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War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation


Mar 11, 2017
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United States
When Solemani was target last night, a part of me wondered if this was an opening salvo in a complex operation for military conflict.

Solemani would be tasked with Quds Force reaction and responsibilities in any war with the US/Israel. Thus it is possible US would decide to take him off the board in hopes that would blunt the effect of an upcoming war.

Now we are seeing more air strikes targeting Iraqi milita far beyond any justified “deterrence and reaction role”. It seems US is taking a page out of the Israeli handbook where it is willing to risk the prospect of war in exchange for “de-fanging Iran and its allies”.

Iran is in tough place. If it doesn’t respond equivocally to these provocations then US will continue to strike Iranian assets throughout Syria and Iraq. This is called de-fanging. It was used on Saddam.

Then one day when Iran has been weakened US will feel it has enough of upper hand for armed conflict directly with Iran on Iranian soil.

So the choice is wether Iran wants war now or later down the road when it is weaker along with its allies?
When Solemani was target last night, a part of me wondered if this was an opening salvo in a complex operation for military conflict.

Solemani would be tasked with Quds Force reaction and responsibilities in any war with the US/Israel. Thus it is possible US would decide to take him off the board in hopes that would blunt the effect of an upcoming war.

Now we are seeing more air strikes targeting Iraqi milita far beyond any justified “deterrence and reaction role”. It seems US is taking a page out of the Israeli handbook where it is willing to risk the prospect of war in exchange for “de-fanging Iran and its allies”.

Iran is in tough place. If it doesn’t respond equivocally to these provocations then US will continue to strike Iranian assets throughout Syria and Iraq. This is called de-fanging. It was used on Saddam.

Then one day when Iran has been weakened US will feel it has enough of upper hand for armed conflict directly with Iran on Iranian soil.

So the choice is wether Iran wants war now or later down the road when it is weaker along with its allies?

This is a very logical take on the matter and a much needed reminder of the bigger picture.

People need to get real with themselves and quickly. There was no real scenario in which the U.S. was just going up and leave the Middle East because Iran and its allies wrote a stern letter of condemnation due to American actions. An armed conflict was always a real possibility it's just that many thought that it was 'too' far fetched previously to even fathom one actually starting.

For all intents and purposes, Iran's side and U.S./Israel side will not see one another eye-to-eye. It really is an us or them or something akin to it type of situation.

Irregardless a blood toll must be paid for America's reckless actions. This is the way...

I hate saying this but I was never under the delusion that America and Iran could get along given just how polarizing and evidently unpredictable American politics can be. Iran didn't foresee Trump, now we have a potential war on our hands.

Sincerely hope Iranian armed forces are ready to dish it out and take it.
When Solemani was target last night, a part of me wondered if this was an opening salvo in a complex operation for military conflict.

Solemani would be tasked with Quds Force reaction and responsibilities in any war with the US/Israel. Thus it is possible US would decide to take him off the board in hopes that would blunt the effect of an upcoming war.

Now we are seeing more air strikes targeting Iraqi milita far beyond any justified “deterrence and reaction role”. It seems US is taking a page out of the Israeli handbook where it is willing to risk the prospect of war in exchange for “de-fanging Iran and its allies”.

Iran is in tough place. If it doesn’t respond equivocally to these provocations then US will continue to strike Iranian assets throughout Syria and Iraq. This is called de-fanging. It was used on Saddam.

Then one day when Iran has been weakened US will feel it has enough of upper hand for armed conflict directly with Iran on Iranian soil.

So the choice is wether Iran wants war now or later down the road when it is weaker along with its allies?

There has been another strike killing 6 high ranking PMU.

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The reality of the situation is that the U.S has been frustrated

Apart from the Arab lapdogs

The U.S has spent trillions trying to get control of Afghanistan and Iraq only to fail

Afghanistan is a failed regime and the Taliban keep going and expanding their control, making 2 decades of U S expenditure in lives and treasure almost pointless

In Iraq with a Shia majority, U.S influence has just waned and reduced with Iran and Iranian backed forces taking center ground

In Syria, the U.S again has been left frustrated and sidelined with other states including Iran taking center ground

The U.Ss assassination of solemani was an act of war
But regardless of the stupid idiots trying to goad or insult Iran into making a mistake

The best response would be to continue to consolidate control and expand Iranian influence and push the U.S gradually out

THIS is what the U.S feared

Just as you said, the U.S is rolling its dice and trying to take out Iranian assets
Knowing that Iran has no easy targets

Iran needs to hit back, but the best revenge will be to achieve solemanis task

The U.S is trying to force Iran's hand
Iran is really in a tight corner now.

Conventionally, it is in a compromised position against US and Israel.

If it decides to play its proxies against US assets in the region that too would prompt a conventional response from the US which would ultimately force Iran to blunder and go conventional.

Economically, its hands are tied and economy is crippling.

And if it doesn't respond to Solemani's killing (who was almost single handedly a symbol of national pride and resolve) then it would put Iranian integrity into jeoperdy.

Iran has really been cornered this time. A time where national pride and future both are at stake.

If they don't figt, they lose their integrity.
If they fight, they lose their future.
Iran is really in a tight corner now.

Conventionally, it is in a compromised position against US and Israel.

If it decides to play its proxies against US assets in the region that too would prompt a conventional response from the US which would ultimately force Iran to blunder and go conventional.

Economically, its hands are tied and economy is crippling.

And if it doesn't respond to Solemani's killing (who was almost single handedly a symbol of national pride and resolve) then it would put Iranian integrity into jeoperdy.

Iran has really been cornered this time. A time where national pride and future both are at stake.

If they don't figt, they lose their integrity.
If they fight, they lose their future.

Once can easily argue that losing their integrity is worse than fighting.
Good, We will wipe out that disgusting race once and for all and put an end to our problems in that region, And anyone who tries to stand in our way will die screaming alongside with them.
Iraq parliament has called for a vote on whether foreign forces should stay or leave. If that vote is positive which is what seem to have been promised to PMU to convince them to leave US Embassy alone, then all of this will be over.
Good, We will wipe out that disgusting race once and for all and put an end to our problems in that region, And anyone who tries to stand in our way will die screaming alongside with them.

You're retarded fantasies will remain just that you disgusting mutt.

Iraq parliament has called for a vote on whether foreign forces should stay or leave. If that vote is positive which is what seem to have been promised to PMU to convince them to leave US Embassy alone, then all of this will be over.

How long will it take for the parliament to vote?
USA has out-optioned itself. Sitting and waiting is not a mere option anymore, however, USA is at fault, it will eventually pay the price of attacking military leadership of a sovereign country.
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