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War is not an Option, We cannot Attack India


Sep 25, 2016
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I was watching this press conference , when a Journalist ask him that what is the other option besides diplomacy, IK has no answer but he said, War is not an Option and we can not attack India ..
Another own goal by this idiot Imran Khan, these things only help India I'm very disappointed. Army should brief this joke to keep his mouth shut.

His ill-planned bashing in Council of Foreign Relations where he was boxed in a corner to give a statement which again put Pakistan on a weak line.
Another own goal by this idiot Imran Khan, these things only help India I'm very disappointed. Army should brief this joke to keep his mouth shut.

His ill-planned bashing in Council of Foreign Relations where he was boxed in a corner to give a statement which again put Pakistan on a weak line.
Which statement are you referring to?
Hathi ke daant...
You need to look deeper.
Modi is acting the belligerent, while IK is portraying himself as a peacemaker.
It doesn't a bit of difference until a war starts and the world has to choose who to blame.
He's laying the groundwork.

Fully agree. But it doesn't suit the psyche of our people.
If he believes in Quran, he cannot be a pacifist cause Quran allow and even urge Muslims to fight those who fight you and drive you out of your home, or stop you from practicing your religion . So IK needs to get his head straight before he lose a lot of his supporters to someone with a radical or popular idea .
He's right, we do not have the capability to wage war; these jingos here rooting for jihad and war, don't have the slightest idea of what the consequences would be. Hence why we have always been on the defensive posture and will remain so as the strength gap between India and Pakistan is just too large giving their massive population and economy.

A war wouldn't end in India's favor either, hence why other than domestic-focused jabs, they haven't done anything and probably never will as long as Pakistan is intact and stable (which they have been trying to change), though Pakistan is not as powerful, it's strong enough to inflict devastating casualties on any invasion and India would not want to sacrifice their economy either, these fears will keep them at a distance for now.

There will never be a military solution to Kashmir.
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