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Vietnam visit: Anti-American exhibits abound, but people are friendly

What a joke! You reduce our average wages and make it easier for our bosses to exploit us and threaten the poorest members of our society. How will poor people from Tibet, Gansu or Guizhou be able to compete with rock bottom Vietnam wages? In china Vietnamese workers make 50% to 70% of a Chinese salary but that's already double-triple what they make in Vietnam! You can even send money home with 1400 RMB per month but elsewhere in China that's just enough to avoid starvation.

China’s exploitation of Vietnamese migrant workers « Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle
You found a few Vietnamese workers in China and you all get hyped up about your Chinese paradise where jobs

You found a few Vietnamese workers in China and you all get hyped up about your Chinese worker paradise where jobs are plenty to spare. Even a place like south Korea can only accomodate a few ten of thousands of jobs for oversea Vietnamese workers, let alone China. Our entire work force oversea is just under 100,000 out of a population of 90 million. Get real, you don't have jobs to spare.
You did not give me anything new. I stand by what I said, China supplied to Vietnam was low tech weaponry. How many US aircraft were down by Chinese Mig?

The most high tech weapon of North Vietnam was the SA-2, the Mig21, and Mig 17 that were the major killers of the high tech US warplanes

Low-skilled? This is a shameless statement. China had just nation-building, we are poor and difficulties. But we gave all we can give to Vietnam, do not you think your speech is a shameless?
You found a few Vietnamese workers in China and you all get hyped up about your Chinese worker paradise where jobs are plenty to spare. Even a place like south Korea can only accomodate a few ten of thousands of jobs for oversea Vietnamese workers, let alone China. Our entire work force oversea is just under 100,000 out of a population of 90 million. Get real, you don't have jobs to spare.

You'd better not mention the Vietnamese economy to compare and China, really.
Low-skilled? This is a shameless statement. China had just nation-building, we are poor and difficulties. But we gave all we can give to Vietnam, do not you think your speech is a shameless?
And you have no qualm of taking the Paracel island from us which is worth much more the the combined 5 billion USD of aides Vietnam received from the combined communist block of USSR, Warsaw pact, and China.
You did not give me anything new. I stand by what I said, China supplied to Vietnam was low tech weaponry. How many US aircraft were down by Chinese Mig?

The most high tech weapon of North Vietnam was the SA-2, the Mig21, and Mig 17 that were the major killers of the high tech US warplanes

After secretly test flying a Pakistan Air Force F-6 in 1965, the United States concluded that the J-6 and MiG-19 were more formidable fighter aircraft than the more modern and powerful MiG-21 'Fishbed', as well as the older MiG-17 'Fresco' and its Chinese version, the J-5. The supersonic speed advantage provided by the MiG-21's more modern turbojet engine was found to be not as useful in combat as originally thought, because aerial dogfights at the time were conducted almost entirely in the sub-sonic speed regime. The J-6 (and hence the MiG-19 also) was found to be more manoeuvrable than the MiG-21 and, although slower, its acceleration during dogfights was considered adequate. The North Vietnamese Air Force fielded at least one unit of J-6 during the war, the 925th Fighter Regiment, beginning in 1969.[6]

I don't know. Just how could the J-5 be considered low tech when compared to the MIG-17 when... oh wait, it is the Chinese variant of Mig-17.

As I said before learn some military history before making idiotic remarks like these. This is a military forum and believe me a lot of people knows about military hardware.
And you have no qualm of taking the Paracel island from us which is worth much more the the combined 5 billion USD of aides Vietnam received from the combined communist block of USSR, Warsaw pact, and China.

This is outrageous, if you really think so, you can not accep those low-skilled, you collected?
I don't know. Just how could the J-5 be considered low tech when compared to the MIG-17 when... oh wait, it is the Chinese variant of Mig-17.

As I said before learn some military history before making idiotic remarks like these. This is a military forum and believe me a lot of people knows about military hardware.
Did I hit your nerve or something? Can you name me which Vietnamese aces that flew these Chinese migs? I don't even know if any USAF planes were even downed by this Chinese migs of yours.
You found a few Vietnamese workers in China and you all get hyped up about your Chinese worker paradise where jobs are plenty to spare. Even a place like south Korea can only accomodate a few ten of thousands of jobs for oversea Vietnamese workers, let alone China. Our entire work force oversea is just under 100,000 out of a population of 90 million. Get real, you don't have jobs to spare.

