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Vietnam visit: Anti-American exhibits abound, but people are friendly

I think the U.S and Vietnam relationship is much better when the Democrat is in the White House.

and yes I would like to remind you of China's commitment to protect Vietnam even at its own cost.

“Best turn it into a bigger war…I’m afraid you really ought to send more troops to the South…Don’t be afraid of U.S. intervention, at most it’s no worse than having another Korean War. The Chinese army is prepared, and if America takes the risk of attacking North Vietnam, the Chinese army will march in at once. Our troops want a war now.”

-- Mao speaking to the North Vietnamese in 1964

Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, Mao: The Unknown Story, (New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005), p. 482.

at least give some acknowledgment to the people who deserve it.
Suit yourself. The fact is without China's direct help Vietnam would be "democratized" the way Iraq was. We donated 90,000 assault rifles, sold the rest, produced ammunition, sold thousands of tons of food when we ourselves lacked food, had 150,000 soldiers and engineers serve in Vietnam, helped manage your air defense and most of all, all Soviet supplies reached Vietnam through Chinese railroads.

But don't worry, the inevitable collapse of your economy would come soon. China welcomes you to escape when it happens and work as illegal immigrants. 1 day of working in China would probably let you feed your family for a month.

he must have been brainwashed by gambit kind of traitors who praise their enemies for killing and raping their own mothers and sisters and have been taught to hate China who helped the Vietnamese in their struggle for existence.
Suit yourself. The fact is without China's direct help Vietnam would be "democratized" the way Iraq was. We donated 90,000 assault rifles, sold the rest, produced ammunition, sold thousands of tons of food when we ourselves lacked food, had 150,000 soldiers and engineers serve in Vietnam, helped manage your air defense and most of all, all Soviet supplies reached Vietnam through Chinese railroads.

But don't worry, the inevitable collapse of your economy would come soon. China welcomes you to escape when it happens and work as illegal immigrants. 1 day of working in China would probably let you feed your family for a month.
What China supplied was low-teched weaponry, not the kind like SA-2, Mig21, Mig17 that brought down thousand of U.S aircrafts. In fact, Vietnam produces 16 pilot aces but all of them flew Mig21 or Mig 17.

I'm still waiting for the collapse of Vietnam economy here, same thing as been said in the past several years but our GDP growth keep rising, our export keep rising, and our private business enterprises keep popping up more and more, so much for the struggling of our economy.:argh:

And keep the jobs for your Chinese citizen please, wages in China are still rock bottom, you don't even have enough jobs to feed your population. One week of working in China would not be able to buy a bowl of Pho in certain places in Hanoi that cost $35.00/bowl:P
And keep the jobs for your Chinese citizen please, wages in China are still rock bottom, you don't even have enough jobs to feed your population. One week of working in China would not be able to buy a bowl of Pho in certain places in Hanoi that cost $35.00/bowl:P

Labour shortage spreads in China

CHONGQING - COASTAL and inland cities in China are fiercely competing to attract migrant workers as the country's labour shortage spreads to less-developed regions.

Employers in the Pearl River Delta region are offering hard cash, year-end bonuses and annual pay rises in a bid to get migrant workers to return after celebrating Chinese New Year.

'They are the kings,' Mainland Headwear Holdings deputy chairman Pauline Ngan told the South China Morning Post. 'They want this and that. If their wishes are not granted, you could be in great trouble.'

With increased opportunities back home, migrant workers, who mostly hail from the less-developed central and western regions, are choosing not to return to the coastal areas.

And the trend is catching on in recent years, exacerbating the squeeze for workers in places like Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai.

Firms in Shanghai have dispatched almost 400 buses to bring in workers from Anhui, Henan and Hubei provinces, reported China Daily yesterday. 'We've received many orders but there aren't enough workers,' Mr Hu Qiubin, a toy company boss in Shanghai, told China Central Television.

i don't want to insult you, but you should also acknowledge the Chinese help sincerely.
don't get delusional! millions and millions of Vietnamese have been affected genetically by US and they won't be cured. if you are a real Vietnamese then have some anger looking at the poor mothers who still give birth to deformed children. your own people, your own mothers and sisters. only monsters and cannibals can do such horrible things to any people.

YouTube - Agent Orange victims left uncompensated

YouTube - Agent of deformity

how can you expect better relationships with such monsters?
it's really disgusting whenever I see non-Vietnamese using Agent orange or My Lai massacre victims as a tool to hate the American when their own country is hardly touched by the U.S
it's really disgusting whenever I see non-Vietnamese using Agent orange or My Lai massacre victims as a tool to hate the American when their own country is hardly touched by the U.S

You have your feelings, but you can not stop others said the fact,as long as it does not lie, even if it is difficult to accept you.
Members of China, so the Vietnamese make their own decisions, Vietnam needs China more than China needs to Vietnam, just know it.
Give it a rest, Vietnamese' scores against the ỤSAF were mainly by the SA-2, Mig21, and Mig17, not whatever Chinese weapons that you brag about.

There were several times during the war that the U.S. bombing restrictions of North Vietnamese Airfields were lifted. Many VPAF (NVAF) aircraft were destroyed on the ground, and those that were not, were withdrawn to a sanctuary in Red China. In December 1972, the North Vietnamese air defences exhausted their supply of Surface to Air Missiles trying to down the high flying B-52 raids over the North. The North Vietnamese Air Defense Network was degraded by Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) and other Suppression of Enemy Defenses (SEAD) measures. However, the sheer volume of missiles (mass firings) claimed over 15 of the heavy bombers (B-52)s, during the last weeks of 1972 (Operation Linebacker II).

