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VOTE - Which SAARC state will fight for India?

Which SAARC state will fight for India?

  • Nepal

    Votes: 16 18.4%
  • Afghanistan

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Bangladesh

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • Bhutan

    Votes: 8 9.2%
  • Maldives

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Sri Lanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 51 58.6%

  • Total voters
India falsely considers itself the South Asian super power, however one can't be a superpower unless it has allies which can be counted upon during war time.

Considering how India has bullied every single of its neighbors in South Asia it's hard to imagine if India can muster allies to fight Pakistan and China In a shooting war.

Have your say, which SAARC state will join India against Pakistan or/and China?
one can't be a superpower unless it has allies which can be counted upon during war time

I wonder how many allies does US have upon whom the US depends....
Same goes for China......if it goes to a war with any country say US or Japan then Pakistan's support won't matter ....
I am not comparing India with US but you my friend are trolling a lot these days...

South Asian countries are weak and there support won't do any good .....you guys should be happy that we haven't joined the US camp till now.....it will be a nightmare for people like you
India falsely considers itself the South Asian super power, however one can't be a superpower unless it has allies which can be counted upon during war time.
India neither Indians consider themselves as a super power, the aspiration of Indians is to build an India that one day might become one after lifting Indians out of poverty, providing social justice and equity to all its citizenry. The definition of a sucessful country based on our social fabric is not to ride horses shooting lightning bolts out of our behinds to the neighbors capital, it is to provide justice, equality, and economic upliftment to all of our citizens, that is the real aspiration of India, that is our definition of super power, (despite what some ridiculous video that will be posted here in a few mins by luca might suggest)

Considering how India has bullied every single of its neighbors in South Asia it's hard to imagine if India can muster allies to fight Pakistan and China In a shooting war.
On contrary India has continued it support to all it's allies via trade and generous treaties sharing everything from it's natural resources to economic and political support.

Have your say, which SAARC state will join India against Pakistan or/and China?
Dear Horus, based on your country's recent decision to not partake in yemen, I was confident that you would probably understand by know what it means to protect your own interests and not fight wars for others? None of India's neighbors, well most of them are responsible states that are not in the business of fighting wars for alms and charity, so I would say your question doesn't make any sense atleast in context of India and it's relation with it's neighbors.
Fundamental reason for creation of agencies like SAARC Bimstec, MGC, IORA and Sasec is to bring about economic development and conflict resolution, so your understanding of objectives of such organisation needs to be revisited.
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It is laughable to think 1.2 Billion people needs another country to protect themselves.

Gone are the days when India used to look for allies to counter enemies.

India is moving towards self sufficiency and within a decade India's military will be one of the finest if not the best in this world backed by booming economy.

India do not need to go out and look for allies, countries will join India and look forward to work with India.

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I tin ink we would have already lost the plot if we need help against Pakistan:hang3:. We are capable countering Pakistan even with half of our forces
Sure with those messed up Insas rifels and made In india hardware you can take china america and russiaon at the same time
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