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Vietnam takes dragon by the fangs, says India can explore

We stand by you Vietnam, India will not allow China to just run over Asia just like that. If China is big, India is no less. :) Try bullying someone of your own size now.

LMAO...The best of India is send S.O.S signal to get help and invoke other countries such U.S., Nato when confront China...you dare not to have a dual against us...what a big mouth...even a single Chinese blogger wrote an article that has shaken the entire India and infuriate Indian gorvernment...

if it takes one Chinese can single out the entire India...YOUR AFFIRMATION as "If China is big, India is no less. Try bullying someone of your own size now." is a joke

here enjoy some reading

Balkanizing, India, Chinese Way
Balkanizing, India, Chinese Way | Asian Tribune
1962 is a full blown war, 1967 you couldnt even find it in google, but if you try hard enough this is what you will find "1967-India China bordar skirmish" now get it?

a full blown war? at the most it was a border conflict it cannot be called a war since war was not even declared by either nation you guys attacked with 80,000 troops when we had less than a division yet we had managed to cause many casualties had it not been for our idiotic leader of the time the results would have much more different

its 2011 not 1962 you guys threatened to intervene during our wars in 1965 and 71 yet when we mobilized 8 mountain divisions on our border you did not do anything

The World: India and Pakistan: Over the Edge - TIME

As a long-standing ally of Pakistan, the People's Republic of China reacted with alarm to the evolving situation in East Pakistan and the prospect of India invading West Pakistan and Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. Believing that just such an Indian attack was imminent, Nixon encouraged China to mobilise its armed forces along its border with India to discourage it. The Chinese did not, however, respond to this encouragement, because unlike the 1962 Sino-Indian War when India was caught entirely unaware, this time the Indian Army was prepared and had deployed eight mountain divisions to the Sino-Indian border to guard against such an eventuality. China instead threw its weight behind demands for an immediate ceasefire.

get real and put some water on that crap you guys have not done anything since 1967 because you know the results will be much more different your leadership knows the same as well other wise do something we will see what happens :)
a full blown war? at the most it was a border conflict it cannot be called a war since war was not even declared by either nation you guys attacked with 80,000 troops when we had less than a division yet we had managed to cause many casualties had it not been for our idiotic leader of the time the results would have much more different

its 2011 not 1962 you guys threatened to intervene during our wars in 1965 and 71 yet when we mobilized 8 mountain divisions on our border you did not do anything

The World: India and Pakistan: Over the Edge - TIME

get real and put some water on that crap you guys have not done anything since 1967 because you know the results will be much more different your leadership knows the same as well other wise do something we will see what happens :)

excuses excuses and more excuses you guys is really good at having excuses for your failures yawnnnnnnnnnn
LMAO...The best of India is send S.O.S signal to get help and invoke other countries such U.S., Nato when confront China...you dare not to have a dual against us...what a big mouth...even a single Chinese blogger wrote an article that has shaken the entire India and infuriate Indian gorvernment...

if it takes one Chinese can single out the entire India...YOUR AFFIRMATION as "If China is big, India is no less. Try bullying someone of your own size now." is a joke

here enjoy some reading

Balkanizing, India, Chinese Way
Balkanizing, India, Chinese Way | Asian Tribune

Self complementing Chinese. One blogger did nothing but squat to our plans how we are going to screw China in IOR or in Himalayas. One expediting Indian religion Buddhism changed food collector illitrate China to a civilized society, feel the power of 'one' of India.

1962: Your army ran back with tail in legs when angry Battalions were rushed towards your defences, minus the use of air force. NATO and USA were politely refused for any help. Your LAC was breached and still stands breached. Go figure it out or ask some sane military expert. Only thing Chinese big mouths are good at doing is factitious propaganda after loosing militarily. Lets not forget skirmish we won and then we shoved middle finger on issue of Sikkim and still controlling Chinese wet dream claim Twang.

In future we will further make sure few more Chinese wet dreams like control on south China sea and one red world remain on check.
a full blown war? at the most it was a border conflict it cannot be called a war since war was not even declared by either nation you guys attacked with 80,000 troops when we had less than a division yet we had managed to cause many casualties had it not been for our idiotic leader of the time the results would have much more different

its 2011 not 1962 you guys threatened to intervene during our wars in 1965 and 71 yet when we mobilized 8 mountain divisions on our border you did not do anything

The World: India and Pakistan: Over the Edge - TIME

get real and put some water on that crap you guys have not done anything since 1967 because you know the results will be much more different your leadership knows the same as well other wise do something we will see what happens :)

Oh damn...we forgot that India was ready for a rematch since 1967...we evil chineses were just bunch of pu$$y...thousand excuses...ask yourself if India 1962's sickness is over in 2011? you talk like China still use donkeys to thaw the canons and Yarks to carry munitions as 1960s...If there another war...we won't be so generious as 1962, we will certainly flattern your eight mountain divisions at the first weeks of battles...you talk like we have nobody to guard Tibet boundary.
Oh damn...we forgot that India was ready for a rematch since 1967...we evil chineses were just bunch of pu$$y...thousand excuses...ask yourself if India 1962's sickness is over in 2011? you talk like China still use donkeys to thaw the canons and Yarks to carry munitions as 1960s...If there another war...we won't be so generious as 1962, we will certainly flattern your eight mountain divisions at the first weeks of battles...you talk like we have nobody to guard Tibet boundary.

