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Vietnam´s Foreign Affairs

2013: Year of Vietnam’s solidarity with India, Japan

This year sees a wide range of activities to mark the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and some other countries, including two strategic partners in Asia: Japan and India.


The three countries are situated in a region dubbed as a driving force for global growth. Vietnam’s relations with Japan and India are flourishing and the year 2013 is considered a pivotal year for the three countries to lay foundation for more sustainable cooperation in the next 40 years.
The traditional friendship between Vietnam and India was nurtured by President Ho Chi Minh and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. In October 1954, just one week after Hanoi took over power from the French Army, Indian Prime Minister Nehru paid an official visit to Vietnam. He was not only the first world leaders to visit Vietnam, but also promptly affirmed the bond between India and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in war and peace time.
Vietnam never forgets the Indian people’s support for its struggles for national liberation. The Indian people’s slogan of action “Your name, my name, our name Vietnam” has been engraved on the minds of Vietnamese generations. Their faithful friendship has provided a firm foundation for today’s thriving ties between the two countries.
Since the Vietnam-India strategic partnership was established July 2007, both countries’ leaders have defined that promoting their friendship, particularly friendship between the public’s, contributes to bilateral ties, deepens the current multi-polar trend and maintains peace, stability and sustainability in the region. The 5 consecutive people friendship festivals from 2007 to December 2012 were vivid proofs.
Many concrete cooperative programs have been formulated. Historian Le Van Lan over the past two years have been working with his Indian colleagues to build a joint cultural study project, marking the 40th anniversary of Vietnam-India diplomatic ties and the 5th anniversary of bilateral strategic partnership. Le Van Lan told VOV, “The cultural relationship between Vietnam and India is characterized by peace, cooperation and friendship. Our project conducted by the governments will praise the friendly, peaceful and cultural ties between the two countries.”
Like India, Japan is situated in a region that has lasting cultural impact on Vietnam. The geographical proximity, long-standing bond and current strategic interests have made Vietnam and Japan closer to each other. Their strategic partnership Asian peace and prosperity established in 2009 has underlined the importance of such relationship. People’s exchanges have been constantly expanded. Both countries’ leaders agree to observe 2013 as Vietnam-Japan Friendship Year and the Vietnamese government has built a project to host a series of events to mark 40 years of cooperation with Japan.
Tran Ngoc An, Director of the Foundation of Diplomatic Economics of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said “Given the strategic importance and the desire to promote Vietnam’s images to the Japanese people, the Prime Minister and the Party Secretariat has chosen this year as the friendship year with Japan. There will be hectic activities: from high-level contacts to economics, culture and education. We realize that although investment and trade ties between the two countries have grown rapidly, but there remain things to be done. If we work better in advertising Vietnam, we will attract more investment and trade from Japan.”
India with its Look East policy has received goodwill cooperation from Vietnam, who also enjoys benefits from working together with such a big partner. Meanwhile, deepening the Vietnam-Japan strategic partnership will help protect each others’ interests.

2013: Year of Vietnam
Vietnam supports Palestine’s independent State building

2/16/2013 10:58:23 AM
Voice of Vietnam


Palestinian PM Salam Fayyad

(VOV) - Vietnam is willing to send animal breeding and rice growing experts, provide technical assistance, and share its economic development experience with Palestine.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan Doan Xuan Hung, the head of the Vietnamese delegation, issued the statement at the first Conference on Cooperation among East Asian Countries for Palestinian Development (CEAPAD) in Tokyo, Japan over February 13–14.

The February 14 plenum attracted the participation of Brunei Darussalam, the Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam along with organisations including the United Nations, the League of Arab States, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and the World Bank (WB).

The conference concluded by issuing a 13-point statement in which concerned countries and parties affirmed the importance of Middle Eastern and North African stability and peace in maintaining regional and global peace and stability.

The participants stressed that the international community and Asian nations should support efforts to build a Palestinian State, citing it as an essential step in the “Two States Solution” proposed by recent UN resolutions. They also called for the early resumption of Palestinian-Israeli negotiations.

Ambassador Hung reviewed Vietnam’s Palestine assistance programmes over the past 25 years, highlighting university student study tours, drug control and anti-crime training for officials and personnel, and the assistance given to Palestinian diplomatic agencies’ operations in Vietnam.


Vietnamese Ambassador in Japan Doan Xuan Hung

Meeting with Hung, Palestinian Prime Minister Fayyad praised Vietnam for persisting with supporting the construction of Palestinian institutions and developing its national economy.

The first CEAPAD is especially significant after Palestine gained UN observer state status in November 2012 and its financial and economic difficulties continued unabated. Indonesia is expected to hold the second CEAPAD.

The UNRWA has proposed providing US$300 million to Palestinian people living in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

The agency helps refugees living in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, as well as those in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Vietnam´s Friendship Order awarded to Russian expert

Posted on FEBRUARY 17, 2013 Written by VOVNEWS



(VOV) – Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Pham Xuan Son conferred Vietnam’s Friendship Order on Nikolai Kolesnik at a ceremony in Moscow on February 16.