The low number is thanks to vigilance of our police and border guards and Vietnam having just entered the golden period of economic development in terms of GDP/capita. This is the period of time where attitudes and values change to be more materialistic, and I predict a mass influx of Vietnamese to China.
The low number is thanks to vigilance of our police and border guards and Vietnam having just entered the golden period of economic development in terms of GDP/capita. This is the period of time where attitudes and values change to be more materialistic, and I predict a mass influx of Vietnamese to China.
Please....the low number is because you simply do not have enough jobs to spare,not because of the border police or any kind of wild reason that you can use to suit your argument. I have watched documentary about the situation of "workers' paradise" in major Chinese cities. It is not a rare occasion that they have to work for a business that do not pay them and simply disappear. Do you believe that most people in the world go to big cities to find better high paying jobs or there are simply lack of jobs at home? More than often is is the latter situation. China simply is too big to find enough jobs to feed its population, let alone sparing any. Even in a workers' paradise like the Middle East can only have a few thousand jobs to spare to us, let a lone a struggling country like China that is no where near the developed status yet.

Jobs are precious and they're not enough for any country, otherwise our oversea worker population would be much more than a mere 100,000 or less out of a population of 90 million
Happens, but if the bosses get caught by the police there's prison time and fines, and they really don't want to be caught by the angry workers. On the other hand it's far lower risk to hire vietnamese workers. Fire them, hire them, don't need to run away, don't need to obey laws, workers don't run away or leave, and best of all, they don't have the expectation of moving up to management with experience the way Chinese workers do. There is huge excess labor for mostly B.S. and some M.S. level jobs, but a shortage at both the PhD level, technician level and especially totally unskilled labor. Almost everyone in China graduates from at least high school or technician school, so no one wants to be a no future shoe shiner anymore.
This american was brainwashed by US propaganda. The US sure as hell lost the war militarily and lost it on the ground. 3000 fixed wing planes and 5000 helicopters were shot down. That's bigger than the Air Forces of most nations. Hell, that's bigger than the air force of Africa combined. Without use of nuclear weapons US ground forces would have been crushed anyways, would just take a longer time. USA knew this, their public was spoonfed a similar but softer message, and they ran away faster than the Iraqi army.
That is funny considering the NVA failed to take South Viet Nam in the 1968 Tet Offensive. Then failed again the 1972 Easter Offensive after the majority of US ground troops were out of combat. Why else does the NVA need to violate the territorial integrity of Laos and Cambodia all those years? Without the need for nuclear weapons, if the SVN/US alliance decided to abandon partition, we could have steamrolled the NVA all the way to China.
But the end result is, once USA pulled out South Vietnam Army ran away faster than Iraqi army, could only be beaten by South Korean running away if they saw a Chinese soldier.
Wow! I am not even trying to be offensive, but seriously, are you truly that naive??? "Communism turned the country into an economic hellhole", and the U.S. was there to do what? Save us?
Why do you think South Viet Nam was so resistant to communism in the first place?

I'm not for communism but umm... how much money do we owe China? I guess that's the price China has to pay for being communist, huh? Like you said... communism turns everything into an economic hellhole.
Then what are you for? Show me one Soviet/Mao-ist style communist country during the Cold War that was competitive with the West?
But the end result is, once USA pulled out South Vietnam Army ran away faster than Iraqi army, could only be beaten by South Korean running away if they saw a Chinese soldier.
This is not just about the SVN military but YOU are the one who made the US military the focus, remember? If there is a God of War, I do hope and pray to him that the entire PLA leadership is made up of...ahem...'thinkers' and 'analysts'...like you.
Why do you think South Viet Nam was so resistant to communism in the first place?

Then what are you for? Show me one Soviet/Mao-ist style communist country during the Cold War that was competitive with the West?

Comparing between countries of similar size and situation:

US and USSR were comparable.
China and India were comparable.
North and South Korea were comparable, only in 1980's did they diverge.
And well, South Vietnam doesn't exist, nothing to compare. But you want to compare modern Vietnam with Phillipines? Modern Vietnam has illegal workers in China but at least they don't have democratic pro USA Phillipines reputation of being cheap prostitutes and maids.
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