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Wake up Lahore - Q&A Session

You all know abt indoctrination of uneducated youth in pakistan madarssa's this man is doing the same with educated youth. Listen to the part 3. he says .."sahuda jo shaeed ho gaye fighting India"!! He is encouraging and defending what Kasab and 9 others did in Mumbai. This is shame..Moderators you banned me for just a sarcastic remark..here you are encouraging indoctrination.
In this region India is the only country which has conflicts and issues with all its neighbours not Pakistan.

LOL........60% of Pakistan border lies with India ...still you claim.....LOL...LOL....

Afghan border...Infiltration.....Iran Border Closed....dues to attack on Iran Guards....Rings a bell right...
Why you are shocked to see large fan following of his in Pakistan?

As far as Hindus being slaves are concerned what difference it make if it was 200 or 500 years. BTW, he never said whole India was under Muslim rule. Mohammad Bin Qasim invaded Sindh in 712 and Muslim rule (completely or partially) continued till 1857. Now do ur maths.And after that add 90 years of British Raj into that. I think it will help.

Hindus were never slaves during muslim rules...

during delhi sultanate and even moghul era ,the muslim rulers had made militry alliances with hindu warrior clan who were high ranking officers and generals with in their armies ....they as well stuck their hindu identies and their religion and culure is still intact , something hindus and buddists of north west india (punjab & sind) failed to do .

Muslim rule in Delhi started from 1192AD after the defeat of the the last Rajput king of Delhi PrithiviRaj chauhan and by the year 1800 moughul power was confied to delhi as punjab had gone to Rangit singh,rest of india had came under marathas,the Brithis and other local kings.So muslim rule which started from 1192ad had nearly finished yrs before 1800Ad...now do ur arithmatic.
real Slaves are the people who converted to Islam bec of political reasons during the times from Gazni/Ghauri to Mougls..to continue to have their land's or rights., Maximum conversion happened in 17 century Ad , during the time of Aurangzeb. go read history. Whatever ZH may say most of the pakistani's including the mohazirs (in case he does not include them as Pakistani people) look same as Indians, as they have migrated only 60 years back.
Hindus were never slaves during muslim rules...

during delhi sultanate and even moghul era ,the muslim rulers had made militry alliances with hindu warrior clan who were high ranking officers and generals with in their armies ....they as well stuck their hindu identies and their religion and culure is still intact , something hindus and buddists of north west india (punjab & sind) failed to do .

Muslim rule in Delhi started from 1192AD after the defeat of the the last Rajput king of Delhi PrithiviRaj chauhan and by the year 1800 moughul power was confied to delhi as punjab had gone to Rangit singh,rest of india had came under marathas,the Brithis and other local kings.So muslim rule which started from 1192ad had nearly finished yrs before 1800Ad...now do ur arithmatic.

Khajur to where-ever their rule confined. The point is the Muslims came from outside and ruled you simple as that.

The Muslim rulers made alliances with hindus indeed but the point is the local hindus strucked the deals because they were defeated simple as that.
You all know abt indoctrination of uneducated youth in pakistan madarssa's this man is doing the same with educated youth. Listen to the part 3. he says .."sahuda jo shaeed ho gaye fighting India"!! He is encouraging and defending what Kasab and 9 others did in Mumbai. This is shame..Moderators you banned me for just a sarcastic remark..here you are encouraging indoctrination.

Your argument is baseless and weak because indeed all those soldiers who died while fighting India in wars are Shuhada for us.

And no he is not at all encouraging any mumbai shumbai attacks.

rather you Indians still defend your terrorism against Pakistan in case of east Pakistan.
Khajur to where-ever their rule confined. The point is the Muslims came from outside and ruled you simple as that.

The Muslim rulers made alliances with hindus indeed but the point is the local hindus strucked the deals because they were defeated simple as that.

Turn the page ...and you see the same Muslims being ruled by Britishers.

So you cant claim that Muslims have been the ruling class for ever....your Muslim Civilization has also seen equal bad days......as has any other civilization........

