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Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

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Yes ..... but they managed to achieve these adjectives, only because of China's peaceful rise.

Everybody from ASEAN to India to Brazil and USA .... is so glad that China is rising "peacefully".

Long live "peaceful rise".

Same can be said about how China acquired them? Shall China thank America or India first on the subject of a peaceful rise?
Fact is there is no stopping a power from rising and falling. It's not an unknown occurrence in the human history. I am willing to bet by the time Vietnam have these China will have something else. It's just the way it is my friend.
We don't rely on these outdated Kilo class anymore.

If Vietnam thinks they can threaten our navy with these overpriced junks, then they are deadly wrong.

We have played many times with the hide and seek game with the US supercarrier battlegroup. How about Vietnam learns how to operate these toys first?

Time and again you make a fool of yourself, seems like you can't go a day without taking cheap shots at Russia while putting China on a golden pedestal. At times you stoop to manufacturing factitious claims to suit your agenda. I can't imagine why China would buy and operate such 'overpriced junks'? Russia has built hundreds of submarines over many decades--I can assure you they are very good, and Vietnam will be trained on how to operate their submarines.
Updated Friday, August 5, 2011 11:51 am TWN, AFP

Vietnam to have submarine fleet in 6 years: report
HANOI -- Vietnam will have a submarine fleet within six years, the defense minister confirmed in reports on Thursday, as China's increasing maritime assertiveness causes regional concern.

Russian media reported in December 2009 that Vietnam had agreed to buy half a dozen diesel-electric submarines for about two billion dollars, but Hanoi had not previously commented on the deal.

“In the coming five to six years, we will have a submarine brigade with six Kilo 636-Class subs,” Defence Minister Phung Quang Thanh was quoted as saying by the state-controlled Tuoi Tre newspaper.

Thanh said the fleet was “definitely not meant as a menace to regional nations,” according to Thursday's report.

“Buying submarines, missiles, fighter jets and other equipment is for self-defense,” he was quoted as saying, without specifying how Vietnam was paying for the naval investment.

“It depends on our economic ability. Vietnam has yet to produce modern weapons and military equipment, which are costly to import,” he said.

Economists say the country's economy is in turmoil with galloping inflation, large trade and budget deficits, inefficient state spending, and other woes.

Much of Vietnam's military hardware is antiquated but this week it received the first of three new coastal patrol planes for the marine police, announced the manufacturer, Madrid-based Airbus Military.

When news of the Russian deal first emerged, analysts said the acquisition aimed to bolster Hanoi's claims against Beijing in the South China Sea, where the two sides have a longstanding territorial spat that has recently flared.

Tensions were heightened in May when Vietnam accused Chinese marine surveillance vessels of cutting the exploration cables of an oil survey ship inside the country's exclusive economic zone.

Other nations in the region have accused China in recent months of becoming more aggressive in enforcing its claims to parts of the South China Sea.

The Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have overlapping claims to all or parts of the waters, believed to be rich in oil and gas deposits.

Vietnam to have submarine fleet in 6 years: report - The China Post
How exactly is this relevant to Chinese Defence?
Time and again you make a fool of yourself, seems like you can't go a day without taking cheap shots at Russia while putting China on a golden pedestal. At times you stoop to manufacturing factitious claims to suit your agenda. I can't imagine why China would buy and operate such 'overpriced junks'? Russia has built hundreds of submarines over many decades--I can assure you they are very good, and Vietnam will be trained on how to operate their submarines.

Apologies for tiger's comments. But you have to admit the stuff Russia sells to other countries is not exactly top of the line. Vietnam will be getting subs China would have had for 15 years by the time they get delivered. The kilo is a good sub but has been superseded by the Lada class in Russia's inventory, and the Qing's in China.
We don't rely on these outdated Kilo class anymore.

If Vietnam thinks they can threaten our navy with these overpriced junks, then they are deadly wrong.

We have played many times with the hide and seek game with the US supercarrier battlegroup. How about Vietnam learns how to operate these toys first?

Hehe, Our Kilo have many advance with your old Kilo , bro
First, Vietnam's Kilo submarines will be fitted with land attack cruise missile 3M-14E latest type, with a range of 290 km. Missiles are not Russia's Defense Ministry approved the export to China. Apart from Vietnam, two other countries are exporting Russian 3M-14E missiles is India and Algeria.

