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Violent protests in north Kashmir over slain Iranian commander’s poster

The truth is that Salafi/Takfiri ideology (which also considers murdering Shiahs, a ticket to heaven) has rooted in Pakistan in recent decades,

No it actually started after you tried to export your so called revolution to Pakistan. Just like you are trying to export your revolution to various countries in the world and made them hell and a graveyard of muslims

Things were pretty good before that
Some Pakistanis people on here are still blind here what’s happening between Iran & india buddies vs us
If Iran does not have the IRGC with its asymmetric innovations, will Iran be safe from attacks by the US, Israel, Saudi, UAE and NATO? Or is it safe for Iran to only rely on the Iranian Ministry of Defense and Artesh with conventional innovations in the face of US, Israeli, Saudi, UAE and NATO attacks?

Yeah. They have been occupied for over 30 years now. Have you guys been sleeping?

Only Pakistan supports the Kashmiris. Rest of Muslim countries in the middle east are busy sodomizing each other, eating lizards, banging instagram models, getting nose jobs, and kissing NATO and Israeli ***.

Are you frickin serious lol ?
I won't even bother to give an answer as this is such an insult to people of Kashmir
Are y'all asleep in me?, its one of the most brutal occupation in modern history

That is like asking Palestinians if they consider Israelis an occupying force. India maintains the largest soldier to civilian ratio in the world in Kashmir*. These soldiers arent handing out roses to the Muslim locals. Alas that the Muslim world prefers establishing good relations with India despite their close ties with Israel, including Iran.

*The state, with a population of 10 million, already has an estimated 700,000 security forces, giving it an extremely high (70:1,000) force to population ratio.

He probably seen the thread of that #@#@@ Kashmiri athlete praising India, even India wasn't funding his training !!!

Bad genes exists everywhere even within Palestinians.....
If you guys think if there was widespread upraising or even social disobedience there India could hold those area for last 60 year or so, well then I don't have no more things to add.

the act there was unsanctioned , act of one individual who was fed too much on western media and their backers . it's good the higher ups knew better that you dint put stick in hornet nest and you wont tie a head that don't hurt so intervened fast didn't let any blood get shed there
This is the other Pakistani side of Kashmir.

Of course extremists on different levels exist on all sides but in Indian occupied Kashmir, we are talking about an industrial scale of occupation that has existed for decades. I am sure a Kashmiri Shia would prefer living within the preamble of an independent Kashmir or within Pakistan, alongside their Sunni co-religonists, than with an occupying soldier from Tamil Nadu whose co-religionists have genocides and massacred them in recent history.

That is Gilgit-Baltistan. I am sure u will find many such examples from AJK but Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir are separate. You are hurting our sentiments when you say Pakistan's side of Kashmir instead of Gilgit-Baltistan.
The Indian army officer who burned down poster of Qasim Sulemani is more deserving of Vir Chakra than Abhinandan

But he might not get it while Abhinandan already has it over a fake F16 kill

What an embarrassment!!!
let Indians decide on that not you, and by the way that's a war time medal
He was a Terrorists, his hands were filled with thousands of innocent Muslim blood, and just as he lived a munafiq he was killed by American forces and did Muslims a favor.
only if you consider head choppers and cannibals as Muslims not Khavarij
by the way he ruled the heart of people and this example can verify that

He was a friend of India

Not to forget he had blood of hundreds of thousands of Muslims on his hand. That is enough reason to make him loved by India and its army

Anyone who would kill muslims would be loved by India. It is obvious
only if you consider head choppers and cannibals as Muslims not Khavarij
No it actually started after you tried to export your so called revolution to Pakistan. Just like you are trying to export your revolution to various countries in the world and made them hell and a graveyard of muslims

Things were pretty good before that
we didn't export our revolution to Pakistan, why we want to do so, we had no problem with Pakistan and a revolution would had made the country more unstable and we didn't want that.
for the rest of the world can you bring some example ? ,
What about the Muslim Uighurs? The suffer way more brutal oppression than Palestinians and Kashmiris combined!!!
I don't trust the West, they never cared for Muslims, nor third world countries, nor the oppressed people, or the rightful causes, ....

