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Vietnam visit: Anti-American exhibits abound, but people are friendly

Legitimacy of you carrying on about know what Vietnamese people really think I guess. Thanks.
Does that mean from now on I can demand that you be a US citizen before I take your arguments about America seriously? Give me a break...:rolleyes:
It was not 'wrongly' done but intentional. I meant it to be that Hell is FOR communists. For you to failed to understand that and to correct me on my grammar showed your pettiness.

That was not your explanation in your previous post. You admitted to grammatical error and now you deny it. If you can not even agree with yourself then who can you agree with?

Why not? What is wrong, to you, about communism that you would reject it?

I am uninterested in political parties, and ideologies as I believe only individuals matter in the end.

Good for you.

Yes it certainly is better than someone who goes out of his way to deny his own heritage.

Epic wrong. It is only the false dichotomy that you Chinese boys tried to foist upon the public: That if I do not side with you boys I hate the country of my birth.

Using pretty words for well known phenomenon will win you no points. There is no false dichotomy here. There is only your posts justifying the massacre of your own people through conventional and biological means.

You do understand the phrase 'false dichotomy', no?
I understand it perfectly but perhaps you don't.

Yes...And am here as a US citizen, not a Vietnamese citizen. You do understand the context between being a 'citizen' and an 'ethnic', no?

Many people are here as American, Canadian, British, or whatever other citizens. However you only view them as whatever country they are from. Then you won't mind if we do the same to you as well.

And I disagree. Me being a democrat make me a far superior being than any commie.
How exactly are you superior to my evil commie grandfather? The fact that you are a democrat makes no difference in what kind of person you actually are, which is a bitter old man intent on trying to spread his twisted ideals on a defense forum. My grandfather whether he was communist or not was a far superior person to what ever you will be.

And I disagree. Me being a democrat make me a far superior being than any commie.
read above

No it is not possible as being an Asian is a member of the social construct 'race'. Your argument is like saying a black believe the Negro 'race' to be inferior. On the other hand, it is possible for a Hutu to believe himself to be superior to a Tutsi, just like how you Chinese boys believe yourselves to be superior to other Asiatics.

Ah yes when you can't win a argument against me you have to bring in phantom "Chinese boys" as a straw men. Have you found any statements to imply that somehow I believe myself to be superior to other asiatics. No? Then don't bring it up every time you can't actually make a rebuttal.

Of course communism inflicted needless suffering. It did in China, Russia, Europe, and just about any place it reared its ugly serpent head. And please spare me your crocodile tears for the Vietnamese people. It was China who gave us that abomination ideology. Since China had to abandon a large part of that ideology to save China from the fate that felled upon the USSR, that mean it is a tacit acknowledgment that the introduction of communism into Viet Nam was flawed. China owes Viet Nam a moral apology.

So colonialism by France and getting bombed for almost a decade did nothing? Your attribution of all Vietnam's problems on communism is quite unreasonable. I do not advocate communism but I certainly don't blame it for all the woes of humanity.

Crap. Not worth responding.

When you start asking if I have gall then I am obliged to give it. Unfortunately you still have none.

Stick to the technical discussions because I will crush you when you come to spew your ideological crap.
Does that mean from now on I can demand that you be a US citizen before I take your arguments about America seriously? Give me a break...:rolleyes:

No I was just wondering if you can speak to the native Vietnamese during your visits there. It would make more sense if you spoke the language and you do.
That was not your explanation in your previous post. You admitted to grammatical error and now you deny it. If you can not even agree with yourself then who can you agree with?
I 'admitted' to nothing. I only respond to what I see as relevant to your pettiness: that you have to stoop as low as pointing out grammatical errors in other people's posts. That is being small minded.

I am uninterested in political parties as I believe only individuals matter in the end.
Nice tap-dancing around the truth that you do not want to reveal: That you know communism is an epic failure.

Yes it certainly is better than someone who goes out of his way to deny his own heritage.
Only in your mind that I deny my origin. This insult is nothing more than because you have nothing worth debating about.

Using pretty words for well known phenomenon will win you no points. There is no false dichotomy here. There is only your posts justifying the massacre of your own people through conventional and biological means.
Of course there is. Heck...Am beginning to think you do not even know what 'false dichotomy' means.

I understand it perfectly but perhaps you don't.
Doubt it.

