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Wahhabism & its Connections with Terrorism..!!!

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Didn't I just get through telling you not to play this name change and hiding in plain sight game? You got a comprehension problem?

You started this thread - look at the title of thread, genius - yes, you wrote that!

Didn't I just get through telling you not to play this name change and hiding in plain sight game? You got a comprehension problem?

You started this thread - look at the title of thread, genius - yes, you wrote that!

I just started this thread with the name of wahhabism reason is behind I saw mostly people uses the name wahhabism with terrorism. I know that normally heretical people call to Ahle Hadith the name wahhabi. And Ahle Hadith is not doing terrorist activities in anywhere this is just becuase maligning to them. I mentioned in my post "Wahhabism is the name given by the opponents, even enemies of Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Wahhab to his teachings. Neither he nor those who agreed with him called his teachings by that name, for the simple reason that neither he nor they believed that he came with a new ideology or philosophy or established a heretical sect."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...-its-connections-terrorism.html#ixzz2KJbFzKs1

I am very much clear about it. :)
What is your reaction that Now House of Saud is doing this.

if they wont expand, you people will cry that the Saudis are doing nothing to provide comfort to the Hajis

What is your reaction that Now House of Saud is doing this.

if they wont expand, you people will cry that the Saudis are doing nothing to provide comfort to the Hajis

and if i remember correctly the Saudis are the ones supporting USA in WoT so how are they terrorists? enlighten me please, it is interesting to see that shias support US strikes and agenda in Pakistan but oppose it when US does the same with iran so who is a bigot wahabis or shias
Hold your horses mate and just answer one simple question ... Do you follow the same kalma word by word as it was followed by Hazrat Ali and Imam hussain? And yeah I am not a wahabi...waiting for your reply..

If you go to school in Saudi Arabia, what do you learn about people who are not followers of Wahhabi, of the prophet?

The religious curriculum in Saudi Arabia teaches you that people are basically two sides: Salafis [Wahhabis], who are the winners, the chosen ones, who will go to heaven, and the rest. The rest are Muslims and Christians and Jews and others.

They are either kafirs, who are deniers of God, or mushrak, putting gods next to God, or enervators, that's the lightest one. The enervators of religion who are they call the Sunni Muslims who ... for instance, celebrate Prophet Mohammed's birthday, and do some stuff that is not accepted by Salafis.

Which one are you?

Before you ask him about kalma do u follow Islam and are qualified to judge him and others?

Laa ilaaha illal Lahoo Mohammadur Rasool Ullah Ali yun waliyullah.

The perfection of faith by the virtue of the Wilayat of 'Ali (as)
At the end of another lengthy Hadeeth, the Holy Prophet (s) said:
"Ali is from me and I am from Ali and after me he is the guardian (Wali) of every true believer."
We have taken this Hadeeth from the following revered Sunni works:
1. Sunan Tirmidhi, volume 2, page 298, published in Egypt.
2. Mishkaat al Masabeeh, page 564, published in Delhi.
3. Mustadrak al-Hakim, volume 3, page 111, published by Daira al-Ma'arif, Hyderabad Deccan.
4. Marqaat Sharh Mashkaat, volume 11, page 340, published in Multan.
5. Sawaiq al-Muhriqa, page 122, published in Egypt.
Imam Tirmidhi himself has said "The Hadeeth is Hasan [sound]" in Sunan Tirmidhi, volume 2, page 298 as has Allamah Dhahabi in Meezan al-E'tidaal, volume 1, page 410.
This Hadeeth of the Holy Prophet (s) says that without the acceptance of Imam Ali's (as) Wilayat, no one's faith can be perfected. The Shi'a of Maula 'Ali, accordingly recite and declare the Wilayat of Ali (as) in our Kalima and Adhan for the perfection of our faith, why does it bother the so-called Muftis'
the root behind much of terrorism in muslim world and entire world is Wahabism.

Lay down your points. will ya ?

