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Vietnam Ready to Host Russian Maritime Base.

^ LOL at two pathetic people. China is rising so fast you can't bear to watch it :smokin:

No big deal. The Middle Kingdom is accustomed to jealousy from barbarians. But if you get hostile, then we spank weak countries like Vietnam and india.

You both know why China would crush the weak countries first :azn: because that's how the game is played
Yes china rose so fast and high that it went above the clouds now noone can see it from the earth.:cry:
^ LOL at two pathetic people. China is rising so fast you can't bear to watch it :smokin:

No big deal. The Middle Kingdom is accustomed to jealousy from barbarians. But if you get hostile, then we spank weak countries like Vietnam and india.

You both know why China would crush the weak countries first :azn: because that's how the game is played

Oh yeah? Right !!!

China spank Viet Nam with its bloody noses, in resulted that more 20.000 Chinese boys stayed on the Viet Nam graveyards. That's the way China spank to Viet Nam. That's how pathetic that you were mentioned about.
Oh yeah? Right !!!

China spank Viet Nam with its bloody noses, in resulted that more 20.000 Chinese boys stayed on the Viet Nam graveyards. That's the way China spank to Viet Nam. That's how pathetic that you were mentioned about.
:lol: :lol: :lol: But our invasion killed 100,000 Viet civilians and left 6 provinces wasteland...... you really thought the Soviet Union was going to protect you after you signed the defense treaty with them but they stabbed you in the back really well....... this time PLA will lay waste to all 58 provinces....... get ready for some scorched Earth again!
I heard this is a central maintenance-repair ship-warships, not a naval base.

Russia did and is helping Vietnam in training navy, including submarines....
This is a win-win cooperation....
:lol: :lol: :lol: But our invasion killed 100,000 Viet civilians and left 6 provinces wasteland...... you really thought the Soviet Union was going to protect you after you signed the defense treaty with them but they stabbed you in the back really well....... this time PLA will lay waste to all 58 provinces....... get ready for some scorched Earth again!

But "strong" PLA was defeated by the girls of Vietnamese militia with Modern Weapons of Soviet Union.... :cheesy:
Now don't like that time, our Regular Army is not busy with Khmer Rouge, remember that they are stronger than the girls of Vietnamese militia, and we still have the Modern Weapons of Russia.... :cheesy:

Seasoned by decades of guerrilla war and equipped with the latest Soviet technology, the Vietnamese proved too strong for China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), whose strategy still revolved around deploying "human waves" of ragtag soldiers, a tactic used nearly three decades before during the Korean War.


Tomb of the Unmourned Soldier
A "martyr's cemetery" in China's southern Yunnan province. Though casualty figures remain unclear, estimates suggest at least 20,000 Chinese soldiers died, while Vietnamese dead number under ten thousand. State media on both sides have remained quiet on the 30th anniversary of the war. While tensions flared over border disputes in the subsequent years, the Communist neighbors, linked by centuries of history, have buried the hatchet and now enjoy significant economic ties.

China-Vietnam Border War, 30 Years Later - Photo Essays - TIME

BTW: Where do you get the 100,000 figure? Vietnam's government claimed only 10,000 civilians killed.
Why not declare a 100 million so that it corresponds to "strength" of the PLA?? :lol:
So now what?

In Cam Ranh Bay future that will have U.S, Russia, India will staying there for "Maintenance"? So, China should not to worry then, all 3 big countries ships are "out of order" and "Maintenace needed" and then China Navy's can shoot any fishermen ships in SCS now.

China should do more strong actions, then 3 big countries ships will sitting ducks.

bro, are you Vietnamese?
when reading your comment I have my doubt...
Cooperate with the Russians, the Americans as well as the Indians is a good deal for Vietnam. We get money and can improve our strength.
bro, are you Vietnamese?
when reading your comment I have my doubt...
Cooperate with the Russians, the Americans as well as the Indians is a good deal for Vietnam. We get money and can improve our strength.

Yeah... I am Vietnamese with 100% pure blood. How's life in Germany? It is nice to meeting you here.

On topic:

Russia and Viet nam has been long relationship, and like you just said cooperate with India, U.S or any nations are good. Excepted, have to watch out the greedy China.
But "strong" PLA was defeated by the girls of Vietnamese militia with Modern Weapons of Soviet Union.... :cheesy:
Now don't like that time, our Regular Army is not busy with Khmer Rouge, remember that they are stronger than the girls of Vietnamese militia, and we still have the Modern Weapons of Russia.... :cheesy:
:rofl::rofl: Is that the propaganda they tell you in Vietnam to cover up how the PLA invaded your country and fed your countryside girls with Chinese noodle?


BTW: Where do you get the 100,000 figure? Vietnam's government claimed only 10,000 civilians killed.
Why not declare a 100 million so that it corresponds to "strength" of the PLA?? :lol:
It was reported by your own government :lol:

sino vietnamese war
But "strong" PLA was defeated by the girls of Vietnamese militia with Modern Weapons of Soviet Union.... :cheesy:
Now don't like that time, our Regular Army is not busy with Khmer Rouge, remember that they are stronger than the girls of Vietnamese militia, and we still have the Modern Weapons of Russia.... :cheesy:

BTW: Where do you get the 100,000 figure? Vietnam's government claimed only 10,000 civilians killed.
Why not declare a 100 million so that it corresponds to "strength" of the PLA?? :lol:
Red book of course...
China Tells US to ‘Shut Up’ Over Sea Criticism

Posted Monday, August 6th, 2012 at 2:20 am

China's state-controlled media lashed out Monday at the U.S. criticism of Beijing's claims over a wide swathe of the disputed South China Sea.

A commentary in the overseas edition of the Communist Party's People's Daily said Washington needs to “shut up.”

China is upset about a U.S. statement Friday that Washington is closely monitoring territorial disputes in the South China Sea. The statement said China's establishment of a military garrison and city risk “further escalating tensions in the region.”

On Saturday, China's Foreign Ministry summoned a senior U.S. diplomat who was told the U.S. must respect China's sovereignty.

Last month, China announced the establishment of a new garrison and city built on several disputed islands in the South China Sea.

The islands are also claimed by the Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.

The area in dispute is thought to be rich in oil and gas.

China Tells US to ‘Shut Up’ Over Sea Criticism « VOA Breaking News


I really love such news: China angers over the U.S.
Looks our diplomatic effort has born some fruits. China shouldn´t stop to provoke Vietnam.
Yeah... I am Vietnamese with 100% pure blood. How's life in Germany? It is nice to meeting you here.

that´s fine. All is cleared now. It´s not too bad here in Germany. You can make good money, but the weather is not so nice, almost cloudy, rarely sunshine, even in summer, winter is cold. Hard finding good places to eating out and spending money.
Of course they can.. If we invade their motherland.

And I dont see India doing any such thing in future... However You might see more Indians in Vietnam and Vietnamese in India once the the highway is complete through Myanmar...

The likelihood of a war between Vietnam and India is ZERO.
But a new confrontation between Vietnam and China cannot be excluded.
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