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Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

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Modern tactical warfare depend on: 20% practical skills, 25% experiences, 5% luckiness and 50% advanced weapons. I think Taliban gunners are more excellent in tactics and having great morale than the Vietnamese commandos in recent time and the World has been witnessing how Taliban got their ***** whooped by Pakistani SPs and the West!!!

What Chinese special ops are trained today contain 50% skills from domestic tactical training experiences and 50% collecting from the whole World even the U.S. The Chinese equipments are 99% equivalent to the most modern weapons the West has until these days. Chinese have been living in crisis from bloody riots, arm conflicts to terrorism attacks, they also have a long history of wars, with the huge size of land and population and a diversity of ethics, I don't think the Chinese are noobs at least to the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese may not seen how the Chinese SPs shot death many suspicious bastards who dare to harm the Chinese security so smoothly.

But talking is always a talking, big mouth earns no respects, let's go to real battles and observe the truth, the thing which the Vietnamese now are trying hard to avoid of that!!!

With me a weak flat man, who never touch a gun, never know how to use weapons, if I have a pistol in my hand and having a right time; right situation, I surely can kill a "super soldier" from Vietnam either.

Life is hard guessed, we cannot presume anything in future, it's like a person who knows martial arts very well to seek for someone weaker to fight with, that's really a shame but that's the ways the great Viets have been using in thousand years to against its opponents from bombing the theaters, cutting throats of defenseless people to sneaky shoot behind the bushes and self-claimed viva victories later. All we can do is avoid the stronger and look for the weaker to beat up. Just do the same tactics as what the Viets wanna do to us, making traps and saving the most powerful weapons until the right time come true and grill all of them once to ashes!
Its just a matter of time vn will be armed with nuke subs 4.5 gen jets you guys need a strong navy and india can help you in that area just look what indian navy did to its enemy in past

What a load of BS coming from the #1 biggest arms importer.I rather have my pick on China's 5g jets,still Pakistan and China has to be wary of India,cause they are jumping from 3g to 5g by adopting the " 3i's " standards in jet making just like China is with their 4s in stealth programs.
Vietnam government looks at China's carrier with fear and hate, so they announce some stupid news about getting submarines in the distant future.
Vietnam government looks at China's carrier with fear and hate, so they announce some stupid news about getting submarines in the distant future.
I don't know about Vietnam, but I look at your post with fear and hate from the scale of sheer stupidity alone. For someone with such racial jingoism, you sure show your colours with that Manchu guy in your profile. Why don't you post a Mongol as well?
I don't know about Vietnam, but I look at your post with fear and hate from the scale of sheer stupidity alone. For someone with such racial jingoism, you sure show your colours with that Manchu guy in your profile. Why don't you post a Mongol as well?

lol you're going to give yourself heartburn if you expect decorum from every Chinese person on the web. He could be just a random 15 year old.
lol you're going to give yourself heartburn if you expect decorum from every Chinese person on the web. He could be just a random 15 year old.
Heartburn? I'm quite happy to take a shot at the idiot.
Vietnam government looks at China's carrier with fear and hate, so they announce some stupid news about getting submarines in the distant future.

China's carrier to be big target, easy to fire when it make provocation in Vietnam's EZZ, dear Chinese kid.
Modern tactical warfare depend on: 20% practical skills, 25% experiences, 5% luckiness and 50% advanced weapons. I think Taliban gunners are more excellent in tactics and having great morale than the Vietnamese commandos in recent time and the World has been witnessing how Taliban got their ***** whooped by Pakistani SPs and the West!!!

What Chinese special ops are trained today contain 50% skills from domestic tactical training experiences and 50% collecting from the whole World even the U.S. The Chinese equipments are 99% equivalent to the most modern weapons the West has until these days. Chinese have been living in crisis from bloody riots, arm conflicts to terrorism attacks, they also have a long history of wars, with the huge size of land and population and a diversity of ethics, I don't think the Chinese are noobs at least to the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese may not seen how the Chinese SPs shot death many suspicious bastards who dare to harm the Chinese security so smoothly.

But talking is always a talking, big mouth earns no respects, let's go to real battles and observe the truth, the thing which the Vietnamese now are trying hard to avoid of that!!!

With me a weak flat man, who never touch a gun, never know how to use weapons, if I have a pistol in my hand and having a right time; right situation, I surely can kill a "super soldier" from Vietnam either.

