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Wake up Lahore - Q&A Session

The Britishers ruled over Hindus as well as Muslims in Sub-continent.

Muslims had nothing to lose as this land was invaded by them. Still they lost the rule due to their own internal rifts and fights within families for the power.

The biggest thing on Muslims' credit is that they had defeated the super powers of the world when they were weak militarily.

When we say "WE" we means we Muslims simple as that. :)

When it comes to Pakistanis and Indians then well both did not rule each others

If you mean what you said in the bold part, then why are you fighting for kashmir? You invaded this land, and you agree that since you guys came here , even if you are sent back you have nothing to lose. We hindus on the other hand have eveything to lose because you have invaded our land. So please stop supporting the Pak sposnsored terrorism for the cause of Kashmir
Yes, we have ruled over you. ZH is absolutely correct in saying that. When I say "we", I mean as in Pakistanis of today, which are made up of Mughals, Pathans, Persians, Sayyids, Balcochi's, and Persians, amongst tribes others. You might find these tribes disintegrated in India today. As a matter of fact many Indian Muslims themselves take great pride in their history. Ask the Bengali's or the Hyderbadi's they'll tell you the same thing...

In modern day Pakistan I personally know family friends who are direct descendants of the Mughals Emperors. I also have a Balochi friend whose family trace back to the great Muhammad bin Qasim. Then we have the great Pathan's tribes that fought and ruled many parts of India from time to time. Not to mention we have the Sufi Sayyids tribes that are descendants of the Prophet's SAW family, coming in from both the Arab and Persian hemispheres and established and spread Islam peacefully in the Indian sub-continent.

Why is it so hard for you to accept your own history? I really suggest you lower your ego.

Yes, I disagree with ZH when he uses the word "hindu'' and makes generalization. but he's spot on right about history. Did we hate hindu's? Or do we now? No. If that were the case Muslims wouldn't have stayed in the Sub-Continent for very long. :lol:

Being ruled over by some one else is a bad thing and shows your internal weakness and corruption more than anything else. Muslims helped established a civilization in the sub-continent and unified people and initiated large scale trade and commerce i.e. silk road. In fact before the British empire came to India, the Indian Sub-continent accounted for 30% of the world's trade during the Mughal's rule. During their time it went down to 2% as they looted and plundered the continent and took resources back to the UK. Muslims did not do that for the most part, they settled in and helped established the continent into a prospering civilization i.e. Hindustan. Even today India accounts for 5-6% of the world's trade which is nothing in comparison to what was achieved under the Mughals. Being ruled over by Muslims was not a bad thing after all.

Yes the Muslims in sub-continent became corrupt and lost the empire. That's nature's justice I believe. But this does not take away from the fact that we have ruled over India for centuries. We take great pride in our history. Which Indian modern day artificial ego's seem to be having a difficultly accepting their own history.
Ok, I agree that you guys came from outside and ruled over us. So please now, get out. go back to the desert where you came from. be decent like the british who really went back.
See, its a matter of perspective. we can always say that indians ruled over pakistan. because for most part the seat of power was Delhi/Agra. So yeah, indians ruled over pakistanis.

very true buddy :cheers:.
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I love these guys :rofl: most of them where the decedents of Hindu converts and taking proud of ruling over Hindus..Its the same like these guys being proud of China beating India in 1962 ...
For heavens sake...man...why dont u understand...its
not pakistan, iran, eqypt, lebenon..etc....he means its one
Ummah..one community.
.as it was before...this type of nationalism on the basis of geography is not allowed for muslims...yes it can
be on the basis of ideology
and those who ruled for 1000 years had the same ideology....those who ruled Spain had the same ideology...its not about which country or race you belong to...you are equal and brothers of each other

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ):
“The Muslim Ummah is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain”

So if we say us....we dont say it as pakistanis...we say it as muslims...this is something which you people should understand

The Muslims are like one Body : Dr Zakir Naik - AOL Video


Well, to be frank, it doesn't help.

I still don't get you. Do you mean to say, all Indian Muslims will help Pakistan when it comes to war? On the other hand, if they fight against Pakistanis, where is the Muslim brotherhood?

All the Indians are (and must be) Indian first, and then Hindus, Muslims etc. So, please keep that Muslims will rule India again crap to yourself.
Yes, we have ruled over you. ZH is absolutely correct in saying that. When I say "we", I mean as in Pakistanis of today, which are made up of Mughals, Pathans, Persians, Sayyids, Balcochi's, and Persians, amongst tribes others. You might find these tribes disintegrated in India today. As a matter of fact many Indian Muslims themselves take great pride in their history. Ask the Bengali's or the Hyderbadi's they'll tell you the same thing...

Why is it so hard for you to accept your own history? I really suggest you lower your ego.


Why u left poor punjabis and Sindhis out of this list, ??

They constitute the majority population of pakistan,dont they??

BTW how many people of pakistan can claim to be descendants of moghuls or turkish Afghans the two only groups who ruled parts india over the period history??

