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War Strategy: The collapse of Cold Start

Well, I was referring to the LAST WAR, the decisive one, we Muslims call it Ghazwa e Hind, anyone can give any name to it.. BUT the war is inevitable Brother, sooner or later, we can't IGNORE the fact.

Anyways, discussion is being diverted to somewhere else, I'm off!

you remember fatah-e-makkah, ghazwa hind can take place in a similar way tooo..
Come on Sir you are being too kind; i am nothing infront of Generals that India has, a good example would be Storm Force. According to him IAF will level PAF in a matter of hours, destroy our nuclear reactors, ballistic missiles, power stations and command control centres.

I haven't seen the mail where he suggested this rather drastic view of things, but, assuming that you are not playing the fool about it, it has to be admitted that the two forces seem to be fairly matched.

I am going to personally write a letter to COAS Kayani recommending that Pakistan Armed Forces immediately surrender if India threatens us with war; or when i see my uncle next time who is a Major General in the Armoured Corps, i will give him the same advice.

Dashed good idea. The next problem is getting them to read....the letters, I mean, of course :p:

As far as skipping Murree to Karachi is concerned, make sure you research where the 5th Corps and 12th Division are stationed. Considering how well the road infrastructure has been improved in the North, and Army recently opening up another exclusive route(not going to name exactly where), please i assure you dont worry about our supply routes although we are flattered about how much you care.

I did, actually, with a smile of indulgence on, and got a mild shock.

12th Division was where 12th Div. always has been; sole division looking after the entire front down until the international border in 65, centre-piece of Grand Slam, still there in 71, still very effective but badly handled, this time due to the death of the highest combatant general officer in wartime, and so on. I'm not sure how long V Corps has been where it has been, and looked at its location, still indulgent, still smiling at the enthusiasm of youth, that imagines that people over 30 don't know which way to hold a map. And then while idly looking at other positions came the shock.

Somebody, some unemployed bloody staff-wallah has been looking at maps, and whether he was looking at it upside down or not doesn't matter; the damage has been done. An independent infantry brigade? OK, that's to tell the PAF which caves to bomb. An independent armoured brigade? In the hills? where there was nothing before? That's torn it! Wait till Storm Force and the other generals get to hear of this.

Of course, in a mood of pensive thought while recovering from the shock with the aid of suitable restoratives (forbidden stuff, can't talk about it in this forum, might lose an appendage, and there's no knowing how the chap with the knife interprets his schedule of punishments), the inevitable thought occurred: what took your chaps so long?

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Come on Sir you are being too kind; i am nothing infront of Generals that India has, a good example would be Storm Force. According to him IAF will level PAF in a matter of hours, destroy our nuclear reactors, ballistic missiles, power stations and command control centres. I am going to personally write a letter to COAS Kayani recommending that Pakistan Armed Forces immediately surrender if India threatens us with war; or when i see my uncle next time who is a Major General in the Armoured Core, i will give him the same advice. As far as skipping Murree to Karachi is concerned, make sure you research where the 5th Corps and 12th Division are stationed. Considering how well the road infrastructure has been improved in the North, and Army recently opening up another exclusive route(not going to name exactly where), please i assure you dont worry about our supply routes although we are flattered about how much you care.
Agreed ......:lol:
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