Kolesnik is currently President of the Presidium of Russian Inter-regional Organisation of former Soviet Union and present Russian experts who used to work in Vietnam.

Ambassador Son highlighted Nikolai Kolesnik’s great contributions to advancing the friendly and cooperative relations between Vietnam and the former Soviet Union and Russia at present.

The honour shows Vietnam's gratitude and high appreciation for great assistance and heartfelt support that former Soviet Union and Russian experts, including Kolesnik, provided to Vietnam during its struggle for national liberation and defence.

Kolesnik vowed to continue to help strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and Vietnam.

The ceremony’s attendees included astronaut Viktor Gorbatko, Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association President Vladimir Buiyanov, former Russian Ambassadors to Vietnam Boris Chaplin and Rashid Khamidulin, and Overseas Vietnamese in Russia.
Concreting VN-Danish relations

20:33 | 17/02/2013
VGP – Viet Nam and Denmark have enjoyed their established traditional relations with that in trade growing significantly. Denmark’s ambition is to double its export turnover to Viet Nam in the next five years.


Denmark officially established its diplomatic relations with Viet Nam on November 25, 1971, making itself one of the first Western countries which recognized and established diplomatic ties with Viet Nam.
In the meantime, Denmark is actively supporting Viet Nam in its doi moi (renewal) process as well as international economic integration. The two countries have regularly exchanged high-level official delegations.

Denmark is also one of Viet Nam’s leading ODA donors among the EU partners. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, Denmark has supported Viet Nam with over US$1 billion in ODA. Most of this capital have been used for infrastructure development, poverty reduction, administrative reform, environmental protection, assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises, and coping with climate change.

Viet Nam-Denmark co-operation has developed fruitfully. Bilateral trade between the two countries has reached US$290 million. In 2012, Denmark had more than 100 valid projects with a total registered capital of over US$625 million, ranking 25th out of the 96 countries and territories investing in Viet Nam.

In 2013, Denmark will provide US$57 million in ODA for Viet Nam for projects to encourage green growth and energy efficiency and cope with climate change. Besides, it will also provide an additional US$14 million to support small and medium-sized enterprises to enhance energy efficiency.

Right after 1993, when the US lifted its embargo on Viet Nam, Denmark was one of the first countries aiding Viet Nam and fisheries development was one of its priorities with assistance given to two projects to evaluate aquatic resources (ALMAV) and improve the quality and export of fisheries (SEAQIP).

The two governments have considered and decided on supporting the Vietnamese fisheries, from separate projects to integrated program. Since then, the Fisheries Sector Programme Support to Viet Nam Phase 1 (2001-05) and Phase 2 (2006-12) have been built and implemented.

Apart from supporting green growth, the Danish ODA for Viet Nam in the coming years will also support public management and cultural exchanges. By which, from now until 2015, Denmark will provide US$3 million a year for cultural performance and exchange activities between the two countries.

The visit to Viet Nam of Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt in November 2012 was a clear signal of the two countries’ strong bilateral relations.

The Danish Prime Minister had meetings and talks with Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Truong Tan Sang and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. She also introduced and launched a new Danish growth strategy for working with Viet Nam as a new step to reach a comprehensive development agreement, which is expected to be signed in Copenhagen in 2013.

With all the best that the two countries have offered to each other in the previous years, we have a strong belief that bilateral relations would gain more successes and expand in realistic co-operation field for the benefit of both sides and for peace, stability and development in the region and the world.

By Ngoc Van
Bulgarian President to visit Vietnam

Updated : 2/21/2013 8:51:13 AM
VOV Online


Bulgarian President Rosen Asenov Plevneliev

(VOV) - Bulgarian President Rosen Asenov Plevneliev will pay an official visit to Vietnam from February 24-28 at the invitation of President Truong Tan Sang.

Plevneliev will be accompanied by representatives from over 40 leading Bulgarian businesses that specialise in food processing, farm produce imports, health care and tourism.
US attaches importance to relations with Vietnam

Updated : 2/18/2013 6:06:12 PM
VOV online


Secretary of State John Kerry

(VOV) - Secretary of State John Kerry has confirmed that the US wants to further boost relations with Vietnam.

The newly-appointed diplomat voiced the Obama administration’s policy towards Vietnam in a February 16 phone call to his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh.

He extended best wishes to Vietnamese people on their traditional lunar New Year (Tet) holiday.

Minh thanked Kerry and expressed his hope that the US Secretary of State will continue making a greater contribution to Vietnam-US relations, for mutual benefits and for peace, stability and development in the region and the rest of the world.

The two diplomats exchanged a number of measures to strengthen bilateral relations and prepare for upcoming visits by both sides in 2013.
Vietnamese top legislator meets with IPU Secretary General in Hanoi

HANOI, Feb. 20 — The Vietnamese National Assembly will try its utmost to meet all requirements and successfully host the General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in 2015.