And Yes,warlords of these two groups from central asia and north Afghanistan who ruled india had hardly anything in common with naitve population of pakistani regions expect religion, that too happened only after the natives converted to islam.

When they attaked in north west india,its the current pakistan region who they invaded first and they didnt come with their families and mostly took local women .Now u can imagine what how much bloodline of moghul or turkish afghan their offsprings in todays pakistan carry.

If u are honest and such a expert in history ,give one instance where someone born in current pakistani region ever ruled india???

Fact remais ,its not muslims or pakistanis ruled in india for some six hunderd yr...it was the Turkic , Afghan and moghul dynasties who ruled parts of india for given period time.

Being ruled over by some one else is a bad thing and shows your internal weakness and corruption more than anything else. Muslims helped established a civilization in the sub-continent and unified people and initiated large scale trade and commerce i.e. silk road

Being ruled over by some one else is a bad thing and who knows its better than pakistanis themselves who had suffered throught out all outside invasions from west to into india.

BTW do u know, Up until the advent of Islam, portions of eastern Afghanistan and pakistan
were ruled by the Hindu Shahi kings??

Jayapala Janjua Shahi, the son of Asatapala and father of Anandapal, was the first king and founder of the Hindushahi dynasty of Afghanistan and Northwest Pakistan.

Jayapala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Talking about civilasation ,i think dont know its meaning,as u otherwise would'not made such imbicile statements like "Muslims helped established a civilization in the sub-continent " .

If u genuinely interested in knowing about the ancient civilisation of the sub continent,then stop listening ZH as soon as possible and better start reading some real books.
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I love these guys :rofl: most of them where the decedents of Hindu converts and taking proud of ruling over Hindus..Its the same like these guys being proud of China beating India in 1962 ...

Its a clear case of stockholm syndrome.
What about Mangools who conquered every single place Muslims had and only Makkah and Madina were left? What made Mangools embrace Islam? The same insecurity and thought of protecting their land? Islam is the most wide-spreading religion of Europe the movement we are talking. What is making west embrace Islam? Fear of loosing land and property? Go read some before being this mouthful.

What? It's a news for me!

Everybody here crying about West not understanding Islam, West is trying to destroy Islam etc. You are the only one who thinks otherwise. I can't imagine any reason for that.
Are we seriously discussing over ZH? :rofl:

BTW, yes...Muslims ruled over India. Latest I can name APJ who was then supreme commander of the armed forces. At the same time a sikh PM was/is here and yes, a christian lady is one of the most powerful figure of Indian politics. So everybody ruled over us. Happy!! :D

If people like ZH has an iota of knowledge of what India is about, he would refarin from vomitting. :bunny:

Feel happy. You ruled us. You can call whatever you wish but it is pointless to discuss ZH.

P.S. --> Since you guys yourself claim that your leadership is USA stooges, do I need to understand Christians are ruling over you guys. :tongue:
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Yes, we have ruled over you. ZH is absolutely correct in saying that. When I say "we", I mean as in Pakistanis of today, which are made up of Mughals, Pathans, Persians, Sayyids, Balcochi's, and Persians, amongst tribes others. You might find these tribes disintegrated in India today. As a matter of fact many Indian Muslims themselves take great pride in their history. Ask the Bengali's or the Hyderbadi's they'll tell you the same thing...

Are you high on something? Man there are loads of Nawabs and Pathans you can find in India. As far as other tribes are concerned, they never existed in big numbers in India. So, that takes away your claim. If you still don't believe, I would say you should check percentage population graph of Muslim in India. And yes, please also check the same for Hindus in Pakistan. Then you will know who is disintegrated where.

When you speak about Muslims here, they are history of India. We still teach our children about great Muslim rulers. We neither sensor, nor cut any part of history.

You are just attempting to steal others' history.

In modern day Pakistan I personally know family friends who are direct descendants of the Mughals Emperors. I also have a Balochi friend whose family trace back to the great Muhammad bin Qasim. Then we have the great Pathan's tribes that fought and ruled many parts of India from time to time. Not to mention we have the Sufi Sayyids tribes that are descendants of the Prophet's SAW family, coming in from both the Arab and Persian hemispheres and established and spread Islam peacefully in the Indian sub-continent.

You show me one Mugul descendant in Pakistan, I'll show you four of them in India. It's just a hopeless thing you are taking proud in. :disagree:

Why is it so hard for you to accept your own history? I really suggest you lower your ego.

We are proud of our history. And the history says Muslims ruled Indian subcontinent for centuries, not Pakistanis.

