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War is Coming | Amidst escalating tensions, Pakistan weighs its options

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Sir should not washington be your primary target... defeat the satan .. we will be easily defeated.. :cheers:

What satan?

i don't think there is any pact.

I believe the only country we have a mutual defence pact with is North Korea.

Which only works if North Korea is invaded without reason. If North Korea starts the war itself, then it's a different issue.

In the past it was different, we intervened even when North Korea itself started the war. We entered the 1950 Korean war against the US + 16 of her allies, and managed to push them out of North Korea.

Those were the Cold War days though, in which we had both the superpowers (USA + USSR) as our open enemies. Today it's different, we have a strategic alliance with Russia, and the US is our biggest trading partner and debtor. We have less need of a buffer zone today than we did in the 1950's.
Guys, dont think like a brainless fauji... think strategically. What will India win by going to war? massive disturbance to our economy.

A war-like situation is very much in Pakistan's favor , which Indians have created on the Line of Control , dont you think ? The country need unity more than ever and nothing better I know of , besides this , to accomplish that .

One advantage of this that is being overlooked perhaps, is that while the nation is busy looking at India it gives the establishment free hand to deal with certain rising threats without nosy reporters(read Hamid Mir) to cry foul at every turn. But that is not the reason to create this opportunity, just a fortuitous occurrence due to this whole drama. -Oscar
You guys have no clue.. As a punitive action, India needs to do nothing more than just posture and Pakistan Army, predictably will move troops to strengthen the Eastern front, leaving its fronts on western side stretched thin and vulnerable to TTPs of the world. We all know how that goes ...
A war-like situation is very much in Pakistan's favor , which Indians have created on the Line of Control , dont you think ? The country need unity more than ever and nothing better I know of , besides this , to accomplish that .

One advantage of this that is being overlooked perhaps, is that while the nation is busy looking at India it gives the establishment free hand to deal with certain rising threats without nosy reporters(read Hamid Mir) to cry foul at every turn. But that is not the reason to create this opportunity, just a fortuitous occurrence due to this whole drama. -Oscar

This is not the first time we got this. Nor will it be the last time. I dont know who precipitated this, whoever started has the advantage of knowing the reaction and hence doing it with a motive.

If pak army started, then probably you are right, they want to have a nationalistic fever, and weaken NS.
If India did, it may be because they dont want peace talks now.

Or may be its just faujis being faujis on both side.. killing a few from time to time.
You guys have no clue.. As a punitive action, India needs to do nothing more than just posture and Pakistan Army, predictably will move troops to strengthen the Eastern front, leaving its fronts on western side stretched thin and vulnerable to TTPs of the world. We all know how that goes ...

^^^ Commentator

Hamid Majeed == India
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You guys have no clue.. As a punitive action, India needs to do nothing more than just posture and Pakistan Army, predictably will move troops to strengthen the Eastern front, leaving its fronts on western side stretched thin and vulnerable to TTPs of the world. We all know how that goes ...

If you force Pakistan to pull troops off the Western border, you will directly strengthen the TTP.

You think the TTP cares about Pakistan/India/China convoluted politics and regional relations? If you strengthen them they will simply kill anyone they can get their hands on regardless of nationality.

Since we both have a border with Pakistan, neither of us are safe from the TTP either if they start growing stronger.

We will be less effected since the border with China is very small with rugged terrain high in the Himalayas, and because they will find it hard to assimilate into Chinese society in order to move around undetected.
If you force Pakistan to pull troops off the Western border, you will directly strengthen the TTP.

You think the TTP cares about Pakistan/India/China convoluted politics and regional relations? If you strengthen them they will simply kill anyone they can get their hands on regardless of nationality.

Since we both have a border with Pakistan, neither of us are safe from the TTP either if they start growing stronger.

We will be less effected since the border with China is very small with rugged terrain high in the Himalayas, and because they will find it hard to assimilate into Chinese society in order to move around undetected.

TTP cadre comes from within pakistan, not afganistan. Our troop movement wont change anything.
You guys have no clue.. As a punitive action, India needs to do nothing more than just posture and Pakistan Army, predictably will move troops to strengthen the Eastern front, leaving its fronts on western side stretched thin and vulnerable to TTPs of the world. We all know how that goes ...

So do you honestly think that Pakistan doesn't know. Why not thousands India soldiers fly to Afghanistan to deploy there immediately? Are you insane?

I think, Pakistan should focus to turn India another Afghanistan proxy wars, where many Bollywood movies will be cancelled due to fear.
Unlock your armouries, wipe your rusty AKs and 9mm's clean, buy boxes of ammo, we leave for hunting with our boys in Khaki, we fight with them, we collect blood, we donate organs, thats how we fight the enemy, we only win if we fight as a nation.
completely i am agree with you........war is the only solution .............
no space for any other thought
Gen.Kiyani is the only person , supporting political and diplomatic process in Pakistan's history whole heartedly . Nobody buys that the army wasn't onboard , Nawaz Sharif couldn't even have started peace talks in such case . What did Musharraf agree to ? Solving Kashmir ? The Indians backed off from his solution , after he started losing power in Pakistan . The new Army Chief wasn't even in the picture then .

Not correct. Gen. Kayani did back off from Musharraf's formulations. Didn't want to take on the Islamists. Nawaz Sharif isn't relying on him for peace talks, he is waiting for him to leave. Kayani doesn't like NS & has made no bones about it, even preferring Zardari to NS.

Yeah , just listing out the political and diplomatic options . The West still needs Pakistan for decades to come even now in Afghanistan , the Islamabad's position isn't all that weak , as you think .

Zero impact on India. Don't assume nuisance value will get you anything at the U.N. Try it if you feel otherwise.

Are we getting anything out of talks with you ? The answer is no . So , why not just cancel it and send a clear message to New Dehli of the seriousness of the situation . You are getting a lot of benefit by peace talks with Pakistan . Actually , we have been doing quite a bit about terrorism lately , you can see the results , only with engagement with the Govt of Pakistan , a perpetual peace can be guaranteed . Surely , if India can manage without talks , it shouldn't have a problem , right ? Yet I dont see any such enthusiasm from the ruling party in India , no statement hints at any of that , the meeting will still happen with Nawaz Sharif and talks with continue

We don't have a problem chap, that is why we keep saying no to talks. We don't get anything from Pakistan, name one if you will. You want something, we don't want anything from you. Figure out that difference. Meetings with NS will happen. not because we will get anything but because MMS is deeply interested in seeing an India-Pakistan detente. That, however desirable, is not absolutely necessary.

Pakistan can always take that ' next dam ' to the ICJ , the Indus Water Treaty cant be withdrawn unilaterally .

Take it to wherever, a lot good that has done you. Btw, India can abrogate the treaty, if it wants to. The fact that it hasn't done so does not mean it cannot. I don't think that such a step is desirable but as a lower riparian state, there won't be much you can do if India insists on a new treaty based on international principles, something that will get you less than half of what you are now getting.

Yes , I have . A lot of times . Pakistan should co-operate , dossiers , reports , what-not .

Those are what we say when we talk. That is simply a one point agenda, the one I mentioned earlier - about terrorism. we want nothing else, certainly nothing that bothers us. Trade is desirable but not absolutely necessary & Pakistan is of no use anywhere else.
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