did anyone call you evil? or are you just putting these words in your posts for dramatic affect? :rofl:

and oooo watch out i guess i better phone Lt Gen R K Chhabra and tell him about your threats :rofl: get real dude do something then talk your leadership is smart enough to know they can't pull of what they did in 1962 we have 8 mountain divisions waiting in Tezpur do try something and they will be at the border within hours.
the old guard indeed get well deserved respect. the new recruits however are a different story. even your own generals doubt their loyalty towards the CPC.
come back when you can scare your smaller neighbors. India is far too big for you to bully.
Self complementing Chinese. One blogger did nothing but squat to our plans how we are going to screw China in IOR or in Himalayas. One expediting Indian religion Buddhism changed food collector illitrate China to a civilized society, feel the power of 'one' of India.

1962: Your army ran back with tail in legs when angry Battalions were rushed towards your defences, minus the use of air force. NATO and USA were politely refused for any help. Your LAC was breached and still stands breached. Go figure it out or ask some sane military expert. Only thing Chinese big mouths are good at doing is factitious propaganda after loosing militarily. Lets not forget skirmish we won and then we shoved middle finger on issue of Sikkim and still controlling Chinese wet dream claim Twang.

In future we will further make sure few more Chinese wet dreams like control on south China sea and one red world remain on check.

stop living in denial and read this

Why we lost the 1962 war with China

Why we lost the 1962 war with China
Self complementing Chinese. One blogger did nothing but squat to our plans how we are going to screw China in IOR or in Himalayas. One expediting Indian religion Buddhism changed food collector illitrate China to a civilized society, feel the power of 'one' of India.

1962: Your army ran back with tail in legs when angry Battalions were rushed towards your defences, minus the use of air force. NATO and USA were politely refused for any help. Your LAC was breached and still stands breached. Go figure it out or ask some sane military expert. Only thing Chinese big mouths are good at doing is factitious propaganda after loosing militarily. Lets not forget skirmish we won and then we shoved middle finger on issue of Sikkim and still controlling Chinese wet dream claim Twang.

In future we will further make sure few more Chinese wet dreams like control on south China sea and one red world remain on check.

Sorry dude...there is no such country call India or Indian when Buddhism was introduced into China...we Chinese build our own civilization with chinese Characters unlike some other still use Master colonical english language to civilize their own country...way to go buddy

you can describe how fancy you Indians guys did in 1962...bottom like is we won and got what we wanted and shown to U.N. that we Chinese stood up...and I'm noy so sure that about you India future in south China sea but China has a bright future in Indian Ocean...wet dream or not...you certainly dare not to defy us...any resistance is futile.
Sorry dude...there is no such country call India or Indian when Buddhism was introduced into China...we Chinese build our own civilization with chinese Characters unlike some other still use Master colonical english language to civilize their own country...way to go buddy

you can describe how fancy you Indians guys did in 1962...bottom like is we won and got what we wanted and shown to U.N. that we Chinese stood up...and I'm noy so sure that about you India future in south China sea but China has a bright future in Indian Ocean...wet dream or not...you certainly dare not to defy us...any resistance is futile.

Truth hurts, right. India was always there and will remain there. Buddhism itself is good example how Indian brains can Change the history for you.

You message to UN was nothing but a bullshit. Other than few defaulters no one is friend of China.

Every resistance is fruitful when you scold back a bully.

At IOR we will make the biggest grave yard of Chinese junk and at south China sea we will make sure you dare not cross straits of Malacca.
Truth hurts, right. India was always there and will remain there. Buddhism itself is good example how Indian brains can Change the history for you.

You message to UN was nothing but a bullshit. Other than few defaulters no one is friend of China.

Every resistance is fruitful when you scold back a bully.

At IOR we will make the biggest grave yard of Chinese junk and at south China sea we will make sure you dare not cross straits of Malacca.

Our message to UN reward us a permanant seat...only loser didn't deserve it. and your resistance will only reward you with deception..such as string pearl in Indian Ocean now extend to Maldives...let try again we will make you Indian insignificant in sub continent.

Sound like straits of Malacca is your blackmail option, how about your indian drink water? we sit on top water tower of the world, you can call us King of the Hill or Paper tiger :lol: only if we divert some water that flown to India...your gorvernment will crawl into Beijing begging for pardon.
ya thats the year China back stabbed us, try ringing that bell again today and we will see what happens.

Back stabbed you? how about harbor Tibetan slave owners in 1959...and still let Dalai Lama free to bullsh1t China around the world...now I think he's back to India from Africa trip...
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