Yes, I disagree with ZH when he uses the word "hindu'' and makes generalization. but he's spot on right about history. Did we hate hindu's? Or do we now? No. If that were the case Muslims wouldn't have stayed in the Sub-Continent for very long. :lol:

Outsiders 'stayed' here in a very low number. The the Muslims you are talking about were always here. Only they were known as Hindus before. I hope you won't deny your history by accepting that your forefathers were Hindus. ;)

Being ruled over by some one else is a bad thing and shows your internal weakness and corruption more than anything else. Muslims helped established a civilization in the sub-continent and unified people and initiated large scale trade and commerce i.e. silk road. In fact before the British empire came to India, the Indian Sub-continent accounted for 30% of the world's trade during the Mughal's rule. During their time it went down to 2% as they looted and plundered the continent and took resources back to the UK. Muslims did not do that for the most part, they settled in and helped established the continent into a prospering civilization i.e. Hindustan. Even today India accounts for 5-6% of the world's trade which is nothing in comparison to what was achieved under the Mughals. Being ruled over by Muslims was not a bad thing after all.

Get over it. You are just repeating Indian history. We know and proud of every bit of that.

Yes the Muslims in sub-continent became corrupt and lost the empire. That's nature's justice I believe. But this does not take away from the fact that we have ruled over India for centuries. We take great pride in our history. Which Indian modern day artificial ego's seem to be having a difficultly accepting their own history.

Why are you so eager to stamp Indian history as your's? India and Pakistan are two geographically separated nations. Everything that happened within Indian boundaries, is the history of India. Doesn't matter whose children chose to live where. Please cut the crap now, and get some life.
When we say "WE" we means we Muslims simple as that. :)

Nobody should call themselves by any label, or accept any ideology blindly. People should take a stand any issue only after having fully studied and understood it.

For proper understanding of any issue, one has to look at both sides of the argument, both the pros and the cons.

If one in indoctrinated from birth about only the pros, in an environment where discussion of the cons is a capital offense, then that is not conducive to a rational understanding.
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Hi everyone

I'm a bit amused by our lack of knowledge and logic.

Please let me explain my view in points, as it is simple to understand.

1. Muslims from outside of Indian subcontinent invade India and start to rule here.

2. Hindus try to fight but fail.

3. Those Hindus were forefathers of almost all of us, who are on this forum.

4. So, it's appropriate to say that Muslims defeated us.

5. Then Hindus (forefathers of Muslim members here) were converted to Muslims by various methods for various reasons.

6. All this mixture gets sort of settled down in the subcontinent, and everything becomes inseparable part of the history.

7. The Muslims who came from outside chose to live here, as it was the most fertile land one could imagine.

8. Then British come here and rule subcontinent for 150 years.

9. They leave the subcontinent separated, known as India and Pakistan.

10. As the nations are separated on land basis, and not strictly on religion basis (because India is secular, not Hindu nation), the division of history becomes simple.

11. Everything happened within Indian lines belongs to India. Same goes for Pakistan.

12. All the rulers ZH is talking about are the part of Indian history.

13. Even one of ZH's Hindu forefathers may have died when fighting with invaders, and so others may have decided to accept Islam. ;)

14. What most of Indian and Pakistani Muslims did can be simply explained in one sentence-

Now I don't think there is anything in history of India for you people to jump up and down.
If you mean what you said in the bold part, then why are you fighting for kashmir? You invaded this land, and you agree that since you guys came here , even if you are sent back you have nothing to lose. We hindus on the other hand have eveything to lose because you have invaded our land. So please stop supporting the Pak sposnsored terrorism for the cause of Kashmir

Kashmir was never part of India so Indians have no share here. Keep Kashmir out of it.
Hi everyone

I'm a bit amused by our lack of knowledge and logic.

Please let me explain my view in points, as it is simple to understand.

1. Muslims from outside of Indian subcontinent invade India and start to rule here.

2. Hindus try to fight but fail.

3. Those Hindus were forefathers of almost all of us, who are on this forum.

4. So, it's appropriate to say that Muslims defeated us.

5. Then Hindus (forefathers of Muslim members here) were converted to Muslims by various methods for various reasons.

6. All this mixture gets sort of settled down in the subcontinent, and everything becomes inseparable part of the history.

7. The Muslims who came from outside chose to live here, as it was the most fertile land one could imagine.

8. Then British come here and rule subcontinent for 150 years.

9. They leave the subcontinent separated, known as India and Pakistan.

10. As the nations are separated on land basis, and not strictly on religion basis (because India is secular, not Hindu nation), the division of history becomes simple.

11. Everything happened within Indian lines belongs to India. Same goes for Pakistan.

12. All the rulers ZH is talking about are the part of Indian history.

13. Even one of ZH's Hindu forefathers may have died when fighting with invaders, and so others may have decided to accept Islam. ;)

14. What most of Indian and Pakistani Muslims did can be simply explained in one sentence-

Now I don't think there is anything in history of India for you people to jump up and down.

:) sorry buddy when we recite the Kalima we are Muslims and non-other than Muslims. We take pride in Muslim fighters who ruled over You simple as that.

And NO Mr Zaid's forefathers have never been Hindus, neither mine.

Balance whatever you say the fact is that Muslim commanders won and ruled over sub-continent.

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