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Vietnamese school children are 'years ahead' of Indian pupils

Our kids are performing really well at many of the world recognised academic tests
Where is india? Dropping out and chickening out as expected after finishing dirt bottom at the PISA test!

Even the poorest vietnamese kids have fared much better! Priceless!

Just because you haven't seen any Indians or not recognize one. In USA most Asian in general including Chinese are doing very well in universities, and real world.
In USA most Chinese are in Chinese buffet restaurant, Indian are in gas stations, Vietnamese aboard since 1975-1980s are in all kinds of local business and all in different level of manufactories, management etc..
indians are truly insecure, they can't take an article for what it is.

to say they are "insecure" is a big compliment
I would say they are very miserable!

”打肿脸充胖子“ - is the best description of the cheerleaders
Indian government schools are a joke. None are motivated to teach. There are teachers who come on the day to pick up salary. The teachers in government schools are more qualified than the one in the Private ones but still could not produce good results. Most of the government schools do not have enough staff. In cities the condition is better. Kerala and I think Mizoram (not sure) have good government schools. The literacy rate in Kerala is proof of good government education there. In my state Andhra Pradesh even some one earning less than 2$ a day from villages would like to send there kid to private instead of government. There is also a need to address the massive dropout after 10th and Intermediate levels.
In USA most Chinese are in Chinese buffet restaurant, Indian are in gas stations, Vietnamese aboard since 1975-1980s are in all kinds of local business and all in different level of manufactories, management etc..

Most of the Indian students work in gas stations to earn money during education. That doesnt mean they work that for life. Most of my seniors worked in several gas stations and restaurants during Masters. Every body gets job in either core sector or eventually in IT sector. Most of the Indian owners of restaurants and Motels prefer Indian students over natives to work.(Many reasons for that). I am not sure if you know that Indian Americans have highest annual income than Chinese, Japanese and even Europeans.
Most of the Indian students work in gas stations to earn money during education. That doesnt mean they work that for life. Most of my seniors worked in several gas stations and restaurants during Masters. Every body gets job in either core sector or eventually in IT sector. Most of the Indian owners of restaurants and Motels prefer Indian students over natives to work.(Many reasons for that). I am not sure if you know that Indian Americans have highest annual income than Chinese, Japanese and even Europeans.

because india is a backwater state.

you need to consider a bloody simply question: why indians want to stay & work in the US - because there is no good indian company back at home.

tell me what IT companies you guys have back in india, please don't bother losers like infosys or TATA, I am asking companies that can provide a single software/platform/hardware to hundreds of millions of people.

tell me what india has?

we Chinese have Huawei, Baidu, Tencent, they are called high tech.

what you guys have? outsourcing losers like infosys? what a bloody joke.
because india is a backwater state.

you need to consider a bloody simply question: why indians want to stay & work in the US - because there is no good indian company back at home.

tell me what IT companies you guys have back in india, please don't bother losers like infosys or TATA, I am asking companies that can provide a single software/platform/hardware to hundreds of millions of people.

tell me what india has?

we Chinese have Huawei, Baidu, Tencent, they are called high tech.

what you guys have? outsourcing losers like infosys? what a bloody joke.

Did I any where said India had top most companies. Are you obsessed with some hate India thing or what.
I just said that to say Indians do not work in gas stations for living.
Your posts reflects some hatred towards India which gives you nothing. Contribute some thing to the thread if you have any.
because india is a backwater state.

you need to consider a bloody simply question: why indians want to stay & work in the US - because there is no good indian company back at home.

tell me what IT companies you guys have back in india, please don't bother losers like infosys or TATA, I am asking companies that can provide a single software/platform/hardware to hundreds of millions of people.

tell me what india has?

we Chinese have Huawei, Baidu, Tencent, they are called high tech.

what you guys have? outsourcing losers like infosys? what a bloody joke.

majority of Indians in IT work in India. The reason why people want to work in a foreign country could be many, but one important one is exchange rate.

some fall in love with host country and never return.. some cant cope and return with money earned.
In India, Young Lives found parents in the state of Andhra Pradesh were so disappointed with the low quality of state schools that the proportion of eight-year-olds being educated in low-fee private schools almost doubled to 44% between 2002 and 2009. The study in Andhra Pradesh showed the poorest children were more likely to be in schools with relatively high levels of absenteeism among the teachers.

so what has caused this to happen in india is the teachers are receiving their pays but not showing up for work!
What is the indian government and the school boards doing to rectify the situations?
Is it OK to start some thread comparing (negatively) between China and Pakistan?
Due to a single child policy, most Chinese are unfortunately neutered by the Maoists after just a single child is born. So wonder where China will be 25 years from now. China has reached its peak and will continue to grow for maybe 5 years and then there will be gradual downfall which will take China to 1980s stage.

The Vietnamese kicked a much larger and much better equipped Chinese Army. Mao was as usual back-stabbing the Vietnamese as revealed in the book Mao: The Unknown Story. It also gives a very accurate account of how Mao back-stabbed India and many other countries.

But the Maoists and their supporters will stop warmongering after democracy comes to China. Nobody buys Chinese brands in India. Chinese goods are only bought after they are tested in indian quality labs and repackaged and sold as Indian.

See mobile phone makers like Micromax. People happily buy that brand knowing that the company has tested the Chinese components used in its mobiles and eliminated defects of Chinese parts.

Acer, a Taiwanese brand is much more popular than any Chinese brand in India. and Chinese brands are suckers. they are much smaller compared to Japanese, Western brands in India or anywhere in the world. The Chinese economy has been built on flagrant violation of copyrights and the the willingness of the world to buy such pirated goods.

The Muslim birth rate in India is much higher than Hindus. When India becomes over one third Muslim, enjoy your balkanization.

The Vietnamese lost the Paracel Islands and South Johnson Reef, and in 2000 the Vietnamese government even ceded land at the border to China. The traditional border pass, Friendship Pass, is well within Chinese territory now.

The birth rate in Vietnam, Japan, and South Korea are all below replacement without any one child policy at all, and Japan's population is falling and ageing as we speak. China will not face competition from those countries since their population will fall and age severely.
Most of the Indian students work in gas stations to earn money during education. That doesnt mean they work that for life. Most of my seniors worked in several gas stations and restaurants during Masters. Every body gets job in either core sector or eventually in IT sector. Most of the Indian owners of restaurants and Motels prefer Indian students over natives to work.(Many reasons for that). I am not sure if you know that Indian Americans have highest annual income than Chinese, Japanese and even Europeans.
I am not connect to Indian community so no I dont know much, but your are correct alot of Indian in IT and own a lot hotel.
There alot of Pakistan in IT too and I could have mistaken, but both Indians and Parkistans in USA seem to get along well.
so what has caused this to happen in India is the teachers are receiving their pays but not showing up for work!
What is the indian government and the school boards doing to rectify the situations?
Lazy governance and corruption. There are systems for checking attendance of teachers. But they are corrupted. India has the worst lower order corruption.
Some of the government departments are laziest ones.
The qualifying exams at matriculation level are extremely corrupted. Exams papers are leaked to some schools. Mass copying and cheating in exams are rampant in tenth and intermediate levels even in cities.
I can go on and on about education system in India.
When I travel overseas, the taxi drivers are all Indians :lol:

Where in overseas.? Maybe the one who came before 10 or 15 years are working or the one coming illegally. Some of them get to US through family connections may get in to taxi and motels. But as far as I know most coming through education visa( doesnt matter good or bad student) mostly get in to some consultancies and get a job.
Even students from third tier college in India gets job in USA. :cheers:
I dont know about UK and Australia.
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