. And they are brandishing it everywhere and every time. Guys, cut them some slack. They have no indigenous high tech market like Space Exploration, Remote Sensing, HPC Nodes, Thorium Research, Pharma Research, IT Revolution, Global Hub for high tech solutions etc. What will they say every time they come to stage ? What is the best tech they have ? Nuclear Bum !! Only time they have their countries name on news its not because someone from their countries origin became CEO of Google but because some bomb went of somewhere or some act of terror occurred !!
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