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Vietnam War

When troops come home from Iraq and Afghanistan, a huge number of older men are always at the airport to greet them... veterans of Vietnam. They want to give them a "Welcome home" that they themselves did not get.
Pham Xuân Ẩn , one of greatest VietNam spy in Vn war

And with General Giap , one of greatest VietNam General .

The Spy Who Loved Us: The Vietnam War and Pham Xuan An’s Dangerous Game

In the ten years of what Hanoi calls the “American War,” An filed 498 intelligence reports for Hanoi according to Vietnamese reports since the war’s end. Sent out of Saigon clandestinely to the Viet Cong’s Cu Chi tunnels complex, the reports were relayed on to Hanoi, where they were personally read by President Ho Chi Minh and General Vo Nguyen Giap. (Their strategic analysis was so well documented that President Ho is said to have once remarked, upon reading an An report, “We are now in the U.S. war room!”)
thông tin « Ktetaichinh’s Blog

He love American , and he helped VN to kill 50k++ American :coffee:
Cu CHi tunnel around 80km from Sai Gon, built from 1948 avoid the air and ground attack of French troops and US troop after that

Trap inside the tunnel

U.S. 25th Infantry division troops check the entrance to a Vietcong tunnel

It's too small for him ^^
It was reported 1-3 Million Viet Cong were killed while the USA suffered 58,300 causalities. man after watching Rolling Thunder Video, Viet Cong did not give in even after getting hit by more bombs then in WW2.

Neutral Citizen:

With a lack of advance technologies and can not compair fire power with US but will still killed 58.000 US troops that amzing job we have done.

Remember: 58.000 troops not 5.8 people.

More than that, how many airplans falls out in Hanoi (N. Vietnam)? How many airplans did US used during Vietnam War?

If I were you, I will be hide some place and will NEVER talking about US-Vietnam war.

Think this way, If Vietnam has close fire power like US has, then I think whatever US has troops left we will BBQ them all.

Have a nice day.
Let me put this simple picture for you all to see:

Vietnam war just like a person with bare hands to confront with a guy with a machine gun. It is no such a great thing for a guy who carry machine gun kill a person with bare hands but it will makes big surprise if a bare hands person kill a guy who has a machine gun or wounded him.

Who is the brave and who was a coward I think people will justified about it.
Operation Linebacker II
Operation Linebacker II was a US Seventh Air Force and US Navy Task Force 77 aerial bombing campaign, conducted against targets in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) during the final period of US involvement in the Vietnam War. The operation was conducted from 18–29 December 1972, leading to several of informal names such as "The December Raids" and "The Christmas Bombings".[5] It saw the largest heavy bomber strikes launched by the US Air Force since the end of World War II. Linebacker II was a resumption of the Operation Linebacker bombings conducted from May to October, with the emphasis of the new campaign shifted to attacks by B-52 Stratofortress bombers rather than tactical fighter aircraft. 1,600 civilians died in Hanoi and Haiphong in the raids
Operation Linebacker II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





B-52 down by SA2 even coverd by jammer .

Pilot arrested
For the future war US vs Iran and there is no surprise when US army crushing Iran Army by itself but it will big difference US troops will has bloody noises from Iran Army.

That's only count 1 by 1 but US as a coward country and will never fight alone without its allies. Later on, American (like Neutral Citizen) will proud that US army kill 5 or 10 millions people easily.
For the future war US vs Iran and there is no surprise when US army crushing Iran Army by itself but it will big difference US troops will has bloody noises from Iran Army.

That's only count 1 by 1 but US as a coward country and will never fight alone without its allies. Later on, American (like Neutral Citizen) will proud that US army kill 5 or 10 millions people easily.
If you wanna win a powerful and very smart nation like US, you must have more support (or more allies)and smarter than her.

Of course VN air forces also won in some air battle, but we don;t know how to make movies like US :partay:

Note that : US F-4 is far superior than Mig-17, Mig 21 , and US's pilot have better training than VN.
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The Battle of Dong Hoi
The Battle of Dong Hoi was a clash between United States Navy warships and three North Vietnamese air force MiG-17F fighter bombers, several torpedo boats and shore batteries on April 19, 1972 during the Vietnam War.
One of the MiG-17F's, flown by NVAF pilot Le Xuan Di, scored a direct hit on Higbee with a BETAB-250 (250kg/551lb) bomb, after failing to hit his target twice on two previous attack runs. The MiG was then shot down by a [Standard] surface-to-air missile fired from Sterrett.
Le Xuan Di returned safely and lived until the war end.
Battle of
Le xuan Di and Nguyen Van Bay discuss on how to attack US warship



Tram's diary

Entitled “Dang Thuy Tram – handbooks found during 1968-1970”, the book was translated by Jean-Claude Garcias.
In an article introducing the story, Didier Jacob from The New Observer magazine (Le Nouvel Observateur) writes of the difficult but fortunate journey of the two handbooks, which were discovered by a US secret agent after he survived a battle in Vietnam. He kept the book until 2005, then brought it back to Dang Thuy Tram’s family.
The author described Dang Thuy Tram as a gentle and enthusiastic girl who was willing to sacrifice herself for her fatherland.
According to Didier Jacob, the French version provides more information about the American war in Vietnam, which is usually viewed as one-sided by American people.
Dang Thuy Tram?s Diary to be published in France - news.VietnamHotels.net
Some of
Volunter girls (from the North)during VN war


Militian girls(VC) of the South

The Second Battle of Quang Tri began on June 28 and lasted 81 days until September 16, 1972, when the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) defeated the North Vietnamese at the ancient citadel of Quảng Trị (Vietnamese: Thành cổ Quảng Trị) and recaptured most of the province.
To achieve victory, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, backed by the United States Army, shelled more than 80,000 tons of ordnance, the destructive capacity equivalent to almost six Hiroshima-size atomic bombs.
Most of battles were inside the red square

Second Battle of Qu
footage from South VietNam
North Vn army to defend Quangtri

All of this men smiling in below pic were died in the next South Vn offensive


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South VN amry counter attack in Quang Tri battle 1972



Get back some bases

S.VN President visit LaVang church after match
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