The west only want us to kill each other and be back to the stone age,

The causes are racial, religious, economic, cultural, ....

The uighurs are our brothers, and if really oppressed they have all my sympathy and support.
The Indian army officer who burned down poster of Qasim Sulemani is more deserving of Vir Chakra than Abhinandan

But he might not get it while Abhinandan already has it over a fake F16 kill

What an embarrassment!!!
Dont worry, he will be sent to Chabahar as top Indo-Iran business diplomat replacing Kalbhushan Jadhav.
Yes they do.
why I don't see widespread unrest ? protest on street on daily bases , or social disobedient in every where?

I say the society in those area are fractured , some people want to be part of India and some want to be part of Pakistan and meanwhile lots of them want to have nothing with any of them.
That is Gilgit-Baltistan. I am sure u will find many such examples from AJK but Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir are separate. You are hurting our sentiments when you say Pakistan's side of Kashmir instead of Gilgit-Baltistan.
Bro afaik they call y'all Gilgiti people "North" Kashmir in India, parts of your neighboring towns/cities under India are labeled kashmiri just with a "North" label
So when they talk about "north" Kashmir more often then not it's bordering towns of Gilgit-baltistan they're talking about
So he probably said it in that context
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why I don't see widespread unrest ? protest on street on daily bases , or social disobedient in every where?

I say the society in those area are fractured , some people want to be part of India and some want to be part of Pakistan and meanwhile lots of them want to have nothing with any of them.
That's because the "Muslim" World : media, governments, artists, ulémas, ..... Failed them more than he's failing the Palestinians.

It's not easy to fight alone without any financial, political, ideological, military, ..... Support

Its easy to blame them only and hide or forget "our" responsabilities.
The truth is that Salafi/Takfiri ideology (which also considers murdering Shiahs, a ticket to heaven) has rooted in Pakistan in recent decades, and it's been a systematic gesture by your governments. sometimes as a favor to US, sometimes as a favor to Saudi Arabia, and sometimes as a favor to your land dispute against India, contributing to Islamophobia in India.
I don't mean to derail this thread but anti Shia groups like LEJ, SSP and ISKP are considered enemy number one in Pakistan by LEA.

It is indeed a fact that a systematic killing of Shia brothers was done in Pakistan sometimes with the help of black sheeps in our power circles but Pakistan as a state never allowed the killing of Shia Pakistanis. There is a reason why Shias are in top govt and military positions.
We do support Kashmir, but we also know what's waiting for them on the other side!
some samples:
So instead of standing up for one's freedom, it is more important to agitate if the picture of an Iranian spy general is "dEsEcRaTeD"? Khomenists have really hooked you folks onto some strong stuff, mate.

Makes sense

He was a friend of India

Not to forget he had blood of hundreds of thousands of Muslims on his hand. That is enough reason to make him loved by India and its army

Anyone who would kill muslims would be loved by India. It is obvious
Kashmiri Shias are seen as allies due tohaving ambivalent positions towards any political rights by Sanghis. Look at the Laddakhi Shias as well.

maybe they had no problem with current situation if they are left alone , and all this was to send a message . leave us alone.
by the way if you rule the hearts instead of ruling by installing fear in hearts its what you get a martyr far more dangerous than a commander.

by the way a serious question , why the officer entered the house ?
was he had any warrant to do that ?
That they did not. They have largely remained neutral and indifferent to the suffering of their kin belonging to the Sunni faith have been raped, butchered, and mutilated by an occupying regime.
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why I don't see widespread unrest ? protest on street on daily bases , or social disobedient in every where?

I say the society in those area are fractured , some people want to be part of India and some want to be part of Pakistan and meanwhile lots of them want to have nothing with any of them.
Are you serious?

You can find a shit ton of material online, but most of it gets suppressed.

India's Kashmir is the world's most militarised zone, go Google it, this is how hard they try to keep it "stable". The people oppose them to the core.

You can find clips online of ex-RAW chiefs explaining how difficult it has been to integrate Kashmir with India, and the troubles they have gone through with separatist parties who want to join Pakistan.

There are insurgencies even in Pakistan today, yet it doesn't become the most militarised zone in the world with army present on every other street because it's not as real as the insurgency in Kashmir.
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