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Vietnam´s President visits China

If "Vietcong" is racist, all the history text books are racist.

Get over yourself moron.

How about I will named your Chinese is Chincom or Trung Cong?

Back to the topic:

I don't understand, why Viet Nam president visit China when something is not deal-able? Is there something behind that curtain that Vietnamese people should not to know or not allow to know?
Most Vietnamese like the good side of China, her 5,000 years of wonderful cultures and custom, and hate the bad side, her arrogance and aggression. Personally I like the Chinese people in Singapore. They are smart and educated.
Is it true ? I hear some Chinese music, movies and TV series welcomed in Vietnam, young Vietnamese like China's soft power like music and medias.

@ other members here:
Pls do not bring stupid discrimination here, "Vietcong" and "Chincom" all r a$shole !!!
don't really matter you will not get a penny from us any more that is what count

can't give what you don't have (penny) you have yuan and who needed you and your dirty Chinese help. Since when did China help Vietnam?
Since when did China help Vietnam?
Ask ur parents or grandpa, how those Chinese soldiers' graves come from in Vietnam ?
Last Vietnam War, China not only provide free weapons, rice food and trucks to North Vietnam but also directly send PLA soldiers (air defense troops and logistics units in North Vietnam), there were many Chinese soldiers worked in North Vietnam some died in there. The official data said the China totally sent 230,000 PLA soldiers worked in North Vietnam during whole Vietnam War, most r air defense and construction engineering troops, ur all "JieFang" military trucks from China.




In history before N.Vietnam attacked S.Vietnam, ur VPA Army was formed and trained by Chinese officers, early years most of ur Vietnam senior officers educated & trained in PLA Army Command Colleges in China YuNan and GuangDong province.
Okay Okay u still hold most islands in SOC Sea, China continue drawing our Nine dashes in dispute seawaters.

We just do our duty for each other, i just tell u now China is experiencing a big shipbuilding time. Next years China will push more and more new ships patroling in South of China Sea, many new 056 class corvettes, CHINA COAST GUARD and China Maritime Surveillance's new ships will surround these dispute islands, then China just wait wait wait ... until ur government make final decision when dispute islands without any support from mainland. China will send 100 ships in South of China Sea to block ur mouth, it will be soon.
Like you can do it so easy, just wait to see. :coffee:
The problem with you guys is you treating every single post of yours as propaganda and with that in mind you treat others members posts the same, you guys aint really here to discuss the issues nor do your guys have the ability to have a constructive debate, the only thing you guys are good at is posting stupid pics and argue with extreme fabntasy such as you are strong powerful and all that bs
What's "propaganda"!? LOL
That´s true. We are very close, but unfortunately in many aspects we are different like day and night. There were so many reasons why Vietnam took another course than China wanted. I don´t want to continue to bury in the past as to repeat again and again is useless. Hope we will have some beautiful pictures from the upcoming visit, that I want to post here in this thread.

Confrontation leads to nowhere.
That's why our leader still call each other: brother and comdare, and Vietnam President visit PRC. But we also know their contrast of them ... that things we learned in thousand years.
Is it true ? I hear some Chinese music, movies and TV series welcomed in Vietnam, young Vietnamese like China's soft power like music and medias.

@ other members here:
Pls do not bring stupid discrimination here, "Vietcong" and "Chincom" all r a$shole !!!
1. Right, as I said that sometime, China is might and great, we know that and have respect to that fact. But if China want us bow down and give up our right benefit, of course, no way.
2. Chinese member always bring it up first: Vietcong, buy a Vietnamese bride, ungraceful ... want me remind you!?
1. Right, as I said that sometime, China is might and great, we know that and have respect to that fact. But if China want us bow down and give up our right benefit, of course, no way.
2. Chinese member always bring it up first: Vietcong, buy a Vietnamese bride, ungraceful ... want me remind you!?
“A country does not have permanent friends, only permanent interests.”
Ask ur parents or grandpa, how those Chinese soldiers' graves come from in Vietnam ?
Last Vietnam War, China not only provide free weapons, rice food and trucks to North Vietnam but also directly send PLA soldiers (air defense troops and logistics units in North Vietnam), there were many Chinese soldiers worked in North Vietnam some died in there.



In history before N.Vietnam attacked S.Vietnam, ur VPA Army was formed and trained by Chinese officers, early years most of ur Vietnam senior officers educated & trained in PLA Army Command Colleges in China YuNan and GuangDong province.