The statement was made here on Wednesday by Vietnamese top legislator, NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung, at his reception for IPU Secretary General Anders B. Johnsson during the latter’s visit to Vietnam.

While warming welcoming the visit by IPU official the first foreign guest to Vietnam in the traditional lunar New Year, Hung informed the guest of the country’s situation in various areas.

Hung said that in recent years, Vietnam has maintained stable politics, security and national defense. The Vietnamese National Assembly has implemented renewals in forms and contents of its activities towards promoting democracy, perfecting legal system and strengthening the law-governed principles. It has performed well as a representative of the people, ensuring gender equality and better protecting the human rights.

Hung also highly evaluated the role and achievements that the IPU has achieved in promoting democracy throughout the world, as well as supporting parliaments in handling challenges during their development.

Vietnam proposed to host the IPU General Assembly in 2015 as a practical contribution to the development of IPU, said the Vietnamese top legislator, adding that the country is going to complete the draft plans on preparations for the organization of this significant event for approval by the IPU Secretariat.

The IPU general secretary applauded Vietnam’s achievements in many areas, including renewals in activities by the Vietnamese National Assembly. He also expressed his belief that Vietnam is able to host successfully IPU General Assembly in 2015 due to the country’s capability and experience. He promised to complete necessary reports and present them to the IPU standing committee for final approval, as well as send experts to support Vietnam in doing preparation work.

First established in 1889, with its headquarters in Geneva, the IPU now has 155 members and 9 associate members. It meets bi- annually and its 128th meeting will take place in Quito City, Ecuador in March 2013.
Serbian diplomat visits Vietnam

Updated : 2/25/2013 11:18:26 AM
VOV online


(VOV) - Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Mrkic will pay an official visit to Vietnam from February 27 to March 2 at the invitation of his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh.

During the visit, the two FMs will discuss measures to strengthen the traditional friendship and cooperation in a wide range of areas from politics and diplomacy to economics, trade, culture, and tourism between Vietnam and Serbia.

They will also exchange views on regional and international issues of mutual concern.
Australia wants to upgrade ties with Vietnam

Updated : 2/26/2013 5:01:46 PM


Ambassador Hugh Borrowman addressing the ceremony

(VOV) - Australia wants to develop a comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam in the near future, Ambassador Hugh Borrowman has said.

The Australian diplomat made the announcement at a ceremony launching celebrations for the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries in Hanoi on February 26.

He emphasised effective cooperation across various fields, especially in the cultural and education and training sectors. More than 40,000 Vietnamese students are currently studying in Australia, of whom about ten percent receive scholarships granted by the Australian Government.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son thanked Australia for its help in realising the ongoing Doi Moi (Renewal) process in Vietnam.

He said Vietnam has become an attractive destination for Australian investors and tourists. In 2012 the country welcomed more than 200,000 Australian visitors. He also praised overseas Vietnamese in Australia for their contributions to the homeland.
Vietnam to participate in UN peacekeeping missions

HANOI, Vietnam — HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - Vietnam says it will begin participating in United Nation's peacekeeping operations from early next year, a further sign that the Southeast Asian nation wants to assume a bigger role in international affairs.

Facing a rising demand, the U.N. has publicly appealed for countries to send more troops and police officers to help carry out its peacekeeping missions around the world. Vietnam didn't say how large a contribution it was prepared to make. Most of the 115 participating countries currently make only token contributions of less than 40 people.

State-controlled Tien Phong newspaper on Tuesday quoted Vice Defense Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh as telling visiting assistant General Secretary Edmond Mulet that Vietnamese troops would be available from early next year. The report gave few other details.

Vietnam opened its economy to foreign investment in the 1990s and has followed a steady policy of embracing regional and international institutions. But the communist rulers of the country's 87 million people have shown no sign of relaxing bans on freedom of speech and political activism even as they seek greater global clout.

Countries contribute troops to the U.N. for a variety of reasons, including national prestige, the ability to influence individual missions and a perception that doing so may help in bids for elected seats at the world body. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon acknowledged in 2011 that sourcing peacekeepers was a major problem, saying he had been "begging leaders to make resources available to us."

There are currently 15 U.N. peacekeeping missions around the world. Bangladesh is currently the biggest contributor, with more than 8,000 personnel, closely followed by Pakistan and India. The United States and most European countries, while being the major bankrollers behind the peacekeeping program, mostly prefer to deploy their troops with NATO and EU or other Western-led missions.

A study last year by International Peace Institute placed Vietnam among 33 countries that had potential to either begin contributing troops or significantly strengthen their commitment. Vietnam's neighbor, and fellow communist state, China, is a moderate contributor that the study said could become a larger player.

Read more: Vietnam to participate in UN peacekeeping missions » Ventura County Star
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