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War criminal trials in Bangladesh

Eastwatch...when you really put your mind to it you write some really good posts and I enjoy reading them. Why do you troll with other Indian members in other threads when they instigate you. It is below you.

Thanks for the compliment. But, it is only because these Indians insult my beloved country that I also send some trash. They are no different from a few Jamaatis here in this Forum who are bent on destroying BD. They say they are BNP, which is a naked lie. The purpose is to influence Indian minds against BNP.

BNP is a progressive-minded party, albeit, they stole much money during their recent term in office. But Jamaat wants us to take to the days when we used to ride camels. BNP takes a harder line towards India outwardly only because there is a strong group of anti-India voters , whom BNP needs in times of election. Note that if BNP softens its tone against India, these voters will support Jamaat.

I know very top BNP people in BD, but I send post here in this Forum from a neutral position. About 3 months ago I talked to one of the BNP Joint Secretaries about Tipaimukhi and he was not saying anything illogical. I do not think they are necessarily against India. India does more trade with BD when BNP is in power than when AL is in power.
You are new in this forum compare to me. I have many times praise Nawab Salimullah for Establishment of Dhaka University whereas Tagore opposed it.

See Bengali like you praise Tagore wheareas I do not and I repeatedly demanded to banned his work from Muslim bd including the so called national song selected by mushrik minded muslim right after the seperation. See Tagore was Mushrik so if you read too much of his work would truned you semi mushrik.

By the way, will you prefer death with la ilaha illa Allah on your mouth or amar sonar bangla. :undecided:

It is encouraging to note your praise towards Nawab Salimullah. About Tagore, I cannot just disrespect him because he belonged to the Hindu society. Like Sharatchandra Chatterjy, he was also against the evil customs, jatpat, jealousy etc. of the then Hindu society. We should appreciate that.

In one of his essays he wrote about building a primary school in Kushtia. The influential Hindus opposed it out of jealousy that 'choto lok' peasants' sons would get education. Tagore was in confusion, he wrote that the nearby muslim community leaders came and pleaded him to establish the school. He praised those muslims and established the school.

Tagore was certainly not against muslims. He even wrote that Muslims dislike Hindus only because it is a reciprocal action. It is because Hindus have been bullying Muslims all along. Moreover, do not forget that Tagore alone added about 7,000 new vocabularies to Bengali.

About against the establishment of Dhaka University, you have to note that in those days muslims in Bengal did not attend even the primary schools. So, how it was possible for our Muslim forefathers to attend University, be it in Calcutta or in Dhaka? So, it can be said that many people objected to Dhaka University only because it could have destroyed Cacutta University.

Sons of rich Hindu landlords in east Bengal would gradually admit themselves in Dhaka instead of a far away Calcutta. It took four days to reach there. This would have caused decrease in the number of students in Calcutta and would ruin the University there. I must say that their thinking, including that of Tagore, was irrational and they were not foresighted. But, you have to consider about that dark era to understand the minds of people.

About the national song of BD, I personally do not like the song solely because it is not possible for a common person to sing it. It was, in fact, a poem that praised Bengal, and was written long before Bangladesh was created. Then melody was added to it afterwards and was made the national song of BD.

But, now I will give you a very important news about the melody. To my dismay, I have found that the melody was stolen from another song, a film song. It is from the movie 'RAIKAMAL.' Uttam Kumar has acted in this Baishnab story film. The song is there. It was built sometime in 1950s. See the link below. I like very much all the Hindu Baishnab songs in it. I wonder, if Jamaatis will hide behind a Burqa while listening to the songs.

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Eastwatch...when you really put your mind to it you write some really good posts and I enjoy reading them. Why do you troll with other Indian members in other threads when they instigate you. It is below you.

Looks like eastwatch can not hide his color of indian dalali. Indians can recognize his trademark dalali color from miles away.
About against the establishment of Dhaka University, you have to note that in those days muslims in Bengal did not attend even the primary schools. So, how it was possible for our Muslim forefathers to attend University, be it in Calcutta or in Dhaka? So, it can be said that many people objected to Dhaka University only because it could have destroyed Cacutta University.

If one had to go with Tagore logic then Muslim of east Bengal would have been still illiterate and backward as the Bramin of Calcutta wanted us to be but you see Nawab Salimullah didn't care about it. He did it anyway. He did it because he was looking after his people. As a result Dhaka university was once known for Oxford of the east and Modern Bangladesh enjoying the fruits of higher education. I am glad to discredit Tagore as whole and I do not care about his contribution to Bengali language. I believe our Musalmani Bangla was far advanced and suit for our culture than Sanskrit based Hindu Bangla that infiltrated in our land.

We are to reinstate the language of our forefather. What's say???
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Hasian is holding meeting with Jammat leadres. Once again Awami deception sold eastwatch out for street justice.


LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Who made this you? :lol: Why should the chief of BD's most influential and popular political party will have to meet jamaat chief 'maitya rajakar'? As far as news are concerned she only trying to prosecute rajakars. :)

Nizami was then well known as "Moitya Rajakar (মইত্যা রাজাকার)" for his anti-liberation activities.

Motiur Rahman Nizami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hasian is holding meeting with Jammat leadres. Indian stooge has deceived her master. That gotta leave a mark on indians and their dalals.

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If one had to go with Tagore logic then Muslim of east Bengal would have been still illiterate and backward as the Bramin of Calcutta wanted us to be but you see Nawab Salimullah didn't care about it. He did it anyway. He did it because he was looking after his people. As a result Dhaka university was once known for Oxford of the east and Modern Bangladesh enjoying the fruits of higher education. I am glad to discredit Tagore as whole and I do not care about his contribution to Bengali language. I believe our Musalmani Bangla was far advanced and suit for our culture than Sanskrit based Hindu Bangla that infiltrated in our land.

We are to reinstate the language of our forefather. What's say???

By reading your post, one will think that the country Bangladesh was already there in 1911 when there was a proposal to establish an University in Dhaka, and, therefore, the Calcutta Hindus tried to stop it. Instead of sending meaningless arguments send something that even a non-Mullah like me also can understand.
By reading your post, one will think that the country Bangladesh was already there in 1911 when there was a proposal to establish an University in Dhaka, and, therefore, the Calcutta Hindus tried to stop it. Instead of sending meaningless arguments send something that even a non-Mullah like me also can understand.

It may not been seperate country but Muslim Bengal always been little diffrent entity however what I don't understand is that why are you taking side with them Calcutta based Hindus who supressed Muslims throughout the history.
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jamaat dalals and their stooges like bnp seems learning photoshop these days!! they don't have any other work than defaming a good PM like Hasina. :) Who wants to be in meeting with a rajakar other than bnp stooges! :lol:

You are an ignorant fool. Your failed claim ain't going to change the reality. La-hasin's meeting with Nizami and begged for Jamat support to form government from former Jamat Ameer Maulana Gulam Azam in 96 is a well known factor in BD. It's well documented. Every one knows about la-Hasina's double face munafiqat and that is why most people don't take them Awami dunkey seriously beside brain dead Bangladeshis and Bharati losers.
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jamaat dalals and their stooges like bnp seems learning photoshop these days!! they don't have any other work than defaming a good PM like Hasina. :) Who wants to be in meeting with a rajakar other than bnp stooges! :lol:

Yes, the meeting was held, there is no doubt about it. Even Hasina went to the house of his UNCLE Golam Azam to get his blessing before the 1991 election. But, what does it prove? Does it prove that AL has become a razakar Party or does it prove that the Jamaatis were asking for forgiveness from AL?

Only Zakir and Idune can answer this question. Hi, have you two already become AL and also Indian dalals?
Yes, the meeting was held, there is no doubt about it. Even Hasina went to the house of his UNCLE Golam Azam to get his blessing before the 1991 election. But, what does it prove? Does it prove that AL has become a razakar Party or does it prove that the Jamaatis were asking for forgiveness from AL?

Why should Jamat be asking forgiveness to self proclaimed bay-iman?

If I am to believe your logic and if Jamat was looking for Awamis mercey then Gulam Azam and Nizami would have been La-hasian's house not other way around. You may be educated fool to fall for AL deception but do not equalize your dizzy brain to ours. I have more more respect for Bharatis than Awami supporter. :coffee:

By the way, Do not disrespect the noble word "Razakar". Awami can only be Gaddar, Munafiq and Bharati dalals. :smokin:
You are an ignorant fool. Your failed claim ain't going to change the reality. La-hasin's meeting with Nizami and begged for Jamat support to form government from former Jamat Ameer Maulana Gulam Azam in 96 is a well known factor in BD. It's well documented. Every one knows about la-Hasina's double face munafiqat and that is why most people don't take them Awami dunkey seriously beside brain dead Bangladeshis and Bharati losers.

You are a brainwashed fool indeed! What jamaat got to help AL??? In 1996 jamaat got only 3 seats out of 300!! :lol: That also must be by rigging votes.

You call your fellow 'countrymen' brain dead. lol Thats shows your 'love' towards BD.

Bharati losers.

losers are those rajakars like nizami and co. they lost everything in 1971 and run away from BD. thats people call losers. :lol:
You are a brainwashed fool indeed! What jamaat got to help AL??? In 1996 jamaat got only 3 seats out of 300!! :lol: That also must be by rigging votes.

You call your fellow 'countrymen' brain dead. lol Thats shows your 'love' towards BD.

losers are those rajakars like nizami and co. they lost everything in 1971 and run away from BD. thats people call losers. :lol:

Are you here to speak for your indian dalal asset? otherwise dont speak like typical indian primates escaped from zoo.

Indians are biggest rajakar if they want accuse one. Because indian made deal to let real accused Pak officers to go scot free.
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