China PLA logistic troupes were in Northern provinces nearby the Vietnam China borders and China withdrawal its from 1968 when Vietnam war is getting harder and China changed his policy to USA. The photos can be Cemetry in Yen Bai or Lao Cai Provinces. There is "Tử Sĩ" who dead in the war, it should be consequences of health, ill or any accidents it could be happent, not "Liệt Sỹ" who dead in fighting directly with enemy in front. In any case, we are highly respected them.

Most of our Army officiars staff were trained in Soviet Union.
China PLA logistic troupes were in Northern provinces nearby the Vietnam China borders and China withdrawal its from 1968 when Vietnam war is getting harder and China changed his policy to USA. The photos can be Cemetry in Yen Bai or Lao Cai Provinces. There is "Tử Sĩ" who dead in the war, it should be consequences of health, ill or any accidents it could be happent, not "Liệt Sỹ" who dead in fighting directly with enemy in front. In any case, we are highly respected them.

Most of our Army officiars staff were trained in Soviet Union.
I don't know how many, but early years the N.Vietnam officers educated and trained by Chinese officers in many PLA Army Command Colleges is the TRUTH, to check their military records had proven. And our PLA soldiers worked and died in N.Vietnam also is the TRUTH.

And i remind u this guy, China PLA's senior general: 陈赓 大将(Cheng Gen) who ever was the senior staff officer in VPA, worked together with ur General Vo Nguyen Giap and ur countryfather Ho Chi Minh. This Chinese senior general Cheng Gen was a important guest for Ho Chi Minh in N.Vietnam.


When 1950 Ho Chi Minh and ur VPA kicked out from Hanoi city by French Army hiden in Northern jungle, China Mao sent this PLA's senior general and a team of China senior military officers came into N.Vietnam, worked together with ur Vientamese generals to re-make VPA's attack plans, This PLA's senior general Cheng Gen joint the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, he worked with Vietnamese general Vo Nguyen Giap.

And i tell u here, without China's help did u really think all weapons and food support from S.U can be safely shipped to N.Vietnam through the sea ? The whole Vietnamese Sea was blocked by U.S Navy 7th fleet ... all N.Vietnam's millitary supports from China and S.U by roads and railways, all from China's lands.

That's ALL 1950s~1960s Vietnam got helps and supports from Great China !!! Read more history.
I don't know how many, but early years the N.Vietnam officers educated and trained by Chinese officers in many PLA Army Command Colleges is the TRUTH, to check their military records had proven. And our PLA soldiers worked and died in N.Vietnam also is the TRUTH.

And i remind u this guy, China PLA's senior general: 陈赓 大将(Cheng Gen) who ever was the senior staff officer in VPA, worked together with ur General Vo Nguyen Giap and ur countryfather Ho Chi Minh. This Chinese senior general Cheng Gen was a important guest for Ho Chi Minh in N.Vietnam.


When 1950 Ho Chi Minh and ur VPA kicked out from Hanoi city by French Army hiden in Northern jungle, China Mao sent this PLA's senior general and a team of China senior military officers came into N.Vietnam, worked together with ur Vientamese generals to re-make VPA's attack plans, This PLA's senior general Cheng Gen joint the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, he worked with Vietnamese general Vo Nguyen Giap.

And i tell u here, without China's help did u really think all weapons and food support from S.U can be safely shipped to N.Vietnam through the sea ? The whole Vietnamese Sea was blocked by U.S Navy 7th fleet ... all N.Vietnam's millitary supports from China and S.U by roads and railways, all from China's lands.

That's ALL 1950s~1960s Vietnam got helps and supports from Great China !!! Read more history.

In the cold war, helped Vietnam is Socialist pact, socialist countries including China, headed by Soviet Union Soviet Union given biggest help for Vietnam until the end of war 1975, when we thrown out puppet regime in Saigon.
Don't forgotten that China withdrawal all logistic truppes 1968, attacked Soviet Union 1969, stopped help to Vietnam and changed your master to USA 1972. It's good example for ideology of Chinese: no friends, only interest as you posted above. Facing with betrayal policy of leadership in China, we are respected Chinese people, who were dead in Vietnam for Independence of our country.

Note, pls to check the photo above, in photo are not Chinese PLA, there are Vietnamese.
And i tell u here, ur Vietnamese General: Vo Nguyen Giap was learning military education at China Jiangwutang of Yunnan Army, and 1939 he ever joint revolution movement in China, then 1940 back to N.Vietnam.


A famous foreign studnet of China Yunan Jiangwutang:azn:

So without Great China's helps, it's very hard or impossible for the North and south Vietnam unify! Next time some Vietnamese member to say don't need China's helps or since China ever helped Vietnam, i will out and say he is a complete idiot & nut.
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