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Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

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May 11, 2010
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United Arab Emirates
AUG 2011 20:45
HANOI - Vietnam will have a submarine
fleet within six years, the defense
minister reportedly confirmed Aug. 4, in
what analysts say is intended as a
deterrent to China's increasing
assertiveness at sea. Russian media reported in December
2009 that Vietnam had agreed to buy
half a dozen diesel-electric submarines
for about $2 billion. "In the coming five to six years, we will
have a submarine brigade with six Kilo
636-Class subs," Defence Minister
Phung Quang Thanh was quoted as
saying by the state-controlled Tuoi Tre
newspaper. Thanh said the fleet was "definitely not
meant as a menace to regional nations,"
according to the report. "Buying submarines, missiles, fighter
jets and other equipment is for self-
defense," he was quoted as saying. Ian Storey, a regional security analyst at
the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
(ISEAS) in Singapore, said the
submarine deal has been driven by
events in the South China Sea, where
China and Vietnam have a longstanding territorial spat over the Paracel and
Spratly archipelagos. Tensions rose after Vietnam in May
accused Chinese marine surveillance
vessels of cutting the exploration
cables of an oil survey ship inside the
country's exclusive economic zone. "These purchases are designed to deter
the Chinese from encroaching on
Vietnamese sovereignty," Storey told
AFP. He said the country already operates
two midget submarines bought years
ago from North Korea. In the newspaper report, Thanh did not
specify how Vietnam was paying for its
naval upgrade. "It depends on our economic ability.
Vietnam has yet to produce modern
weapons and military equipment,
which are costly to import," he said. Analysts say the country's economy is
in turmoil with galloping inflation, large
trade and budget deficits, inefficient
state spending, and other woes. Much of Vietnam's military hardware is
antiquated but this week it received the
first of three new coastal patrol planes
for the marine police, announced the
manufacturer, Madrid-based Airbus
Good going..Can these Kilos fire Yakhont...?
Vietnamese Sub Fleet indeed is a threat to many nations in Southeast Asia not only China, the Viets just use China as an excuse for building up their Navy muscle.

Vietnam has dispute with Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Singapore both in seas and lands. In the past the Malaysia and Indonesia had struck the Vietnamese pirates in dispute waters in South China Sea. All information about these incidents are hidden by the Viet government.

Most Southeast Asian nations today have conflicts with each others, they just use China to reason for their upgrading of their military power. That's why ASEAN will never be a united organization as the Nato like many gullible Viets though!!! Vietnam in fact is a clown who running around and seeking for help, it believes with its "stinky reputation" could help people united to fight for itself profits, Vietnam. Yet if people hate communist China then they don't have any reason to love ungrateful Viet Cong!!! So VC don't be too excited!!!

Good going..Can these Kilos fire Yakhont...?

It would be great if China build for Pakistan a sub fleet around 12 mini-submarines which can carry nuclear warhead missiles that can hit anywhere in India!!! China has a huge ability to do that in a short period of time, no need Pakistan pay right away China can loan you as well so India won't threaten it neighbors using its stinky flexible tongue!!!
India has Kilo class still.

Is that the reason why the Vietnam Navy Chief visited India and spoke about the Indian Navy training the Vietnam Navy?

Every country in the Pacific Rim has a problem with each other and with China!
Heh, not worried given recent increasing ASW capabilities of PLAN.
India has Kilo class still.

Is that the reason why the Vietnam Navy Chief visited India and spoke about the Indian Navy training the Vietnam Navy?

Every country in the Pacific Rim has a problem with each other and with China!

the reason is that they consider India is a strong country, could contribute much on countering China, so they r doing everything to have ur country involved in the border dispute issue... ur country is free to follow its will... i personally welcome India involved in with its military...

did u forgot how USA solve their border dispute? r u blind to see even between SK and Japan, there r also border dispute issue between them...
India has Kilo class still.

Is that the reason why the Vietnam Navy Chief visited India and spoke about the Indian Navy training the Vietnam Navy?

Every country in the Pacific Rim has a problem with each other and with China!

There are no better candidate suited to the task. India is the best Navy in Asia or second after the US 7th Fleet.

Lets hope they get a good deal out of this in 6 years time!
There are no better candidate suited to the task. India is the best Navy in Asia or second after the US 7th Fleet.

Yes ..... but they managed to achieve these adjectives, only because of China's peaceful rise.

Everybody from ASEAN to India to Brazil and USA .... is so glad that China is rising "peacefully".

Long live "peaceful rise".
Maybe India and VN can buy Russia best subs and use economies of scale to get a cheaper price from Russia?

And India can sell its nuke subs to VN as well.
It would be great if China build for Pakistan a sub fleet around 12 mini-submarines which can carry nuclear warhead missiles that can hit anywhere in India!!! China has a huge ability to do that in a short period of time, no need Pakistan pay right away China can loan you as well so India won't threaten it neighbors using its stinky flexible tongue!!!

come again...? this time in english please..
Good going..Can these Kilos fire Yakhont...?

May be No, they're equipted with 3M-14E.
cambodia Spirit said:
Vietnamese Sub Fleet indeed is a threat to many nations in Southeast Asia not only China, the Viets just use China as an excuse for building up their Navy muscle.

Vietnam has dispute with Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Singapore both in seas and lands. In the past the Malaysia and Indonesia had struck the Vietnamese pirates in dispute waters in South China Sea. All information about these incidents are hidden by the Viet government.

Most Southeast Asian nations today have conflicts with each others, they just use China to reason for their upgrading of their military power. That's why ASEAN will never be a united organization as the Nato like many gullible Viets though!!! Vietnam in fact is a clown who running around and seeking for help, it believes with its "stinky reputation" could help people united to fight for itself profits, Vietnam. Yet if people hate communist China then they don't have any reason to love ungrateful Viet Cong!!! So VC don't be too excited!!!
Haizz, Bro, we're special friend now, we don't threaten you, but we want No 1 in Navigation in ASEAN, that what we deserve after so many wars . Our fleet is No 2 now, behind Singapore only. US will support VN to become No 1 soon.

Pls go home and stop hating VN , ASEAN will be NATO with USA help, you can trust in our VN Power also :cheers:
We have more than decade of experience playing with these toys, and it was only the beginning for Vietnam.

1-Russian have more experience than yours, they can coach Vietnam how to play!!!

2-NK don't have experience at all but they can sink SK 1,500 ton frigate easily.

Subs indeed are extremely dangerous, you can't see them while they are aiming at you very clear!!!
1-Russian have more experience than yours, they can coach Vietnam how to play!!!

2-NK don't have experience at all but they can sink SK 1,500 ton frigate easily.

Subs indeed are extremely dangerous, you can't see them while they are aiming at you very clear!!!

We don't rely on these outdated Kilo class anymore.

If Vietnam thinks they can threaten our navy with these overpriced junks, then they are deadly wrong.

We have played many times with the hide and seek game with the US supercarrier battlegroup. How about Vietnam learns how to operate these toys first?
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