Many people are here as American, Canadian, British, or whatever other citizens. However you only view them as whatever country they are from. They you won't mind if we do the same to you as well.
On this anonymous public forum, it is best to treat people as representative of the country in which they pledged allegiance, which is reasonable that it would be the country of residence. If a Pakistani who live in England publicly said his allegiance is with the Eskimos, I will treat him like an Eskimo.

How exactly are you superior to my evil commie grandfather? The fact that you are a democrat makes no difference in what kind of person you actually are, which is a bitter old man intent on trying to spread his twisted ideals on a defense forum. My grandfather whether he was communist or not was a far superior person to what ever you will be.
The fact that I believe in compromises in political discourses, that people have certain freedoms and rights that cannot be taken away by the government, except in egregious violations of societal norms, which we call 'crimes', the fact that I believe in multiple political parties, and so on many others...Make me superior to any commie out there, be he Chinese or Russian.

Ah yes when you can't win a argument against me you have to bring in phantom "Chinese boys" as always. Have you found any statements to imply that somehow I believe myself to other asiatics. No? Then don't bring it up every time you can't actually make a rebuttal.
Am not seeking to 'win' any argument. And as far as you Chinese boys goes, enough of you engaged in cheap personal and racist attacks against me that I see no little difference between the lot of you until such attacks stop, which I doubt because you boys simply cannot help but feeling superior.

So colonialism by France and getting bombed for almost a decade did nothing? Your attribution of all Vietnam's problems on communism is quite unreasonable. I do not advocate communism but I certainly don't blame it for all the woes of humanity.
Colonialism can only do as much damages as long as the colonial power remain. Once communism took over and imposed its own will and methods of governance, the fate and status of the country belongs to that regime, not the past one. Blaming the past is a certain sign of evasion one's responsibilities.
No I was just wondering if you can speak to the native Vietnamese during your visits there. It would make more sense if you spoke the language and you do.
This is nothing more than a feeble attempt to discredit me from speaking about Viet Nam since you boys cannot dispute the historical facts I presented about China's meddling and being a co-instigator of the Vietnam War.
Legitimacy of you carrying on about know what Vietnamese people really think I guess. Thanks.

I am pretty sure gambit is not your average Vietnamese... the most obvious evidence for this is that he does not even bother to use the Vietnamese flag. :D

Another reason would be that he loves John McCain, the same guy who said "I hate the gooks" and "I will hate them for as long as I live", during the US Presidential elections.
I am pretty sure gambit is not your average Vietnamese...
On this forum, yes, because I have the spine to stand up to you Chinese boys.

the most obvious evidence for this is that he does not even bother to use the Vietnamese flag.
Why should I? Viet Nam is not my country of allegiance. Why do you have a problem dealing with me as an American? There are plenty of Vietnamese I met in my days in the US military and they all see themselves as Americans, even those who were borned in Viet Nam like me. The fact that you cannot deal with me as an American means the problem is with YOU. Not me.

Another reason would be that he loves John McCain, the same guy who said "I hate the gooks" and "I will hate them for as long as I live", during the US Presidential elections.
Love McCain? Making up stuff? Of course you Chinese boys would.
On this forum, yes, because I have the spine to stand up to you Chinese boys.

You're not the "average" Vietnamese... because you have the "spine" to stand up to us?

No need to put down Vietnamese people so badly gambit.
You're not the "average" Vietnamese... because you have the "spine" to stand up to us?

No need to put down Vietnamese people so badly.
I have no problems calling any Viet, here or elsewhere, cowards if he does not stand up against China. China does not bear good will for Viet Nam. Or for any 'inferior' Asiatics for that matter.
I have no problems calling any Viet, here or elsewhere, cowards if he does not stand up against China. China does not bear good will for Viet Nam. Or for any 'inferior' Asiatics for that matter.

You've got to stand up gambit. :azn:

Sorry to say, but you'll be standing there for a long time, because China is doing exceedingly well from the current economic status quo.

If people want to spend their time and effort, preparing for a non-existent threat, then I will be very happy. :tup: It leaves them less resources to compete with us on economic terms.
Gambit is just another self hating Stochholm syndrome racist. Just like the blacks that sold other blacks into slavery or the French that sold Jews to the Nazis.

Stick to your technician level understanding of radar, at least then you won't be called out for what you are: a right wing extremist Nazi.

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