Life is hard guessed, we cannot presume anything in future, it's like a person who knows martial arts very well to seek for someone weaker to fight with, that's really a shame but that's the ways the great Viets have been using in thousand years to against its opponents from bombing the theaters, cutting throats of defenseless people to sneaky shoot behind the bushes and self-claimed viva victories later. All we can do is avoid the stronger and look for the weaker to beat up. Just do the same tactics as what the Viets wanna do to us, making traps and saving the most powerful weapons until the right time come true and grill all of them once to ashes!

If you wanna get perfect in Ambush tactic, you must have perfect spy to steal all of information you need about enemies's operation.VN have some perfect spy such as Pham xuan An during VN war.

If Taliban wanna achieve perfect ambush tactic like VN, so they must cheat CIA well as VN did

And of course, we will send many spies to monitor terrorist's plot toward VNese, so pls don't try to buy Gun and sneak into VN or Cambodia or Laos, bro. The gun dealer maybe our Spy.:)
Chinese TV discusses Vietnam's diplomacy on South China Sea issue

The 5 Aug 2011 edition of CCTV-4 "Focus Today", a 30-minute current affairs program broadcast daily at 1330-1400 gmt, features a discussion on the South China Sea situation following the latest moves by Vietnam and Philippines.

The program is hosted by Lu Jian and attended by Yin Zhuo, CCTV contributing commentator and military expert with rear admiral rank and Yang Xiyu, CCTV contributing commentator and a research fellow at the Chinese Institute of International Studies.

The program begins with a short video clip showing that Vietnam spent 3.2bn dollars to purchase six Kilo-class (Type 636) attack submarines and twenty Sukhoi (Su-30 MK2V) multirole fighters from Russia.

Lu asks why Vietnam is willing to spend 2bn dollars to purchase six Kilo-class submarines. Yin replies that there are three main reasons. First, neighbouring countries of the South China Sea (SCS) are engaging in an arms race and Vietnam has the financial capability to increase its military spending. Second, Vietnam has to guard against the presence of US aircraft carriers in the region. Third, Vietnam wishes to deter China with regards to the ensuing territorial dispute over the Spratly and Paracel Islands.Yang adds that Vietnam has always adopted a two handed approach. "On one hand Vietnam wishes for peace to maintain its vested interests. On the other hand, Vietnam wishes to strengthen its military to expand its vested interests when the time is ripe," says Yang. He opines that while Vietnam has the ability to deter other neighbouring countries in the SCS, it is overestimating itself in thinking that it can deter China.

On the potential application of the Type 636 attack submarines and Su-30 MK2V multirole fighters in the SCS, Yin replies that the Type 636 attack submarines can be a major threat in the SCS. Yin adds that Vietnam has designated a submarine ambush zone in the Straits of Malacca for its tactical training. Yin says that the Straits of Malacca is a shipping lifeline of many countries including China, the United States, Japan and South Korea. "By designating a submarine ambush zone over there, it is to destroy the means of livelihood for everybody because it [Straits of Malacca] is everybody's lifeline," says Yin.

Lu asks if Vietnam intends to draw both Russia and the United States into the SCS dispute, Yang replies that Vietnam's fundamental strategy is to try its best to draw as many big nation players into the picture to form a united front to constrain China. "This, of course, is Vietnam's wishful thinking. However in taking such actions it is playing with fire. It will not only aggravate the regional situation, but it [Vietnam] will also burn itself," opines Yang. He also says that although both the United States and Russia are interested to have bases on Vietnamese soil, they have opposing strategic interests and it would not be feasible for Vietnam to play host to both countries.

The next video clip shows a World Politics Review article says that Vietnam has started making direct calls for foreign involvement in its maritime territorial dispute with China. The article also said that while many saw this as an invitation to the United States, now it seems that the foreign involvement mentioned refers to India. The clip also mentioned that Vietnamese Vice Admiral, Nguyen Van Hien offered the Indian Navy permanent base rights at the port of Nha Trang.

Yin says that Vietnam is extending its invitation to India over the United States for two reasons. First, India is growing economically while the United States is presently unable to invest in or provide economic benefits to Vietnam. Second, the United States is an extremely dangerous ex-enemy of Vietnam and wishes to take revenge for the Vietnam War by engaging in a "Color Revolution" to overthrow the current Vietnamese Government. India does not have such issues, Yin opines.

The last video clip shows that Philippines plans to auction off areas of the SCS for oil exploration. Yang says that out of the 13 oil exploration sites put up for sale, two sites fall within the disputed area. Yang describes the Philippines as being "cunning and insidious" to bundle the sites that belong to them with sites that do not belong to them and sell them together. "This is a severe challenge to China," says Yang. He feels that the Philippines plans to auction off oil exploration sites in the disputed SCS area before President Benigno Aquino III's official visit to China is "meticulously designed." Yang opines that Philippines wishes to take the two-handed approach towards China. On one hand, it seeks to pacify China with high level diplomacy. On the other hand it pursues tangible benefits and territorial gains, Yang adds.

