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Vietnam SU-30 locked by J-10, 10 times

How did you figure that out from that post??
I mean.. apart from the fact that it is a poor translation.. the only thing it mentions is ten lock on's..

obviously if 10 were gained on a single fighter.


The title of the post and claims made here does.


Now we don't have 10 fighter flying for a patrol on roughly 1500km long border
and there's a rule followed between wing men and they don't engage/lock on a single fighter at the same time.

So how did you reach your conclusion?

I reached on the conclusion after reading scores of posts made from the Chinese side.
@Darky ... Logically to see with SU MK2 it is impossible for Vietnams to defend themselves .. Chinese on the other hand have AWACS ... If J-10 took lock 10 times is no big deal because they knew the radar frequency and tactics.. in addition to it MK2 is not air superiority but a strike aircraft while J-10 is a multi role.. which is why there is no big deal in this result.. What vietnam needs to do is get cooperation from India.. upgrade there MK-2 with good avionics with EW... not sure how the upgrade will happen as there MK2 and our MKI are from different entities... if they are able to install all the avionics and upgrade to MKI standard it will be a force to reckon with... In addition we have to provide them with LCA and AEWACS incase DRDO is able to deliever it by 2013 end.. this will help them ....
@Santro; If you remember we had a similar incident of a Mig 29 locking on a F-16.......and what falcon pilot did was fly back quietly to base and not trying any thing stupid.......we never had 10--12 locks gained or broken.
just because they showed the true capability and $hity skills of the vietcon's glorious army``its just pathetic`:rofl:

You don't know about control system of VAF, maneuver tactic and disciplined, how can pilot to do when they on-air etc... I don't like to disclose something here.
Mr. Pupu has good joke.
@Darky ... Logically to see with SU MK2 it is impossible for Vietnams to defend themselves .. Chinese on the other hand have AWACS ... If J-10 took lock 10 times is no big deal because they knew the radar frequency and tactics.. in addition to it MK2 is not air superiority but a strike aircraft while J-10 is a multi role.. which is why there is no big deal in this result.. What vietnam needs to do is get cooperation from India.. upgrade there MK-2 with good avionics with EW... not sure how the upgrade will happen as there MK2 and our MKI are from different entities... if they are able to install all the avionics and upgrade to MKI standard it will be a force to reckon with... In addition we have to provide them with LCA and AEWACS incase DRDO is able to deliever it by 2013 end.. this will help them ....

That's another thing buddy....the question is what is this thread trying to prove......and what purpose it had.
You don't know about control system of VAF, maneuver tactic and disciplined, how can pilot to do when they on-air etc... I don't like to disclose something here.
Mr. Pupu has good joke.

VAF? what a joke. Dude, your entire "air force" has less than 100 3rd generation fighters, and you call it air force?

trust me one thing dude: we have more fighters than your missiles -- I mean missiles imported from russia.

---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

That's another thing buddy....the question is what is this thread trying to prove......and what purpose it had.

it brings a undeniable truth:

india & vietnam are just 3rd class nations without decent defence industry.
VAF? what a joke. Dude, your entire "air force" has less than 100 3rd generation fighters, and you call it air force?

trust me one thing dude: we have more fighters than your missiles -- I mean missiles imported from russia.

---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

it brings a undeniable truth:

india & vietnam are just 3rd class nations without decent defence industry.

and your remarks also proves that ur mantellity is that of a 4th grad swiper.
VAF? what a joke. Dude, your entire "air force" has less than 100 3rd generation fighters, and you call it air force?

trust me one thing dude: we have more fighters than your missiles -- I mean missiles imported from russia.

---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

it brings a undeniable truth:

india & vietnam are just 3rd class nations without decent defence industry.

Nobody said you to open your eyes from an illusive dream feel free to believe/do what makes you feel good.......:coffee:
@Santro; If you remember we had a similar incident of a Mig 29 locking on a F-16.......and what falcon pilot did was fly back quietly to base and not trying any thing stupid.......we never had 10--12 locks gained or broken.

Quite simply because the viper pilot was smart enough to know it was outgunned.
But if on multiple occasions the viper pilot kept running away and coming back.. would that not amount to ten lock ups?

its still all speculation.. but it does not give any negative clue on the PLAAF's tactics and abilities.
DARKY is by far the most naive and wannabe expert here who posts based on his "ASSUMPTIONS". Some Indians are more than hilarioius. :lol:
DARKY is by far the most naive and wannabe expert here who posts based on his "ASSUMPTIONS". Some Indians are more than hilarioius. :lol:

they lost the competition with China for a reason.

pretty simple to me.
$hity skills ??pathetic China, your Pilots skill is too bad, that why they need help from AWACs , and what happend if we shoot down this Big lady ??China pilot's skill will be no Match to us :lol:

lol simpliton, every single air mission carried out by U.S.A air force also supported by AWACs, its called modern information and electronic centric warfare which is unknown to vietcon, and their propaganda is not mature enough to cover that area as well``

guess its difficul for a 8-year-old kid to get throuhg those 'complicated' things`:D
lol simpliton, every single air mission carried out by U.S.A air force also supported by AWACs, its called modern information and electronic centric warfare which is unknown to vietcon, and their propaganda is not mature enough to cover that area as well``

guess its difficul for a 8-year-old kid to get throuhg those 'complicated' things`:D

by applying that vietnamese guys theory, the vietnamese army should arm with knifves and stickers only.
lol simpliton, every single air mission carried out by U.S.A air force also supported by AWACs, its called modern information and electronic centric warfare which is unknown to vietcon, and their propaganda is not mature enough to cover that area as well``

guess its difficul for a 8-year-old kid to get throuhg those 'complicated' things`:D
So, it's about Air tech superior not about Pilot's Skill superior.\\

@ moderator: VNAF can shoot down B-52, so, no supprise that we will shoot down AEWACS easily, pls don't give an infraction T__T.
So, it's about Air tech superior not about Pilot's Skill superior.\\

@ moderator: VNAF can shoot down B-52, so, no supprise that we will shoot down AEWACS easily, pls don't give an infraction T__T.

lol, where is the mighty prove of viet's 'super skill' ?? again 40 years ago shot down some B-52s? :)
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