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Vietnam´s Foreign Affairs

‘Hello Vietnam’ showcased in New York

Updated : Thu, January 31, 2013,4:00 PM (GMT+0700)


The fashion show features 30 sets of Ao Dai Vietnamese traditional style with 15 Vietnamese models at AMNH’s Hall of the Universe in West Central Park. Photo: Tuoi Tre

The Institute for Vietnamese Culture & Education (IVCE) organized a Vietnamese culture program for the Asian Lunar New Year at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York on January 25-26.

The first event, the fashion show, featured 30 sets of Ao Dai Vietnamese traditional style with 15 Vietnamese models at AMNH’s Hall of the Universe in West Central Park.

The 30-minute fashion show, under the theme song "Hello Vietnam" performed by Pham Quynh Anh, was a long and complex one, showing the natural beauty of the Vietnamese traditional dress.

Before the show that drew over 500 American and Vietnamese guests, NBC Television hosted an interview with Prof. Laurel Kendall on the meaning of the Vietnamese Tet holiday and with designer Le Thanh Phuong for the Ao Dai fashion.

This is the first time an American leading television station introduced Vietnam's culture and traditional fashion to the American audience.
Vietnam´s Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung met with his Cambodian and French counterpart during his visit to Cambodia for the cremation ceremony of late Cambodian King on February 4.


PM Nguyen Tan Dung and Cambodian PM Hun Sen


PM Nguyen Tan Dung and his French counterpart Jean Marc Ayrault
Vietnam backs denuclearisation on Korean peninsula
Updated : 2/5/2013 3:01:04 PM Voice of Vietnam


Foreign ministry spokesperson Luong Thanh Nghi - Source: VNA

(VOV) - Vietnam follows with keen interest recent developments on the Korean Peninsula and persists in supporting peace, stability and denuclearisation on the peninsula.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Luong Thanh Nghi made the statement in Hanoi on February 5 in response to a reporter’s question on Vietnam’s viewpoint on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula.

“We call on concerned parties to strictly observe the UN Security Council’s resolutions, boost dialogues and take practical actions to implement the process of denuclearisation on the Korean Peninsula so as to contribute to peace and stability in the region and the world at large.”
Vietnam boosts ties with Germany, Pakistan

Updated : 1/22/2013 6:15:12 PM Voice of Vietnam


German ambassador Jutta Frasch

(VOV) - Vietnam will do its utmost to strengthen relations with Germany, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung told ambassador Jutta Frasch in Hanoi on January 22.

Germany is one of Vietnam’s most important partners in Europe, Hung stressed, adding that both countries have established the strategic partnership during Chancellor Angela Markel’s visit to Hanoi in October 2011.

This marked a turning point in the two countries’ relations, giving fresh impetus to bilateral cooperation in various areas, from politics to economics, trade, investment, development cooperation, education and training, said Hung.

He acknowledged Frasch’s role in boosting the comprehensive relationship between Vietnam and Germany, and proposed that the diplomat make a more active contribution to fostering parliamentary links to share experience in legislation and supervision.

Frasch vowed to promote parliamentary exchanges to cement cooperative ties between Germany and Vietnam.


Pakistani ambassador Shahid M.G. Kiani

The same day, Hung received outgoing Pakistani ambassador Shahid M.G. Kiani, who confirmed that Pakistan wants to consolidate relations with Vietnam.

He proposed that the two legislatures soon establish friendship parliamentarians groups to strengthen cooperation between the two legislative bodies and countries.

NA Chairman Hung reiterated Vietnam’s consistent policy of attaching importance to relations with countries in South Asia, including Pakistan. He expressed his hope that in the new capacity the diplomat will continue supporting and promoting cooperation between the two parliaments.
@Hu Songshan
can I suggest this thread to be sticky? Thank you.
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Now do an post on Viet-US relations proper!
Okay, here we are: a news from last December, that might surprise somes.

CPV delegation visits US

19/12/2012 | 22:41:45 Vietnam Plus


Hoang Binh Quan, member of the CPV Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations (Source: VNA)

A Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) delegation led by Hoang Binh Quan, member of the CPV Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations, visited the US from December 9-19.

During the visit, made at the invitation of the US State Department, the delegation held talks with US Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman as well as met with Daniel Russell, special assistant to the US President, and a number of senators, congressmen and senior officials from the US Administration.


US Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman

The delegation met UN Deputy Secretary-General for the Department of Peacekeeping Operations Herve L adsous, the US Communist Party Chairman Sam Webb, as well as several left wing representatives.

Quan and his delegation also discussed with senior scholars and experts from top US research institutes in Washington , New York , California and Hawaii . They also held working sessions with political and social institutes of the Republic and Democratic Parties.

During the sessions, Quan briefed the US partners on the policies and achievements of Vietnam during its cause of renewal, the country’s recent socio-economic situation as well as the CPV and Vietnamese State ’s foreign policy of independence, self-control, peace, cooperation and development.

The two sides sought directions and measures to make Vietnam-US relations more practical and effective in the future.
The Prince Consort of Denmark visits Vietnam
15:57 | 30/01/2013 cpv


(From left to right) The Queen of Denmark, the Prince Consort, the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess at the Prince Consort’s old house in Hanoi in 2009. (Photo: Embassy of Denmark to Vietnam)

(CPV) - His Royal Highness the Prince Consort of Denmark is paying a private visit to Vietnam from January 30 to February 5, said the Embassy of Denmark to Vietnam today.