Originally published by CCTV4, Beijing, in Chinese 1330 05 Aug 11.
Bank of Hamilton

For Vnese link:
BBC Vietnamese - Viê?t Nam - 'Ta?u ngâ?m VN ?e do?a Trung Quô?c'
On the potential application of the Type 636 attack submarines and Su-30 MK2V multirole fighters in the SCS, Yin replies that the Type 636 attack submarines can be a major threat in the SCS. Yin adds that Vietnam has designated a submarine ambush zone in the Straits of Malacca for its tactical training. Yin says that the Straits of Malacca is a shipping lifeline of many countries including China, the United States, Japan and South Korea. "By designating a submarine ambush zone over there, it is to destroy the means of livelihood for everybody because it [Straits of Malacca] is everybody's lifeline," says Yin.
When we finish convincing Mr.Thaksin to let Thailand join in the defensive line with India-Vietnam-Japan, we will use Navy Ambush attack to destroy all warship and cargo ship of any enemies in Straits of Malacca :chilli:

We're back, and as powerful as we did, we may not be the Third most powerful military in the world like during 70s-80s, but we will try to stay on Top Five , after USA-Russia-China-India :lol:
When we finish convincing Mr.Thaksin to let Thailand join in the defensive line with India-Vietnam-Japan, we will use Navy Ambush attack to destroy all warship and cargo ship of any enemies in Straits of Malacca :chilli:

Nonsense! :lol: Yes, when you can be able to convince Ms. Thaksins first .... (not Mr. Thaksin) . However, she is just a woman and she evasive on queries about Thaksin, her elder brother:

The second day in office was not so smooth for Thailand's first female prime minister, as reporters' criticism forced her to change a plan to hold a government news conference at her party HQ while tough questions about Thaksin poured in from left and right.

Yingluck evasive on queries about Thaksin

We're back, and as powerful as we did, we may not be the Third most powerful military in the world like during 70s-80s, but we will try to stay on Top Five , after USA-Russia-China-India :lol:

Go take a nap! :rofl:
Peter said:
Nonsense! Yes, when you can be able to convince Ms. Thaksins first .... (not Mr. Thaksin) . However, she is just a woman and she evasive on queries about Thaksin, her elder brother:
So, let help VietNam to convice her, dear Peter, we're so small, we can not fight with CHina alone, if you don't help, we will have to join with CHina and attack some USA's allies to get biger :lol:

Thank for your CBU-55 left in VN after the war, now, we just need 1 week to forces your allies to surrender :lol:
So, let help VietNam to convice her, dear Peter, we're so small, we can not fight with CHina alone, if you don't help, we will have to join with CHina and attack some USA's allies to get biger :lol:

Let's ask the Chinese if he wants you to join or makes Vietnam as one of China's province first? :rofl:

Thank for your CBU-55 left in VN after the war, now, we just need 1 week to forces your allies to surrender :lol:

Old arsenal ... we have better ones. You are welcome to use it on the Chineses ... :lol: if they invade you. Say thanks though.
1.Let's ask the Chinese if he wants you to join or makes Vietnam as one of China's province first? :rofl:

2.Old arsenal ... we have better ones. You are welcome to use it on the Chineses ... :lol: if they invade you. Say thanks though.
1.CHina always welcome all nations who wanna help CHina to weaken USA power.China want to control Pacific far more than making VN as one of China's province .

It's will be mutual benefit , CHina help VietNam to attack your ailles to weaken USA's power, VietNam support CHina to control Pacific ocean ,see, it's good for both, dear Peter :azn:

2.Yep, you aways have better one, but you won't sell it to your allies to avoid disclosing Technological Secrets if it fall into Vietnam's hand, right :azn:
1.CHina always welcome all nations who wanna help CHina to weaken USA power.China want to control Pacific far more than making VN as one of China's province .

It's will be mutual benefit , CHina help VietNam to attack your ailles to weaken USA's power, VietNam support CHina to control Pacific ocean ,see, it's good for both, dear Peter :azn:

2.Yep, you aways have better one, but you won't sell it to your allies to avoid disclosing Technological Secrets if it fall into Vietnam's hand, right :azn:
We need any country except Vietnam, you are ungrateful country. Dont have any expectations for joining us . We will not provide any help to you. and we not need any help from you .
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