After the negotiated end of American involvement in early 1973, the No. 919 transport corps (Lữ Đoàn Không Quân 371), was formed; and equipped with fix-winged aircraft, as well as helicopters (rotor-wing) in November.

During the Vietnam War, NVAF used the MiG-17F, PF (J-5); MiG-19 (J-6), MiG-21F-13, PF, PFM and MF fighters.[2] They claimed to have shot down 266 US aircraft, and US claimed to have shot down or destroyed 204 MiGs aircraft and at least six An-2s, of which 196 were confirmed with solid evidence. However, VPAF admits only 154 MiGs were lost through all causes, inculding 131 in air combat [5]). Like that, total kill ratio would be 1:1.3 to 1:2.[6][7] With the number of losses to MiGs confirmed by US (121 aircraft shotdown and 7 damaged[6][7]), the kill ratio turn 1.7:1 against the MiGs, or 1.1:1 even accepting the VPAF's figure of only 131 in air combat.

Why don't you learn some history yourself first.
What China supplied was low-teched weaponry, not the kind like SA-2, Mig21, Mig17 that brought down thousand of U.S aircrafts. In fact, Vietnam produces 16 pilot aces but all of them flew Mig21 or Mig 17.

I'm still waiting for the collapse of Vietnam economy here, same thing as been said in the past several years but our GDP growth keep rising, our export keep rising, and our private business enterprises keep popping up more and more, so much for the struggling of our economy.:argh:

And keep the jobs for your Chinese citizen please, wages in China are still rock bottom, you don't even have enough jobs to feed your population. One week of working in China would not be able to buy a bowl of Pho in certain places in Hanoi that cost $35.00/bowl:P

In the years between 1953 and 1991, approximately 700 warplanes, 120 helicopters, and 158 missile complexes have been supplied to North Vietnam by the USSR and Red China (primarily the MiG-19 (J6 series). Even today, three-quarters of Vietnamese weaponry has been made in post-Cold-War Russia. [1] Today the VPAF is in the midst of modernization. It still operates late model MiG-21s, Su-22s, aircraft of the cold war era [2] [3]. However, it has recently been modernizing its air force with models of the Su-27-SK air superiority fighter following closer military ties, and an array of arms deals with Russia. To date, Vietnam has ordered and received 12 of these aircraft. In 2004, it also acquired 4 modified variants of the Su-30 MK2V, newer models of the Su-27. In May 2009, they have inked a deal to procure additional 12 aircraft from the Russian to bolster their aging fleet. The Vietnamese air force has also acquired new advanced air defense systems, including two S-300 PMU1 (NATO designation: SA-20) short-to-high altitude SAM batteries in a deal worth $300 million with Russia [4].

Hell yeah! Low tech weaponry like super sonic jet fighters.
Vietnamese pilots learning air to air techniques from low tech Chinese flight schools:

Further development of aviation in North Vietnam began in 1956, when a number of trainees were sent to the USSR and China for pilot training. They were organized into two schools (Trung Hang Không So) in North Vietnam, for pilots and mechanics, respectively; and among others, utilized the Czechoslovak Zlin Z-226 and Aero Ae-45. The first unit of the Air Force (Không Quân Nhân Dân Việt Nam) was the No. 919 Transport Regiment (Trung Đoàn Không Quân Vận Tải 919), organized on May 1, 1959, with An-2, Li-2, Il-14 aircraft, followed by the No. 910 Training Regiment (Trung Đoàn Không Quân 910) with Yak-18 trainers.[2] In 1963 the Air Force and Air Defense Force were merged into the Air and Air Defence Force (Phòng Không - Không Quân Nhân Dân Việt Nam).
What China supplied was low-teched weaponry, not the kind like SA-2, Mig21, Mig17 that brought down thousand of U.S aircrafts. In fact, Vietnam produces 16 pilot aces but all of them flew Mig21 or Mig 17.

I'm still waiting for the collapse of Vietnam economy here, same thing as been said in the past several years but our GDP growth keep rising, our export keep rising, and our private business enterprises keep popping up more and more, so much for the struggling of our economy.:argh:

And keep the jobs for your Chinese citizen please, wages in China are still rock bottom, you don't even have enough jobs to feed your population. One week of working in China would not be able to buy a bowl of Pho in certain places in Hanoi that cost $35.00/bowl:P

What a joke! You reduce our average wages and make it easier for our bosses to exploit us and threaten the poorest members of our society. How will poor people from Tibet, Gansu or Guizhou be able to compete with rock bottom Vietnam wages? In china Vietnamese workers make 50% to 70% of a Chinese salary but that's already double-triple what they make in Vietnam! You can even send money home with 1400 RMB per month but elsewhere in China that's just enough to avoid starvation.

China’s exploitation of Vietnamese migrant workers « Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle

I am surprised the author has no regret or shame towards american atrocities in one of the bloodiest and unwanted war like Afghanistan but is upset over the portrayal of America in the museum.
Global Times - Illegal Vietnamese workers a growing concern in China

Don't worry, we're not racist pigs like the US is. There's no violence towards Vietnamese workers which is surprising. The bosses win because they pay lower wages, Vietnamese win because they get hire wages than back home, only Chinese workers suffer. Be glad that we are some of the most tolerant people on the planet.

Given how he is offended that people symphasize with the Vietnamese because of the usage of "Agent Orange" I doubt he'll be moved.
Why don't you learn some history yourself first.
You did not give me anything new. I stand by what I said, China supplied to Vietnam was low tech weaponry. How many US aircraft were down by Chinese Mig?

The most high tech weapon of North Vietnam was the SA-2, the Mig21, and Mig 17 that were the major killers of the high tech US warplanes
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