Even worst....Muslim rulers have been killed by their own sons...to snatch away rules from their father.
The point is the Muslims came from outside and ruled you simple as that.

I have noticed that all the Pakistani's claiming "ruled India for decades".. my doubt is .. Is that these guys came with invaders ??. claiming some others victory on 'us' :what: a pathetic way of self appeasement.. or these guys just denying the fact that 'they' didn't existed in the subcontinent before invasion. Heck.. pity on you.
Khajur to where-ever their rule confined. The point is the Muslims came from outside and ruled you simple as that.

The Muslim rulers made alliances with hindus indeed but the point is the local hindus strucked the deals because they were defeated simple as that.
In present situation US is bending your policies and making you work for them What do you think about it?
Aren't your rulers made slaves by the west. In contrast Moguls mixed with Indian culture and they worked for the benefit of it. The present day situation of pakistan is worse than India in mogul period. No offence.
If you see the history the great British empire was once colonized and ruled by Roman empire that does not mean the modern day Britain is weak and impotent. Similar thing applies to India. :cheers:
I have noticed that all the Pakistani's claiming "ruled India for decades".. my doubt is .. Is that these guys came with invaders ??. claiming some others victory on 'us' :what: a pathetic way of self appeasement.. or these guys just denying the fact that 'they' didn't existed in the subcontinent before invasion. Heck.. pity on you.

you are right buddy muslim invaders helped for the spread of Islam in sub continent. They some times forced the conversions in the subcontinent.
:) Mughals were Muslims and thats enough. I wonder Indians claim them as Indians :P and when their faith comes into discussion you disown them.


In this region India is the only country which has conflicts and issues with all its neighbours not Pakistan.

That is the point Jana in India country comes before religion and in Pakistan it is the other way.
India never initiated any wars it is Pakistan which tried to meddle with India :disagree:
I am shocked by all the pathetic excuses used by Pakistani 'scholars', both inside and outside this forum. You people have to seek support from your twisted version of history to keep your morals high! :disagree:

And even if we accept the Zaid Hamid version of history (only for the sake of argument), still it's unthinkable how this tale helps Pakistan.

'We' have ruled India for 1000 years

Now who are these 'we'?

If you mean Pakistan by 'we', then Pakistan is mere 60 years old. And it never ruled India.

If you mean Muslims by 'we', then where comes Pakistan in the equation? Pakistan may be an Islamic nation, but that does NOT imply Islam means Pakistan. You can't claim Pakistani Muslims are better than Indians Muslims.

And lastly, what 1000 years of ruling in the past has to do now? We are not writing fairy tales. Please wake up. Stop day dreaming. It won't help you. Pakistani is not in position, even in dreams, to invade India. Stop that BS. And stop those bulls who are sh!tting all over Pakistan. :hitwall:
For heavens sake...man...why dont u understand...its
not pakistan, iran, eqypt, lebenon..etc....he means its one
Ummah..one community.
.as it was before...this type of nationalism on the basis of geography is not allowed for muslims...yes it can
be on the basis of ideology
and those who ruled for 1000 years had the same ideology....those who ruled Spain had the same ideology...its not about which country or race you belong to...you are equal and brothers of each other

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ):
“The Muslim Ummah is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain”

So if we say us....we dont say it as pakistanis...we say it as muslims...this is something which you people should understand

The Muslims are like one Body : Dr Zakir Naik - AOL Video

real Slaves are the people who converted to Islam bec of political reasons during the times from Gazni/Ghauri to Mougls..to continue to have their land's or rights., Maximum conversion happened in 17 century Ad , during the time of Aurangzeb. go read history. Whatever ZH may say most of the pakistani's including the mohazirs (in case he does not include them as Pakistani people) look same as Indians, as they have migrated only 60 years back.

What about Mangools who conquered every single place Muslims had and only Makkah and Madina were left? What made Mangools embrace Islam? The same insecurity and thought of protecting their land? Islam is the most wide-spreading religion of Europe the movement we are talking. What is making west embrace Islam? Fear of loosing land and property? Go read some before being this mouthful.

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