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VOTE - Which SAARC state will fight for India?

Which SAARC state will fight for India?

  • Nepal

    Votes: 16 18.4%
  • Afghanistan

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Bangladesh

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • Bhutan

    Votes: 8 9.2%
  • Maldives

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Sri Lanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 51 58.6%

  • Total voters
Why would india want anyone to fight for it ?
Thats not india's mentality. That sure is the pakistans mentality.
Inda will fight its own wars. Fighting with pakistan india dont need any help can defeat pakistan on its own as have done in past.
In Normal conditions, if India goes to war with an actor far removed from region, no one would come to fight with/for India.

After this it depend on circumstances.

In an Indo-China war, Bhutan would be dragged in kicking and screaming. China needs to occupy western part of Bhutan(area adjacent to Chumbi valley) to have freedom of movement and not become like a Fish-in-a-barrel in that narrow valley. Bhutan would be like Belgium in this case. And given that Bhutan is an Indian protectorate, it would have no choice but to join Indian military effort.

Rest of countries would not interfere in Indo-China war.Pakistan may come to aid of beleaguered China (which it would soon become given the logistics of attacking a dug in enemy in mountains).

If the war is between Islam and Hinduism , say that Shias and Sunnis have buried their hatchet and formed a joint military coalition to force Islam on rest of the world la mohommad style, You would have Nepal, Bhutan, Probably Myanmar and Srilanka, and depending on situation and stated objective of Ghazis, China too coming to Aid of India. In this situation, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar are very high probables of joining Indian Armed forces.

added Afghanistan for obvious reasons

Afghanistan would join Indian military effort only if we are close to dismembering Pakistan,with an eye on getting back Pakhtun populated areas. It won't join in normal conditions.
India falsely considers itself the South Asian super power, however one can't be a superpower unless it has allies which can be counted upon during war time.

Considering how India has bullied every single of its neighbors in South Asia it's hard to imagine if India can muster allies to fight Pakistan and China In a shooting war.

Have your say, which SAARC state will join India against Pakistan or/and China?

Why should any country fight for another in the first place ?? How many countries have fought for another in history just for friendship sake ?? India is capable to defend itself alone.
And more importantly, how many countries have supported Pakistan in its war in the past ?? Heck, Pakistan have just refused the call of it's spiritual father to fight in Yemen. The OP only shows that he is suffering from acute hate India fever and have nothing worth full thing to do at all.
Thats why the thread is reported for being a pure troll thread.
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India falsely considers itself the South Asian super power, however one can't be a superpower unless it has allies which can be counted upon during war time.

Considering how India has bullied every single of its neighbors in South Asia it's hard to imagine if India can muster allies to fight Pakistan and China In a shooting war.

Have your say, which SAARC state will join India against Pakistan or/and China?

I see this thread more of a tactic to create illusionary disliking of Nepal towards India. Clever polls :D . Any ways to the point...

So has Russia, China, US, England. Every influential country tries to stretch it's muscle over other countries because they have influence. We do not do because we do not have influence. We should try and be more influential in the gulf atleast, but then they are more influential due to oil.
It will be Pakistan.
There should be Pakistan in the List.
Whoever nut jobs come from west, Pakistan will protect India. Its already going on for the past few years against Taliban. So its a tried and tested :welcome:
I see this thread more of a tactic to create illusionary disliking of Nepal towards India. Clever polls :D . Any ways to the point...

So has Russia, China, US, England. Every influential country tries to stretch it's muscle over other countries because they have influence. We do not do because we do not have influence. We should try and be more influential in the gulf atleast, but then they are more influential due to oil.

Kudos sir. You ought to call yourself Sane-e-Ibrahim.
Another thread on "War"..... Good going......
Another one of those brilliant threads which is very informative.

On topic: We are expecting no one to fight for us.

We dont believe in tag team matches or mixed doubles.

And the similar thread asking same question but in pakistan contest has been deleted, perhaps by the same "you know who". :lol:
Dr. Saab.... is it a case of emotional distress or Traumatic Stress Disorder.or even sleep problems?
Will you be able to arrange a counsel?

Sure..... Today is Sunday Vellamadi day... so may be tomorrow.....

Add Pakistan to the list and see the result....
Please stop including Bangladesh in this conversation, unlike nepal and bhutan we have nothing in common with india and indians. Your nation is just a neighbour nothing more.
One phrase is made for the likes of you.
Narcissism of small differences
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