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We Accidentally Found out Why There Are No Birds in China. There are no birds in China???

All the birds are at everyone's dinner table...

Let's eat!
When I lived in New Jersey, a neighbor hunted some kind of wild geeze every week , I guess he can't eat them all so he always tried to give me some of those wild geese, I never liked them, the meat tastes gross.
In China, if you hunt wild geese, you will end up in prison.
2 of My friends regularly visit China a for business purposes. And they both says that China has started taking great care of Environment. And India is way behind when it comes cleanliness and infrastructure.
He saw 2-3 places where Chinese have built high bridges above trees instead of cutting the trees.

While in my Punjab, Ludhiana, all trees r cut down to widen a road. And somewhere else equal no. Of trees will be planted , but who will tell those fools that city also needs trees. Also there's a green fields under university and every govt that comes into power tries its best to shift the university out of city, so that they can a colony. So I'm not sure pakistan or India r right persons to Make a comment in this post. And yes I know 1-2 pakistani friends, they same thing abt. Pakistan also.

A glimpse of Nature Reserve in Shanghai​


A glimpse of Nature Reserve in Shanghai​


LOL! Why do you have to go all the way to a nature preserve to show birds? This is exactly what he is talking about when he asks why are there no birds in China.

In the videos he says he laughs at Chinese people who need to drive to a nature preserve in China to show they have birds when in other countries people just pull out their cameras in the middle of the city and shoot videos of birds flying by...even in busy downtown areas..and they aren't all pigeons.

Apparently this is a simple concept that urban Chinese can't grasp. That birds can be a common sight in the downtown streets of many cities. You don't have to go searching for them.

flock birds Singapore

flock of birds in downtown Lahore, Paistan

flock of birds downtown Rome

Feeding the birds outside the Notre Dame cathedral in downtown Paris

Here are birds nesting in average streets in downtown NYC

Starlings flocking in downtown Detroit

Here is a flock of crows flying in downtown Los Angeles

Here are tons of starlings on a crane in downtown Chicago

..and notice how these aren't pigeons and they are not in parks.

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LOL! Why do you have to go all the way to a nature preserve to show birds? This is exactly what he is talking about when he asks why are there no birds in China.

In the videos he says he laughs at Chinese people who need to drive to a nature preserve in China to show they have birds when in other countries people just pull out their cameras in the middle of the city and shoot videos of birds flying by...even in busy downtown areas..and they aren't all pigeons.

Apparently this is a simple concept that urban Chinese can't grasp. That birds can be a common sight in the downtown streets of many cities. You don't have to go searching for them.

Here are birds nesting in average streets in downtown NYC

Starlings flocking in downtown Detroit

Here is a flock of crows flying in downtown Los Angeles

Here are tons of starlings on a crane in downtown Chicago

..and notice how these aren't pigeons and they are not in parks.
Did I say that US has no birds? you are getting dumber by the day.
Popular western media propaganda about China

China has no birds, China uses lots of slave labor, China lock up ethnic minorities in concentration camps, China is full of ghost cities and towns, China is so polluted and people eat garbage, Chinese are being persecuted and very depressed, young Chinese can't find jobs and just "lying flat" at home...in a word, China is so fucked up and collapsing.
LOL! Why do you have to go all the way to a nature preserve to show birds? This is exactly what he is talking about when he asks why are there no birds in China.

In the videos he says he laughs at Chinese people who need to drive to a nature preserve in China to show they have birds when in other countries people just pull out their cameras in the middle of the city and shoot videos of birds flying by...even in busy downtown areas..and they aren't all pigeons.

Apparently this is a simple concept that urban Chinese can't grasp. That birds can be a common sight in the downtown streets of many cities. You don't have to go searching for them.

flock birds Singapore

flock of birds in downtown Lahore, Paistan

flock of birds downtown Rome

Feeding the birds outside the Notre Dame cathedral in downtown Paris

Here are birds nesting in average streets in downtown NYC

Starlings flocking in downtown Detroit

Here is a flock of crows flying in downtown Los Angeles

Here are tons of starlings on a crane in downtown Chicago

..and notice how these aren't pigeons and they are not in parks.

You still spreading this bullshit? Is your existence so pathetic that you have to insist on a lie after getting busted?

This is Yuexiu district park in my home town.


Hamartia Antidote said:
LOL! Why do you have to go all the way to a nature preserve to show birds?
LOL, You truly believe so? now I start to wonder about your true IQ score, how can anyone with a sane mind would believe this...even you are so brainwashed by your powerful western media, but I used to believe you should've at least still had a bacially functioning brain.

This is Yuexiu district park in my home town.



Apparently the problem is you are so used to not seeing wildlife near homes in Chinese cities that you are completely misinterpreting what he is talking about when he talks about the scarcity of birds.

He isn't talking about having to go to a city park or a nearby river to see birds.

He is saying in many countries you walk outside your home and hear birds singing and flying near the entrances.

People see birds landing on their apartment balconies. The thought of needing to go the nearest park or river just to snap a picture of a bird is laughable.

These scenarios apparently are such an incomprehensible concept to a typical Chinese reader that he gives examples of Chinese people getting into their cars and driving early in the morning to snap a picture in some nature preserve of birds to prove him wrong..when in reality they are actually proving him right...and sadly they don't even realize it.
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Apparently the problem is you are so used to not seeing wildlife near homes in Chinese cities that you are completely misinterpreting what he is talking about when he talks about the scarcity of birds.

He isn't talking about having to go to a city park or a nearby river to see birds.

He is saying in many countries you walk outside your home and hear birds singing and flying near the entrances.

People see birds landing on their apartment balconies. The thought of needing to go the nearest park or river just to snap a picture of a bird is laughable.

These scenarios apparently are such an incomprehensible concept to a typical Chinese reader that he gives examples of Chinese people getting into their cars and driving early in the morning to snap a picture in some nature preserve of birds to prove him wrong..when in reality they are actually proving him right...and sadly they don't even realize it.
Which makes you an even bigger retard claiming this kind of false shit. I used to trap birds then release them as a kid in China right from my grandparent's condo. How do you think the old men holding bird cages in the park got their sparrows? You really need to curb that desperation to cover up your lies.

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China has no birds...Stupid Americans are still defending this joke here, lol..
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