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Vietnam takes dragon by the fangs, says India can explore

The Vietnamese have swiftly done what it took our Government 50 years to do!

Gotta' respect them for that.

You bet. And they started this when they were weaker and divided and had another superpower rummaging in their country. Shows the difference of class in their government and our mafia rule.

Well good luck to vietnam:) . In order to stand taller that a giant, you must stand on top of another giant

Vietnam has slashed and diced this giant when the time has come in history. Sometimes it is the giant that has to bow to the junior to match him.

Well Vietnam can do what they feel provided they do not pollute Chinese waters , BP accident could have caused war between UK and USA if it was any other nation and to be honest , US is just thankful that the leak stopped because there was no end to the oil coming out whole sea life would have been dead

HUH! War between UK and USA? :blink: Are you okay?

Environmental concern, there are international norms which has punishments for it. We abide by it and ensure there will be no intentional environmental damage. Problem solved? From our end yes, but as your Red friends. They'd say something totally different.
Long live Indo-Vietnam Friendship...:cheers:

Vietnamese are brave people they kicked US once and one of its gaint neighbor also some decades ago :enjoy:




The problem here is no western country is willing to get into this messy affairs, so vietnam has no choice but to involve india, once this dispute is settle you can be sure vietnam will dump india faster than you say HI, what the indians dont understand is people from the southeast of asia dont really think much of you guys and giving a choice who they want to do business with you can be sure they will choose any western country rather than india any time.

yaa they can dump us after resolvation of dispute but they will not going to attack india as did by china,they helped vietnam during US invasion and few year later attack vietnam and killed one hundred thousand vietnam soldier and civilian
Vietnam takes dragon by the fangs, says India can explore

LMAO...sending S.O.S singal around the world to get help is considering taking dragon by the fangs?you Indian think you can defy us in South China sea? just make sure you won't lose your Tiger claw in Indian Ocean, you won't get any pay off in this advanture, your lost will outweight your gain.

it's just a bigining...

China's stepped up moves in Maldives worry India
China's stepped up moves in Maldives worry India - The Times of India
LMAO...sending S.O.S singal around the world to get help is considering taking dragon by the fangs?you Indian think you can defy us in South China sea? just make sure you won't lose your Tiger claw in Indian Ocean, you won't get any pay off in this advanture, your lost will outweight your gain.

it's just a bigining...

China's stepped up moves in Maldives worry India
China's stepped up moves in Maldives worry India - The Times of India
ok another pearl added in ur string of pearls
We stand by you Vietnam, India will not allow China to just run over Asia just like that. If China is big, India is no less. :) Try bullying someone of your own size now.
and we rang the bell in 1967 no? didn't Vietnam and Russia also kick your a$$ too?

1962 is a full blown war, 1967 you couldnt even find it in google, but if you try hard enough this is what you will find "1967-India China bordar skirmish" now get it?
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