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War is Coming | Amidst escalating tensions, Pakistan weighs its options

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So do you honestly think that Pakistan doesn't know. Why not thousands India soldiers fly to Afghanistan to deploy there immediately? Are you insane?
No.. There is no need to send any Indian soldiers any where...a 50,000 less Pakistani soldiers in KP and Afghan borders itself will be enough to severely weaken the front against TTP and likes..

I think, Pakistan should focus to turn India another Afghanistan proxy wars, where many Bollywood movies will be cancelled due to fear.

Dont know what you are trying to say here..
It has been foretold Indian army would attack Pakistani Kashmir from Upper jhelum. ( there is a river named river Tuvi near Jallal pur jatta, from there Indian army will cross and attack Pakistan)

They could try to do that. Then they'll see what will be the consequences of it
They could try to do that. Then they'll see what will be the consequences of it

Only naive people who have no idea of how things work are working themselves up into a frenzy about India attacking Pakistan. Think about it.. When India did not cross teh LOC during Kargil, why would it do that now. localize Punitive action in response to the 5 kills, sure.. but a full fledged attack.. I dont think so.. India has much more to lose to a war than Pakistan, hence that will not make any sense..

Plus an attack by India will unite Pakistan (currently imploding ). That's something India does not want anyway
Indian army would attack Pakistani Kashmir from Upper jhelum. ( there is a river named river Tuvi near Jallal pur jatta, from there Indian army will cross and attack Pakistan)
Wow! A Pakistani strategist who's planning battle manoeuvres to hand over the detailed plans to the PA on how to conduct operations!! You should have been sitting in GHQ Rawalpindi, instead of spouting baloney out here on PDF! :smokin:
Wow! A Pakistani strategist who's planning battle manoeuvres to hand over the detailed plans to the PA on how to conduct operations!! You should have been sitting in GHQ Rawalpindi, instead of spouting baloney out here on PDF! :smokin:

How do you know he is already not sitting in Pindi and spouting baloney on PDF :)
Contrary ... War is not the solution....but we will fight to the very end if we are attacked.
what ever be man..........but one time full scale war is required........other wise this area is not gonna to settle down................remain problem for ever ...........

see my view is very clear....i really don't have any feeling for Kashmir.....and i believe that it should not be prestigious issue for India also..............

see Pakistan had done enough support for Kashmir but as a return what Pakistan got..........today gilgit baltistan demanding for freedom....even they are not loyal to Pakistan ...............

than how we (indian trust on them).......Indian government is wasting time and money on Kashmir.......let them free and decided what ever they want .......enough money has been in pore in Kashmir issue..............it is sucking entire nation
Pakistanis.. go watch ZH videos... tha does not kill you makes you stronger.. :yay:

Bangladesh Cheerleader (under quota system )

Live on ESPN,TENSPORTS,,,,,,,,this Winter or may be next,,,,,,
It is harder for India and Pakistan to fight a conventional war, since not only are nuclear weapons on the table, but the nuclear threshold is low due to NASR (battlefield tactical nukes) being inducted.

It is much easier for China and India to fight a conventional war, since both sides have a "No First Use" policy when it comes to nuclear weapons.

No first use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not correct. Gen. Kayani did back off from Musharraf's formulations. Didn't want to take on the Islamists. Nawaz Sharif isn't relying on him for peace talks, he is waiting for him to leave. Kayani doesn't like NS & has made no bones about it, even preferring Zardari to NS.

Gen. Kayani is very lenient cool and calm person. wait for next one.

Zero impact on India. Don't assume nuisance value will get you anything at the U.N. Try it if you feel otherwise.

It will promote our side incase of war.

We don't have a problem chap, that is why we keep saying no to talks. We don't get anything from Pakistan, name one if you will. You want something, we don't want anything from you. Figure out that difference. Meetings with NS will happen. not because we will get anything but because MMS is deeply interested in seeing an India-Pakistan detente. That, however desirable, is not absolutely necessary.

Let me give you an idea.

2: Afghanistan direct route
3: Route to central Asian countries.
4: Futur in Afghanistan
5: For long term economical progress in india.

Take it to wherever, a lot good that has done you. Btw, India can abrogate the treaty, if it wants to. The fact that it hasn't done so does not mean it cannot. I don't think that such a step is desirable but as a lower riparian state, there won't be much you can do if India insists on a new treaty based on international principles, something that will get you less than half of what you are now getting.

its one of our clause in when nuclear option will use. water is pakistan life line. blockade mean declaring war.

Those are what we say when we talk. That is simply a one point agenda, the one I mentioned earlier - about terrorism. we want nothing else, certainly nothing that bothers us. Trade is desirable but not absolutely necessary & Pakistan is of no use anywhere else.

it doesnt matter for us. what you say :smokin:

Suppose, just suppose we cut off all water to Pakistan and make it a desert state? :rolleyes:

Just saying.

suppose just we unleash all our nukes and make india wasteland. just saying :cuckoo:
Wow! A Pakistani strategist who's planning battle manoeuvres to hand over the detailed plans to the PA on how to conduct operations!! You should have been sitting in GHQ Rawalpindi, instead of spouting baloney out here on PDF! :smokin:

Common sense is not so common in Indians :)

You could check out a River Tawi that flows from Jammu and it goes right in to Pakistan and then in to River chenab, but there are areas which would be much advantageous for IA to cross. If you could do a google earth of that particular area , you could see it's a high vintage high point for Indian army. Just like high peaks of siachen are in Indian control and lower peaks are with Pakistan
OH boy....the first 8-10 posts are one of the most comical i have ever seen ... :lol:


Gen. Kayani is very lenient cool and calm person. wait for next one.

No CoAS of Pakistan is lenient & cool with Indians.:) It is whether he is okay with your political leadership that is of interest.

It will promote our side incase of war.

Nobody will "promote" your side.

Let me give you an idea.

2: Afghanistan direct route
3: Route to central Asian countries.
4: Futur in Afghanistan
5: For long term economical progress in india.

All desirable but not essential. Not really important, certainly not when India's main interests are concerned. Not very practical either.

its one of our clause in when nuclear option will use. water is pakistan life line. blockade mean declaring war.

No one is talking about stopping water. The IWT is a very generous one, probably the most generous ever to a lower riparian state. Under international ground rules, India would be allowed to use a lot more water & consequently Pakistan would get a lot less. Pointing out that the leverage exists. The IWT remains on Indan goodwill, any other treaty under internationally agreed principles will get you a lot less.

it doesnt matter for us. what you say :smokin:

Exactly. Which is why I said there is no point in talking.:lol:
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