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Vietnam threatens legal action against China

I don't see why Vietnam feels the urge to antagonize its bigger neighbor China. China and Vietnam benefit more from cooperation.
One thing you should know is, Vietnamese are not very smart people.
Why is it the prime minister but not the president making state visit? This to me imply there is two fraction heads in VN.
not a state visit, the Prime minister visited the Philippines to speak before the World economic forum on East Asia and hold talk with the president of the Philippines.

the power is shared among 4 men. If you want to know who runs Vietnam, here is a pic:

The chinese often claim that they have "historical sovereignty" all islands and over 80% waters of SCS. So an international court would be a good opportunity for them to present their evidences to prove that.

But if the chinese dare not to come to the court, this proves the so-called "historical sovereignty" is just lies, and the chinese are the despicable liars :haha:
not a state visit, the Prime minister visited the Philippines to speak before the World economic forum on East Asia and hold talk with the president of the Philippines.

the power is shared among 4 men. If you want to know who runs Vietnam, here is a pic:

Nepotism at its finest. :D
I think around 40% of Vietnamese share the same surname Nguyen.
I have a different surname. it originates from a Viet warlord :partay:

What is Nguyen? There are three persons with the name of Nguyen. Is it family name or what?
yes, the surname is very common in Vietnam, like Lee in Korea and Wang in China.
I have a different surname. it originates from a Viet warlord :partay:

yes, the surname is very common in Vietnam, like Lee in Korea and Wang in China.

like Kim in Korea.
Let me guess, Ly from Lý Thường Kiệt? :p:

Ly Thuong Kiet has different real surname ... He was awarded the surname of the Emperor for his loyalty.
Mentioned that Ly Thuong Kiet never been considered as world famous hero, because he attacked China right in China territory as a pre-emptive offensive war.

Lý Thường Kiệt was born into a Ngô family in Thăng Long, the capital of Đại Việt. His real name was Ngô Tuấn. His father was a low-ranking general. In 1036, he served the Emperor as a captain in cavalry and later lead the imperial guard force. Because of his bravery, intelligence and loyalty, he was granted a royal name, Lý Thường Kiệt, and given an important position in the Court.

In 1075, Wang Anshi, the prime minister, told the Song Dynasty emperor that Đại Việt was being destroyed by Champa, with less than ten thousand soldiers surviving, hence it would be a good occasion to annex Đại Việt. The Song emperor mobilized troops and passed decrees to forbid all the provinces to trade with Đại Việt. Upon hearing the news, the Lý ruler sent Lý Thường Kiệt and Nùng Tôn Đản with more than 100,000 troops to China to carry out a pre-emptive attack against the Song Dynasty troops. In the ensuing 40-day battle near modern-day Nanning, the Đại Việt troops were victorious, capturing the generals of three Song armies.

In 1076, the Songs formed an alliance with Champa and the Khmer Empire and sent troops to invade Đại Việt. Lý Nhân Tông sent, again, Lý Thường Kiệt. Being one of the many great military strategists of Vietnam, Lý Thường Kiệt had placed spikes under the Như Nguyệt River before tricking the Song troops into the deadly trap, killing more than 1,000 Chinese soldiers and forcing the Chinese to retreat.

Those two glorious victories over the Song stopped their attempt to extend south.

After the victory against the Song, he also led a Vietnamese army to invade Champa two times with big victories.

Lý Thường Kiệt is one of the national heroes of Vietnam.

He died in 1105, at the age of 86.
When Viets show up their "historic evidence of territory", they are written in Chinese and dated back to a time while they are just one of "chicken houses" belonging to the Chinese empire.

Even worse with the pinoy thugs, they don't even have any thing written in Asian language.

Thugs and monkeys can only "bite"...

Ly Thuong Kiet has different real surname ... He was awarded the surname of the Emperor for his loyalty.
Mentioned that Ly Thuong Kiet never been considered as world famous hero, because he attacked China right in China territory as a pre-emptive offensive war.

Lý Thường Kiệt was born into a Ngô family in Thăng Long, the capital of Đại Việt. His real name was Ngô Tuấn. His father was a low-ranking general. In 1036, he served the Emperor as a captain in cavalry and later lead the imperial guard force. Because of his bravery, intelligence and loyalty, he was granted a royal name, Lý Thường Kiệt, and given an important position in the Court.

In 1075, Wang Anshi, the prime minister, told the Song Dynasty emperor that Đại Việt was being destroyed by Champa, with less than ten thousand soldiers surviving, hence it would be a good occasion to annex Đại Việt. The Song emperor mobilized troops and passed decrees to forbid all the provinces to trade with Đại Việt. Upon hearing the news, the Lý ruler sent Lý Thường Kiệt and Nùng Tôn Đản with more than 100,000 troops to China to carry out a pre-emptive attack against the Song Dynasty troops. In the ensuing 40-day battle near modern-day Nanning, the Đại Việt troops were victorious, capturing the generals of three Song armies.

In 1076, the Songs formed an alliance with Champa and the Khmer Empire and sent troops to invade Đại Việt. Lý Nhân Tông sent, again, Lý Thường Kiệt. Being one of the many great military strategists of Vietnam, Lý Thường Kiệt had placed spikes under the Như Nguyệt River before tricking the Song troops into the deadly trap, killing more than 1,000 Chinese soldiers and forcing the Chinese to retreat.

Those two glorious victories over the Song stopped their attempt to extend south.

After the victory against the Song, he also led a Vietnamese army to invade Champa two times with big victories.

Lý Thường Kiệt is one of the national heroes of Vietnam.

He died in 1105, at the age of 86.

You must learn Chinese well before you are able to tell real histories...Educate us how long VN has not been a dependent country in human history...
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