Almost 99% of all suicide bombers, terrorist groups in Middle East, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Northern Africa ALL practice wahabi version of "Islam" (aka Saudi version of Islam). So the connection is VERY VERY strong.

show me the wahhabi verison of islam! P.S suicide bombing was a creation of your beloved mullah.

Ever since advent of wahabism over the past 130 years or so, the muslim world has seen MUCH chaos and terrorism. Before Wahabism, muslim world NEVER faced such massive terrorism as it has been facing especially over the past 30-40 years!

Terrorism in the islamic world started when Shia killed Othman(Radi allahu anhu) and later killed Al-husain (Radi allahu anhu).

Mohammed Ibn Abud Al-wahab himself is a Hanbli follower. Shia hate him and work day n night to defame him for the fact he stood against polytheism and bida'ah which are known to be practice in shisim Ideology.
Those who connect whabism with terrorism are terrorists themselves, they are blind by others lies and they believe them, I live in saudi Arabia and saudis only practice true islam, which according liars is whabism, dont believe it.
@haviZsultan @muse @Cheetah786
Even if I dont practice islam well but I believe true islam is according to whabism but not linked to terrorism.
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They intermingled Arabizm in our Islam. So we gradually left the origin and felt a pious thing to adopt Arab culture. Alas!!
S.Y.A;3896578]if they wont expand, you people will cry that the Saudis are doing nothing to provide comfort to the Hajjis

Destroying the Islamic heritage for the comfort of hajjis really ? why don't you share the real reason behind the destruction of Islamic heritage or lying is part of being a Wahhabi.

People have been performing hajj long before planes trains or automobiles and five star hotels came into existence and they happily stayed in tents as it is considered a privilege and honor to able to HAJJ plus part of Islam.

And if giving the comfort is concerned Arabia is a big country that have a lot more land to build these monstrosities then to demolish the heritage.

These are being destroyed cause of Wahhabi believes not to provide comfort lying lying lying all you can do .

and if i remember correctly the Saudis are the ones supporting USA in WoT so how are they terrorists? enlighten me please,

Well then you must suffer from Memory loss read these forums millions of examples.

it is interesting to see that shias support US strikes and agenda in Pakistan but oppose it when US does the same with Iran so who is a bigot Wahhabi or shias

Didn't you just say Saudi support Americans WOT that means they also support Drone strikes in waziristan and other FATA area Hypocrite.

Iran is the only country that is standing up for her rights which for obvious reason you cant understand or see and when did Americans carry out drone strikes in Iran that i oppose it.

As far as drone strikes and shia support is concerned It kills the terrorist that Kills shia and Sunnis in pakistan why shouldn't i support it.Pakistan military is also in support of it pakistan Government is also support of it other wise Americans wouldn't be flying out of Shamsi air base.
If you go to school in Saudi Arabia, what do you learn about people who are not followers of Wahhabi, of the prophet?

The religious curriculum in Saudi Arabia teaches you that people are basically two sides: Salafis [Wahhabis], who are the winners, the chosen ones, who will go to heaven, and the rest. The rest are Muslims and Christians and Jews and others.

They are either kafirs, who are deniers of God, or mushrak, putting gods next to God, or enervators, that's the lightest one. The enervators of religion who are they call the Sunni Muslims who ... for instance, celebrate Prophet Mohammed's birthday, and do some stuff that is not accepted by Salafis.

Which one are you?

bring me a piece of that curriculum and let us have a discussion about it.

Simple Q. did prophet Mohammed Peace be upon him ever celebrate his birthday NO so need to invent new practice and stick them to Islam

Before you ask him about kalma do u follow Islam and are qualified to judge him and others?

Laa ilaaha illal Lahoo Mohammadur Rasool Ullah Ali yun waliyullah.

