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WATCH: Radical Hindu tries assaulting a Muslim cop in Leicester, easily gets manhandled

Father son duo should have been killed in encounter. After all they are attacking a police officer
Idk but keep in mind the beasts in the video are attending an event hosted by a radical Hindu preacher who made a name for himself back in India by telling Hindus to arm themselves and attack Muslims for Hindu Rashtra.

In that case… ****’em.
He picked them up like rag dolls and shook them around like little toys . Lol

They are weak as **** are these gujus both Hindu & Muslims .
They cower in the streets & you should see how the Sikhs treat them , never mind the Pakistanis .
They stitch underpants for £5 an hour when minimum wage is more than double , they work in sweat shops think Bangladesh sweat shops but much much worser . Leicester is sweat shop central where they work for scraps 12-14hrs a week
Train station , airport , hospitals etc etc these are the guys that clean the toilets and white people are nasty when relieving themselves .

Yes sir , please sir no sir please sir is there vocabulary while wobbling there heads confusing everyone .

They never spend money and you don’t sell them anything not even an item for 50p as these fuckers barter for hours .
My family owns a car service MOT centre and two customers cars they don’t work on are Gujjus or Taxi drivers as they will stand and beg you to give them a discount for hours , they have no pride nor backbone and share a sandwich & bottle of pop between them for lunch .

They’re all about 5ft tall and shop at children’s department stores as it’s cheaper and men’s sizes don’t fit them , ALL there girls now marry white & black guys as the Pakistani Kashmiris and Punjabi sikhs have rinsed them out for years .
Birmingham teenagers go Leicester to sow there oats as the girls have a liking for bad boys .

They fucking stink and I’ve seen fellow passengers on trains leave at the next station due to there stink , they do not wash they’re clothes aren’t washed or ironed . Once I was on a coach early hours to Gatwick airport and three smelly cunts boarded the coach on the way & stunk the coach out so much a black teenage girl got up and blatantly sprayed deodorant on and around them .
I told them in Urdu “ have some shame and clean yourself “ but the stink was unbearable that I had to put the skunk weed I had in my pocket in my hood cord so as not to smell them , when you order Uber food delivery or just eat you have to inform the restaurant please don’t send any Gujju delivery rider as they put you off your chips as don’t know where there stinky fingers have gone .

I have returned food a few times when these cunts turn up and complained to Uber eats and got refund .

Older generation Indians gujjus are fine and have learnt to wash as they’re schooling was here but these new immigrants to U.K. never bathe nor wash .
The rest of the Indians are fine , Punjabi’s , southern , Bengali Indians no problem at all but these Gujjus are backwards greasy and stinky & there stench lingers for hours
Must be one of those no go areas in England. That country is spiralling downwards ever since Elizabeth left the pavilion.
Idk but keep in mind the beasts in the video are attending an event hosted by a radical Hindu preacher who made a name for himself back in India by telling Hindus to arm themselves and attack Muslims for Hindu Rashtra.

How did a Hindu hate preacher get a UK visa?
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