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Vikrant sold to ship-breaker for Rs. 63.2 crore

Instead of breaking this ship into pieces, why cant govt make it as a ship into a museum of 1971 war ?? Govt could get more money than scraping these ship...

Because it would be to expensive to do so... and how can it know that it will make up the money with selling visiting tickets?

We could have gifted it to Bangladesh.

For what? Maintaining a CBG is expensive and takes intensive training and much experience... Besides, repairing and refitting the WW2 era Vikrant would be already a waste of money.

Good decision by the govt. of India. The money from scrapping this ship will help to tackle the hunger problem in India.

Dont worry, we have enough money to spend on our issues.
farewell, My Maternal Grandfather was an officer on this ship.
It wasn't something that should have been sold.Was better as a museum.
It is time to go,its sad but i am sure it has served us 200%,time to RIP.
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