Besides that, Kilo 636-MV submarine is equipped with radar-guided complex multi-effects post GE2-01 type. This has not been removed for export to China, the biggest advantage is minimizing the noise in the environment and help diversify measures directions.

Sonar system, Kilo 636-MK China submarines is equipped with sonar systems MGK 400E basic types. Meanwhile, the Kilo 636-MV submarines are installing sonar systems MGK 400E type improvements. Two sonar system has the same sounding range, but the sonar system type MGK 400E is equipped with improved signal processing speed and performance more digitized higher level.

Novator 3M-14E Club S missile type of land attack cruise missile, max range 290km (photo : Elforo)

On the periscope, both Kilo 636-MK submarine and Kilo 636-MV submarines are equipped with sounding optical system, but the periscope used for tasks Kilo 636-MV attack submarines are installation of additional equipment measuring distance from IR ray and TV monitoring systems, Meanwhile, Kilo 636MK submarines primarily use optical aiming device and no distance measurement beam from. That means fighting capability at night and the attack accuracy of the Kilo 636-MV submarine will be higher than Kilo 636-MK submarine.

Final difference is the air conditioning system that Kilo 636-MV submarines using more appropriate to the climate, tropical terrain.

Besides these differences, Kilo submarines that Russia sold to China and the Russian Kilo submarine exports to Vietnam have some similarities, such as the missile is equipped with 3M-54E anti-ship, and used batteries 476 E type of improvement, long life and meet the requirements of the water temperature in the Pacific Ocean.

Sources said that the production time of two submarines on each other for over 5 years, the technology equipped for Kilo 636-MV submarines is granted with more advanced than Kilo 636-MK. Considering the differences above, according to the magazine, although both are Kilo 636 M submarines, but the gap in technology between the Kilo 636-MV submarine and Kilo 636-MK submarine at least 10 years
DEFENSE STUDIES: Vietnam Kilo 636 Submarine Technology More Advanced Than China Kilo 636 ?
with the help of USA, she will have more asnd more advantage , your Kilo can not compare :p:
siegecrossbow said:
How exactly is this relevant to Chinese Defence?
It's about comparing the diffrent Kilo sub between VN and China :p:
Hehe, Our Kilo have many advance with your old Kilo , bro
DEFENSE STUDIES: Vietnam Kilo 636 Submarine Technology More Advanced Than China Kilo 636 ?
with the help of USA, she will have more asnd more advantage , your Kilo can not compare :p:

LOL. After 15 years you should hope the Russians come with slight improvements.

BTW Kilo is being replaced with Yuan and Qing classes just like the Russians are replacing them with Ladas. Enjoy the 2nd tier technology though.
LOL. After 15 years you should hope the Russians come with slight improvements.

BTW Kilo is being replaced with Yuan and Qing classes just like the Russians are replacing them with Ladas. Enjoy the 2nd tier technology though.

Vietnam doesn't seem to understand the concept of the modern warfare, they think few 2nd tier Russian weapons can confront the entire combat system of PLA.
LOL. After 15 years you should hope the Russians come with slight improvements.

BTW Kilo is being replaced with Yuan and Qing classes just like the Russians are replacing them with Ladas. Enjoy the 2nd tier technology though.

Do you think we only have Kilo?

Wake up, and smell the coffee!!
So How about your Qing and Yuan class, comparing with our Kilo in speed, tech,tropical terrant fit, noise ??
So How about your Qing and Yuan class, comparing with our Kilo in speed, tech,tropical terrant fit, noise ??

The kilo is 70-74 meters long with displacement up to 3,900 tons with a 7 bladed propeller with capability of firing the 200 km range subsonic klub missiles.

The Yuan is 75 meters long with displacement up to 4,200 tons with a 7 bladed propeller equiped with AIP. It can fire the 200 Km range supersonic C-803 missiles

The Qing is 95 meters long with displacement up to 5,500 tons with a pump jet and AIP with capability of firing the 1,500 Km supersonic CJ 10K cruise missile

Both the Yuan and Qing class are significantly more advanced than the kilo with both having AIP, Long range, and ultra long range missiles, among many other things.
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