The perfection of faith by the virtue of the Wilayat of 'Ali (as)
At the end of another lengthy Hadeeth, the Holy Prophet (s) said:
"Ali is from me and I am from Ali and after me he is the guardian (Wali) of every true believer."
We have taken this Hadeeth from the following revered Sunni works:
1. Sunan Tirmidhi, volume 2, page 298, published in Egypt.
2. Mishkaat al Masabeeh, page 564, published in Delhi.
3. Mustadrak al-Hakim, volume 3, page 111, published by Daira al-Ma'arif, Hyderabad Deccan.
4. Marqaat Sharh Mashkaat, volume 11, page 340, published in Multan.
5. Sawaiq al-Muhriqa, page 122, published in Egypt.
Imam Tirmidhi himself has said "The Hadeeth is Hasan [sound]" in Sunan Tirmidhi, volume 2, page 298 as has Allamah Dhahabi in Meezan al-E'tidaal, volume 1, page 410.

This Hadeeth of the Holy Prophet (s) says that without the acceptance of Imam Ali's (as) Wilayat, no one's faith can be perfected. The Shi'a of Maula 'Ali, accordingly recite and declare the Wilayat of Ali (as) in our Kalima and Adhan for the perfection of our faith, why does it bother the so-called Muftis'

your understanding of the Word Wali is twisted and the bolded part is a big invented lie.
The Shia gang is at it again.

Here boys,

1. There is no such things as Wahabi; or a Wahabi Islam.
2. Mohammad bin Abdul Wahab led a movement to clean Islam and restore it to the best known state as left by our prophet.

Shia religion started some 4 or so decades AFTER our prophet; thsu Shia religion is also an "addition" and adultry if you please.

Thus the Shias are the biggest enemies, because they need to kill the ideology that makes them null and void.

Now I have some questions.

The shias say a lot about where the Khilafah should have gone, and who was the real deserving of the same ... and the whole fasade about ahl-e-Bait.

but at the same time they say their religion is based on the opposition to genetic politics of Ameer Muawia and his son.
This Hadeeth of the Holy Prophet (s) says that without the acceptance of Imam Ali's (as) Wilayat, no one's faith can be perfected. The Shi'a of Maula 'Ali, accordingly recite and declare the Wilayat of Ali (as) in our Kalima and Adhan for the perfection of our faith, why does it bother the so-called Muftis'

This is old habit of shias to fabricate to Ahadith & even they tamper in translation of Quran.
The Shia gang is at it again.

Here boys,

1. There is no such things as Wahabi; or a Wahabi Islam.
2. Mohammad bin Abdul Wahab led a movement to clean Islam and restore it to the best known state as left by our prophet.

Shia religion started some 4 or so decades AFTER our prophet; thsu Shia religion is also an "addition" and adultry if you please.

Thus the Shias are the biggest enemies, because they need to kill the ideology that makes them null and void.

Now I have some questions.

The shias say a lot about where the Khilafah should have gone, and who was the real deserving of the same ... and the whole fasade about ahl-e-Bait.

but at the same time they say their religion is based on the opposition to genetic politics of Ameer Muawia and his son.

Stop hating on Shias. I am not a Shia and believe Wahabism is a cancer. Stop insulting our Shia brothers! You cause divisions in society with this type of thinking. Wahabism is not native to Pakistan. It is native to the house of Saud and Saudia.... let it remain there! Don't impose it on us.

I respect Saudi but I can't respect Wahabism. @Son of Mountains and every Shia is my brother.
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Stop hating on Shias. I am not a Shia and believe Wahabism is a cancer. Stop insulting our Shia brothers! You cause divisions in society with this type of thinking. Wahabism is not native to Pakistan. It is native to the house of Saud and Saudia.... let it remain there! Don't impose it on us.

I respect Saudi but I can't respect Wahabism. @Son of Mountains and every Shia is my brother.

The 28 million saudi love and Respect shiekh Mohammed Ibn Abudu Al-wahab whom you hate so keep your respect to yourself we don't need it.
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