The Prince Consort has a unique relationship to Vietnam where he spent his early childhood and later studied and graduated from the French secondary school in Hanoi before travelling to France where he studied law and political science at the Sorbonne, Paris, and Chinese and Vietnamese languages at the École Nationale des Langues Orientales.

During the visit, the Prince Consort of Denmark will recall his many beautiful memories about Vietnam and the Vietnamese people by visiting Hanoi, Hai Phong, Quang Ninh and Ho Chi Minh City.

He will also meet his old schoolmates, take a tour to historical sites, visit his former residence, and visit successful Danish-Vietnamese companies which are front-runners in implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and advanced green technology into their daily business in the nation./.
No one will trust the communist parties of Vietnam because they are corrupted and all talk but no action.
No one will trust the communist parties of Vietnam because they are corrupted and all talk but no action.
There are promising signs inside Vietnam hinting the current cancer of corruption will be fought. Several laws are enacted recently. We have to wait a bit.
corruption is huge in Vietnam and it goes from top (the prime minister and the communist parties) to a police officer. That's not just a problem there are many more corruption such as their educational system, healthcare system, on and on. If the prime minister himself is corrupted think of how many other people in this system are corrupted? Do you know why Vietnam lost so many foreign investors? because of all this. The educational system in Thailand is even better than Vietnam. The stupid runs the smart in Vietnam today. The smart has to listen to the stupid that's why Vietnam's economy is dropping like a rock.
I see two main weaknesses of Vietnam´s economy: you are right with corruptions and incompetence. But the second weakness weigh heavier: lack of capitals.

Unlike China, we lack of money to push the economy.
Deputy PM receives International guests

2/7/2013 10:35:23 AM Voice of Vietnam

(VOV) - Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc received World Bank (WB) Country Director Victoria Kwakwa and Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yasuaki Tanazaki in Hanoi on February 6.


World Bank (WB) Country Director Victoria Kwakwa


Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yasuaki Tanazaki
Vietnam treasures ties with France
Updated : 2/7/2013 2:54:24 PM Voice of Vietnam



Yamina Benguigui, French Minister for la Francophonie

(VOV) - Vietnam attaches great importance to cooperation with France and the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) as well as with its members.

State Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan made the statement while receiving Yamina Benguigui, French Minister for la Francophonie, in Hanoi on February 7.

Vietnam is a proactive and responsible member of the OIF, Doan told her guest.

She valued France’s role and confirmed that the European nation is one of Vietnam’s key economic partners and ODA donors in the European Union. Doan proposed that both countries increase cooperation in culture and education, and work closely together to celebrate 40 years of diplomatic ties in 2013.

Benguigui expressed pleasure at the fruitful development of France-Vietnam ties over the years, and voiced the French government’s resolve to maintain ODA for Vietnam.

She revealed that France is determined to upgrade the Hanoi University of Science and Technology into an international level.
Last update 14/02/2013 (GMT+7) 0 0 12345

Vietnam-RoK boost strategic cooperative partnership

On January 13-16, 2013, at the invitation of National Assembly (NA) Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung, Kang Chang-hee, Speaker of the NA of the Republic of Korea (RoK) paid an official visit to Vietnam. The visit boosts the mutual understanding and trust and serves as an impetus to promote the relationship between the two countries in all fields.


NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung described the official visit of the Speaker of the Korean NA and high-level delegation as a demonstration of the strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries, which would continue strengthening the friendship and cooperation between the two NAs.

Hung expressed his satisfaction at the development of the bilateral ties, especially the success of the Vietnam-RoK Friendship Year that marked the 20th anniversary of their diplomatic ties. The NA Chairman also affirmed that Vietnam always paid much importance to and wished to further promote cooperation with the RoK, and suggested that the two sides would maintain the exchange of delegations at all levels to boost mutual understanding and trust.

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung hoped the Korean NA would continue to support Vietnam and help increase Official Development Assistance (ODA) from RoK, especially for the infrastructure field. Vietnam’s NA pledged to further examine and supervise the implementation of ODA to ensure it would be used effectively.

In recent years, the two countries have coordinated closely at regional and international parliamentary forums. NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung believed that the joint efforts made by the two NAs, States, Governments and people would help the Vietnam-RoK strategic cooperative partnership flourish, for the mutual benefits, peace, stability and development in the region and the world.

Kang Chang-hee agreed with his counterpart’s suggestions and said that over the last two decades, the two countries’ businesses have established a close and effective relationship, creating a premise to promote bilateral cooperation and relations. With its strength in economic development and industry, RoK would be willing to cooperate and share its experiences with Vietnam. He added that RoK hoped that a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) with Vietnam would be signed soon and is considered an important document for expanding the comprehensive cooperation between the two nations.

Over the years the cooperation and relationship between the two NAs has helped strengthen exchanges and understanding between the two nations’ people. Kang Chang-hee also said that the RoK Parliament always hopes to closely cooperate with its Vietnamese counterpart to share experiences on legislation and supervision. The leader added RoK had a policy on building a multi-cultural society and would make great efforts to ensure the interests of foreign brides, including those from Vietnam.

During the talks, the two sides agreed to strengthen coordination and boost cooperation in science and technology. The legislators affirmed that they would do their utmost to foster friendship and cooperation between the people and parliaments of both countries.

During the visit, Kang Chang-hee met with Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, State President Truong Tan Sang and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. He also visited the Korean Cultural Centre in Vietnam, Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam (The first National University and the Temple of Literature) and Ha Long Bay.






Vietnam-RoK boost strategic cooperative partnership - News VietNamNet
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